December 2016 -January 2017
Beyond the Walls
news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com.

30 Samburu Respond to the Gospel
Kenya—After a weeklong visit to Barsalinga, Eddy and Amanda Simmons’ coworker among the Samburu, Jackson, called September 3 to share good news with the Simmons.
Eddy enthusiastically reported, “He visited Mama Wetu’s place again, and eight more people repented of their sins, surrendering their lives to Yesu trusting Him by faith! This is in addition to six who were saved in this same area just a couple of months ago. While he was there, they also gave thanks to God for the healing of Mama Wetu’s brother who was suffering from some severe back issues. They had prayed for him about two weeks ago. He is healed and giving glory to God!
Jackson visited a place called Lomer, where many new believers live. It is a place we visit often, sitting around the fire late at night talking about Jesus with the elders. When Jackson visited this past week, the men had a lot of questions. Seven of them had already accepted Christ, but one was new and from a different area. When they finished their discussions, the new man asked more questions about Yesu and shortly thereafter surrendered his life to Yesu!

Next, Jackson visited a new place near the home of Jonathan and Esther—a couple we trained in the oral Bible storying methods we use. When Jackson and Jonathan visited this place and shared the gospel, 15, yes, 15 people surrendered their lives through repentance and faith in Yesu!
Jackson also baptized Thomas’ wife last week. He had four candidates for baptism but was not able to work out a time to baptize them all. Thomas is one of the men we have trained in the oral Bible storying methods. He continues to be a faithful helper in the gospel ministry and is our guard on our short-term trips.
In addition, a couple of weeks ago, our female coworker in the gospel, Eunice, traveled four hours from her home to continue to evangelize and disciple the ladies of Barsalinga. She shared the gospel with a group of ladies, and seven surrendered their lives to Jesus.”
Jackson travels four-to-five hours from where he lives to evangelize and disciple in Barsalinga.
Discipleship Emphasis in Uruguay
Uruguay—On October 1, 2016, the first discipleship class began with 11 participants from Melo and Rivera. The program, Grupo D (D Group), is based on Jesus’ command to “make disciples” and Paul’s advice to Timothy to “teach faithful men” who, in turn, teach others (2 Timothy 2:2).
Students will participate in online discussions and chats, theoretical and practical applications of discipleship, and monthly evaluations/meetings. The end result is for these students to view discipleship as a lifelong process and a natural complement to evangelism. As they make discipleship a priority in their lives, they will teach what they have learned to the next group, becoming disciples who make disciples who make disciples.
Graduation in Central Asia
Central Asia—God is doing some incredible work in Central Asia. International Missions and The Hanna Project’s partnership with organizations on the ground in these countries allows Free Will Baptists to play a strategic role in God’s Kingdom efforts.

For several years, one of our workers has assisted in the training of pastors, teachers, youth workers, and other leaders for churches in several of these countries. In September, nine students graduated with Bachelor of Arts degrees. The group of seven men and two women representing three Central Asian countries defended their final papers in much the same way Master’s students in the United States must.
“Please be in prayer as God uses these freshly-trained leaders to advance His Kingdom in Central Asia,” said the American professor.
Around the World
Bulgaria—On September 20, the Provows restarted the church Bible study in Svishtov, Bulgaria, working through the book of James. The group—a mix of mature believers, new believers, and people who are studying the Bible for the first time in their lives—meets each Tuesday evening.
Japan—Ruth McDonald launched the Good News Club on Wednesday afternoon, September 14, at the Good News Chapel church plant with an eager group. Katie Speer led the elementary-aged kids in a 20-minute mix of English and Japanese gospel music. Mr. Tetsuya Kazama followed with a creative introduction to what the Bible is and the story of Creation. Ruth directed the children in a follow-up time to the Bible story via flash cards and games. Seventeen children attended the first club gathering with nine moms and one grandmother in the mix. This new ministry is scheduled through December 2016, on an every-other-week basis.

Côte d’Ivoire—Two pastors from Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire—Pastor Samuel and Pastor Silas (pictured above with Clint Morgan, IM director)—arrived in the States on Monday, September 5. They traveled and spoke in churches in Missouri, Arkansas, and Oklahoma during September and October. Their goal was to communicate all God is doing in Ivory Coast and the importance of the partnership between IM and the ministry there.
Bulgaria—Weekly English clubs in Svishtov, Bulgaria, began September 15, following the summer break. Over 25 people—around half new to the clubs—attended one of the three weekly groups.
Spain—The cultural center in Alpedrete has given permission for the Alpedrete Church to perform their Christmas musical on November 12. Though the date is not ideal for a Christmas event, this is the first year they’ve provided an open date. For the past several years, the neighboring town of Collado Mediano has hosted the musical.
India—Shalom FWB Church, a house church in South India, was full and people were sitting outside to hear the message, Sunday, September 25.

Japan—Mr. Imai (pictured above with missionary Donnie McDonald) and Ms. Asai were baptized Sunday, September 4. Both recently made professions of faith at the Good News Chapel Church (Tokyo) through the ministry of Donnie and Ruth McDonald. The baptism ceremony was performed at the Iriso church, with church people from all three Tokyo FWB congregations in attendance. Mr. Imai and Ms. Asai shared written testimonies of their salvation experience, impacting all in attendance with their earnest faith.

Japan—Nathan Snow baptized two believers—his son Noah and Ms. Meguro—on Thursday, September 22. Ms. Meguro recently believed following more than a year of Bible studies. Her family is opposed to her Christian faith.