April-May 2018
Soccer and the Gospel
news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com.

IM Ends 2017 in Black, Erases Missionary Deficits
Antioch, Tennessee—For the fourth year in a row, International Missions ended the year in the black. General Director Clint Morgan enthusiastically stated, “We rejoice in God’s provision through His people!”
At year-end, undesignated donations to the World Missions Offering (WMO) totaled $552,768.04. The 2017 WMO was designated to support partnership commitments ($275,795.91) with the balance split between missionaries in need (60%) and the general
fund (40%).
As of December 31, 2017, all missionary deficits were erased. The WMO contributed $166,183.28 to the erasure. The balance of $53,495.02 from the general fund completed the effort to leave no missionary with a deficit.
“No words describe the joy of having adequate income to erase the 2017 deficits of all missionary accounts. Each missionary staring at red ink embarks into 2018 with a blank slate and the hope of securing adequate resources to fully fund their accounts,” said Director Morgan.
“We used undesignated gifts to the WMO and the general fund,” CFO Rob Conley explained, “to erase all $219,678.30 of deficit missionary accounts. While extremely thankful we could do this, it means all 10 accounts are underfunded. Giving missionaries a clean slate on December 31 does not mean they will not have a deficit again. That is, unless people support these struggling accounts on a monthly basis. Please, look at the list of those who are underfunded and choose at least one account to support monthly.”
Missionaries who began 2018 with $1.00 or less in their accounts are: Rusty and Brenda Carney, Jerry and Barbara Gibbs, Carlisle Hanna and India Ministries, Don and Ruth McDonald, Neil and Mandi Morgan, Matt and Cristina Price, Lázaro and Ariadna Riesgo, Nathan and Linda Snow, Dennis and Carol Teague, and Steve and Lori Torrison. Those listed in italics are currently on stateside assignment.
Morgan reminded, “Lack of monthly support moved missionary accounts into the red. Faithful monthly giving will put our missionaries on the field and keep them there.”
Snapshots Around the World
Brazil: Pastor Israel Paranhos (below) at the Second FWB Church in Araras, Brazil, baptized two young men on New Year’s Eve.

Panama: The Panama Association of FWB Churches held their annual convention January 6-7. Dr. Kenneth Eagleton, director of field partnerships, attended the services, met with the executive committee, and visited churches throughout the country.
Japan: Mrs. C. and her two sons began attending Kamifukuoka Christ FWB Church after joining in the church’s family Christmas program in December. She accepted Christ as Savior in January.
Cuba: Cuban pastors and leaders participated in a five-day retreat on the campus of the Cedars of Lebanon Seminary in Pinar del Rio, Cuba, January 22-27. The retreat featured speakers from the States. Dr. Robert Picirilli led two sessions each day, one on Calvinism versus Arminianism and the other on the pastor and his ministry. Dr. Neil Gilliland spoke daily on pastoral counseling. Dr. Danny Baer taught daily sessions on evangelism. Additionally, the men gathered each evening for worship services. Dr. Picirilli addressed the men twice during the week and Dr. Baer preached once. Sam McVay traveled with the team and served as translator. Sam, Neil, and Dr. Picirilli spent the weekend following the retreat in Havana and spoke in the La Lisa FWB Church on Sunday.
France: The Free Will Baptist church in Nantes elected their first French pastor, Patrice Alcindor, on February 11. The Alcindor family will move to Nantes in July to begin their ministry. Over the last four decades, missionaries have pastored this church.
Nicaragua: A Panamanian couple (members of the Bethania FWB Church in Panama City, Panama), Emiliano and Carolaine, enrolled in a master’s of business administration course at a prestigious Nicaraguan university several years ago. Emiliano completed the two-year course at the top of his class. The university invited him to stay on as a researcher. From the beginning, the couple held Bible studies at the university. Intellectuals at all levels of faith—agnostic to Catholic, curious to nominal believers—have attended throughout the time. An average of nine people participate in each study. Kenneth Eagleton heard their testimony at the annual Panamanian national convention and encouraged, “Pray the Lord would give Emiliano wisdom as he responds to deep questions. Ask God to change lives as people come into contact with His Word.”

France: The first JPense event of 2018 (pictured above) was held January 27. More than 150 people attended, with non-believers bringing other non-believers. Approximately 10% of attendees signed up to participate in discussion groups. Joel Teague addressed the theme, “Where is God? Why is there so much suffering in the world?”
Panama: Panamanian women held their annual retreat (pictured below) February 2-3 on the campus of the Chame seminary. Typically, the time is reserved for encouragement, fellowship, and the spiritual growth of women who gather from churches around the country. This year, women decided to focus on evangelism and invited unsaved friends to attend with them, free-of-charge. Several women made professions of faith. Keila Delgado, formerly of Panama and Cuba and currently living in Arkansas, spoke during plenary sessions.

Côte d’Ivoire: On Sunday, January 28, Pastor Jean-Daniel of the Doropo FWB church baptized 25 people in a river outside the town. The next week, February 4, he baptized 14 people from the mission work in Tchantifidouo. Pastor Jean-Daniel, who oversees this mission church, was a member of the first graduating class of the Bible institute in Bouna.
Brazil: Rômulo Biscola, serving as youth pastor at the Jaboticabal FWB Church, was ordained to the ministry 12. Jeancarlo Achê is pastor of the Jaboticabal Church. The ordaining council of the Alliance of Free Will Bapstist Churches approved Estevão Achê, Jeancarlo’s son, for pastoral ordination on February 3. Estevão and his wife serve as the leaders of a mission work in Guariba. Both couples are expecting their first child in a few months.
Japan: Dr. K. accepted Christ as Savior on Christmas Day 2017! The doctor, a pediatrician in Bihoro, met missionaries Doug and Miriam Bishop four years earlier while treating their children. He expressed interest in the English classes the couple planned to hold. When Miriam began a Mommy and Me English class, he enrolled his two-year-old son. A few months later, Doug and Rusty Carney began teaching an adult English class that involved studying the Bible in English. Dr. K. joined the class, participating over the next three years. When the Bishops departed for stateside assignment, Rusty continued the class. A few days before the Carneys were scheduled to depart, on Christmas Day, Pastor Ishii and Rusty led Dr. K. to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.