June-July 2015
Interface: Make the Connection
news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com.

CMP (College Missions Program) Ecuador 2015
Antioch, TN—Seven students from four colleges formed CMP Ecuador 2015. Rachel Anderson (freshman, Welch College), Clayton Brixey (senior, Hillsdale FWB College), Rebekah Cash (sophomore, Southeastern FWB College), Stephen Nunnally (graduate, Hillsdale FWB College), Anne Nunnally (senior, Hillsdale FWB College), and Brittany Sanchez (freshman, Tulsa Community College) joined team leader Curt Holland, March 12-20. Traci Morris (OK) and Angie Laubach (OK) rounded out the 10-member group as team administrators.
The students, mostly education majors, had an opportunity to visit, instruct, and interact with children in four Ecuadorian schools. The team witnessed missional practices used by two private Christian schools. Montebello Academy in Quito and Antioch Christian Academy provide quality education from a biblical perspective for all socio-economic groups in both the capital city and the jungle town of Misahualli (Mee-sah-wah-YEE).

CMP students gained valuable insight and hands-on participation at Montebello Academy, a Microsoft Partners in Learning Innovator School. Not only did the college students have a chance to talk with students at the academy, they also had a face-to-face session with the school’s academic director and English department coordinator.
At the small, public jungle school in Pusuno, the students shared Bible songs, led craft projects, and played with students during free time. The school’s only teacher is a believer, and her passion spills over into her teaching and the concern she demonstrates for her students. The team also visited a public school in Misahualli. Though the school had never allowed a group to share Bible stories, songs, and activities before, missionaries were pleased with the acceptance of the CMP team and the open door for future connections with the administration and teachers.
At Antioch Christian Academy, the student teachers taught English, math, and science classes for 1st-5th grades. An unexpected teacher’s absence also gave them an opportunity to display flexibility and creativity as they stepped in to help the kindergarten class for two days. After teaching in the mornings, the team contributed to various work projects during the afternoon, including completing the construction of a much-needed roof on new restrooms for the entire school.
Over 20-30 feet of rain falls in the jungle each year, and this week certainly had its portion of rain. However, the CMP students remained diligent in the hot, sticky jungle climate. Each day ended with someone exclaiming, “These are some of the cutest kids I’ve ever seen!”
Partnership Agreement With Cuban FWB Association Signed
Cuba—During the recent convention of the Cuban association of Free Will Baptist Churches (February 27-March 1), Kenneth Eagleton (International Mission’s regional director for Latin America) and Steve Lytle (missionary to Panama) met with the executive committee to finalize a written partnership agreement. Pastor Ramón Sanchez, president of the Cuban association, and Kenneth Eagleton, representative for FWBIM, signed the agreement.

Under discussion for a year, the partnership details an understanding of the type of aid International Missions will provide the Cuban association. The agreement acknowledges the Mission’s respect for the priorities of Cuban Free Will Baptists, recognizes the strategic position of the Cuban association’s executive committee, and commits to coordinate the Mission’s efforts in Cuba through the committee for the benefit of the work as a whole.
The partnership agreement covers leadership training, evangelism, church planting, assistance with church construction projects, and participation with national meetings such as retreats and camps. Assistance may take the form of sending specialized teams, teachers, and financial aid.
Those interested in supporting the Cuban church may give online at https://fwbim.secure.agroup.com/give, choosing Cuba Ministries under General Funds. Checks can be earmarked “Cuba Ministries.” •
Peacemakers Workshop
Uruguay—On March 6-7, 35 people from Rivera attended a workshop on “Peacemaking: a Biblical Guide for Conflict Resolution.” Peacemakers Ministries provided the material. Participants learned four action steps and questions to ask to resolve conflict:
Glorify God. How can God be glorified in this conflict?
Take the beam from your own eye. What is my responsibility in this conflict?
Humbly restore them. How can I lovingly serve them and help them see their responsibility for their contribution to the conflict.
Go and be reconciled. How can I show the same forgiveness God showed me and encourage a reasonable solution to this conflict?
Snapshots Around the World
Panama—Efrain González was ordained to pastoral ministry March 22 at the Camino de Santidad FWB Church in Las Tablas, Panama. Efrain and his wife Carmen graduated from the FWB Bible institute in Chame and began leading this church. The ordination took place during the anniversary celebration of the church. Missionaries Steve and Lori Torrison, who formerly served in Panama, were present with a team of Hillsdale College students. Edwin Escudero, also a recent graduate of the seminary, preached.
Uruguay—After completing the study of Robert J. Morgan’s discipleship book Simple, two candidates presented themselves for baptism in the Renacer (Rebirth) FWB Church in Melo, Uruguay. The pastor’s son Brandon and an adult woman were immersed March 22.
Brazil— Sixteen people registered for a series of seminars at Second FWB Church in Araras, Brazil. Sponsored in conjunction with the Bible institute in Campinas and taught by Dr. Kenneth Eagleton, the seminars addressed the Christian life and disciplines in four Saturday sessions.

Panama—Over 100 Panamanian youth participated in a three-day youth camp on the seminary property in Chame during March. The national youth organization elected officers for another term.