April-May 2015
10 Years in Print: Special Edition
news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com.
Hodges Speaks at Panama Women's Retreat
Chame, Panama—Free Will Baptist women throughout Panama gathered for the annual
women’s retreat February 2-5, 2015. The main speakers, Elizabeth Hodges (executive secretary
of Women Nationally Active for Christ, pictured below) and Ariadna Riesgo (educational specialist for International Missions, pictured below), addressed the theme “Women of Change.” Ariadna spoke on Esther on Friday evening. Elizabeth spoke on Deborah on Saturday and Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist, on Sunday. According to Judy Lytle, “Both women spoke straight from Scripture and brought out basic truths we all needed to hear. They were compelling speakers.”

Approximately 90 women attended. Saturday night, the women enjoyed a fun time featuring
“hat night.” A new board was elected Sunday, and current president Rosa was reelected.
Elizabeth Hodges visited the Panama Canal, attended the San Vicente’s church anniversary
service, and visited the First FWB Church in Panama City. Dubbed Ely (ell-ee) by Ariadna, the
Panamanians enjoyed meeting and hearing Elizabeth.

Judy Lytle helped Panamanian women organize the first retreat in 1988. The speakers that
year were missionary Mabel (Mom) Willey and Dr. Mary Wisehart, WNAC executive secretary.
The retreat has been an annual event since.
Missionaries Transition
Antioch, TN—Over the last few months, a half-dozen missionary families have transitioned to
their host countries. In December, Rusty and Brenda Carney and their children Grace and
Kelton headed to Hokkaido, Japan; Tim and Kristi Johnson and their children Alejandro
and Ana returned to Alpedrete, Spain; and Robert and Judy Bryan returned to France, settling
in a home near the St. Sébastien church in March.
The Crowe family (Josh and Alicia, Ruby, Ellie, and Josie) flew to Tokyo in January to begin their next term of service. Carlisle Hanna returned to India in January and traveled to South India in February for the ordination of three young men.
In March, Josh and Lydia Provow and their children (Naomi, Phoebe, Zoe, and Malachi) traveled to Bulgaria to begin a two-year internship to prepare for career missionary service.
Snapshots Around the World

Sapporo, Japan—Heath and Joni Hubbard graduated from language school February 20. A few weeks later, they moved their family from Hokkaido to Saitama, a suburb of Tokyo, to work with Ken and Judy Bailey at the Kamifukuoka Church.
Varna, Bulgaria—The New Life Church in Varna was able to rent a more permanent facility
in January. They are now able to have events and services at times other than Sunday
morning. Previous services were held in a hotel conference room.

Svishtov, Bulgaria—The New Life Church in Svishtov hosted the annual Women’s Day Party,
March 7. The holiday, similar to Mother’s Day in the States, allows the church to celebrate the
roles women play within their local fellowship. Several women who are not believers attended.
Tamilnadu, India—Three men were ordained to the ministry on February 15. Carlisle Hanna
made the long journey from Sonapurhat to be present and participate in the ordination
ceremonies in South India. This makes a total of eight pastors in South India; 16 men serve as
pastors in North India. Almost all of the men are responsible for multiple churches.

Pinar del Río, Cuba—The Cuban National Association of Free Will Baptists met February 23-March 1 with approximately 200 people present. Dr. Kenneth Eagleton, regional director for Latin America, attended and spoke.
Montevideo, Uruguay—English classes offer the opportunity to build relationships and eventually
share the gospel on a personal level. In February, Tammy hosted a going away party for
one of the ladies in her class. During the dinner, a lady asked a question that allowed Tammy
to give a short explanation of the Bible’s story. Of the eight
ladies present, three are actively
interested in the gospel.
Rivera, Uruguay—Uruguayan Free Will Baptist churches held their annual family camp in Rivera, February 14-20. Approximately 80 people participated. Jaimie Lancaster addressed the theme of discipleship, using Simple, a book written by Robert J. Morgan (pastor of The Donelson Fellowship,
Nashville, Tennessee). Those 12 years and older participated in discipleship studies and received a copy of the book. Each church was given five copies to use as a starting point for their own discipleship classes. Children had their own classes, and several made professions of faith.