January 2016
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news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com.

THP Sponsors Trio of Projects
Antioch, TN—The Hanna Project (THP) tackled three projects on three continents in three months. Each project fulfilled the organization’s promise to bring help, hope, and healing to those in need worldwide.
In August, a team of ten traveled to Ecuador. Serving August 21-29, the team expanded the cafeteria at Antioch Christian Academy, a rapidly expanding dual language school in the jungles of Ecuador.

A five-man team traveled to Doropo, Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa, September 3-14. In partnership with BERACA, the Ivorian NGO that operates the Doropo Hospital, and 11 Ivorian workers, the team worked to improve the hospital (pictured above). Tasks accomplished included painting, replacing screen wire on windows, replacing broken window panes and window pane mechanisms, putting locks on doors, replacing plywood panels on doors, building a roof on a porch, electrical and plumbing repairs, repair of two generators, and the installation of a new sound system for evangelism in the hospital.
A team of seven served in Kulyab, Tajikistan, October 1-10. The team continued a project begun in 2013, providing a youth residence home for boys. The home now houses girls as well. A playground was added and siding installed. The team also distributed eyeglasses to those in need of them.
THP will return to each of these areas in 2016 to reinforce help, hope, and healing. Anyone interested in participating in a THP trip (to one of these locations or others) may visit the website, www.hannaproject.com, or email Curt Holland (curt@fwbgo.com).
A Call for 30 Days of Prayer and Fasting
Antioch, TN—General Director Clint Morgan issued a call to 30 days of prayer and fasting for International Missions. “Prayer should be a staple of the Christian’s walk. But, at times,” Morgan acknowledged, “the concerted, focused, diligent prayer of a larger group seems to move God to reveal Himself more clearly and allow us as individuals to better understand His will.”
This 30 Days of Prayer and Fasting ran October 1-30. Requests focused on asking God to help us gain His view of the world, become more committed to reaching the lost, call more laborers into the Harvest, know precisely where to send those called, be the mission agency He desires with His agenda, have clarity concerning partnerships, abundantly resource His plans, and provide a vision for the future.
Blogs and prayer requests will remain on the Mission website (www.fwbgo.com). Those who missed the opportunity to participate may use the information at any time to pray for God to move in Mission leadership and throughout our denomination.
Snapshots Around the World
Bulgaria—Tim and Lydia Awtrey began a Bible study entitled “Meeting Jesus” on Sunday, October 4. Designed for interested non-believers, Josh Provow began, the same Bible study began October 14 in a nearby town, Butovo.
Brazil—Pastor José Assunção baptized six people at the Marabá FWB Church in Araras, Brazil, on Sunday, September 20.
Brazil—Pastor Jean Carlo baptized four young people at the Jaboticabal FWB Church on Sunday, August 23.
Brazil—Pastor Elizeu Cantelmo baptized nine people at the First FWB Church in Araras, Brazil, on Sunday, September 27. The same day, Pastor Rafael dos Santos of the Buritis FWB Church in Belo Horizonte baptized five people.

Côte d’Ivoire—The Ivorian National Association convened August 24-28. In addition to regular business, seminars, and preaching, one man was ordained to the ministry, five men (pictured above with missionary Kenneth Eagleton) graduated from the Bible institute, and 47 people responded to the final altar call—some for salvation, others for full-time service. The group also agreed to partner with a pastor to plant a church in the neighboring country of Ghana.
Cuba—David Outlaw (educational specialist with IM) and Ron Callaway (former missionary and Welch College professor) taught Theology of Paul in the graduate program at Cedars of Lebanon Seminary in Pinar del Río, Cuba, September 21-25.
India—Carlisle Hanna departed India September 8, arriving in South Carolina September 9.
Japan—Daniel and Katie Speer and their daughter Audrey arrived in Tokyo, Japan, September 24, to begin a two-year internship.
Japan—A new ministry, Hope Alive, began Saturday, August 8, in Tokyo. The bi-monthly English worship outreach consists of Bible study, worship, and English language community. Josh and Alicia Crowe spearhead this endeavor.

Japan—Sixty people attended a day camp (pictured above) hosted by the three Free Will Baptist churches in Tokyo in September. Many of those attending participate in English clubs, but do not attend church.
Japan—A Japanese woman was baptized at the Miharashidai Church in Hokkaido on August 2. Her husband is not a believer. In September, an elderly couple (78 and 80), whose daughter has been a believer for many years, accepted Christ and was baptized. The wife has terminal cancer. Dale Bishop exclaimed, “We have prayed for them for 28 years! Praise the Lord!”
Spain–Neil and Mandi Morgan departed for Spain October 6 to begin their first term in the country after transferring from Uruguay. Initially, the couple will work with Spanish pastor José Manuel and his wife Carmen.

Uruguay—First FWB Church of Rivera, Uruguay (pictured above), celebrated its 53rd anniversary September 25-27 with a weekend missions-focused revival. Speakers were missionaries Steve Torrison and Jaimie Lancaster and Uruguayan pastor Gerardo Acevedo. Activities included special music, a play, pictures from a mission field, pictures from the early days of the church, greetings via Skype from former missionaries Paul and Amy Robinson (church founders), and cake and refreshments on Sunday. Casildo Tridade is the pastor. Kenneth Eagleton, regional director for Latin America, represented International Missions. They collected $200 for the WMO (World Missions Offering).
Uruguay—Jaimie and Tammy Lancaster returned to Uruguay August 19 following five months stateside for extended medical treatment for Tammy. After experiencing seizures, doctors discovered 10 arteriovenous malformations (abnormal connections between arteries and veins). Medication should limit further episodes.
Uruguay—Representatives from the Free Will Baptist churches in Uruguay met Saturday, September 26, at the Cristo es el Camino FWB Church in Rivera. The delegates and guests from the five churches and one preaching point delivered reports, participated in a round-table discussion about the future of the work, listened to preaching, conducted business, and fellowshipped over dinner.

Uruguay—More than 50 children (pictured above) attended the Children’s Day outreach event on Sunday, August 16, in Montevideo, Uruguay. The gospel was presented and they were invited to regular services. |