January 2015
Passing the Torch
news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com.
Home and International Missions Form Partnership
Antioch, TN—On September 3, 2014, the leadership of Home Missions and International Missions agencies voluntarily and intentionally formed a unique partnership. The departments will work together to organize and implement joint, cross-cultural ministry projects in North America.
The first project will be in Champaign, Illinois, where Tyler and Kellie Penn work among nearly 10,000 international students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Penns, presently working under Home Missions, have applied to International Missions. Home Missions will seek a church planter to partner with the Penns to plant a church in Champaign.

According to a 2013 article from World Education Services in New York, the University of Illinois ranked second behind the University of Southern California for the number of international students enrolled in its programs.
Historically, within the parameters outlined by the National Association of Free Will Baptists, Home Missions is assigned North America ministries (including the United States, Canada, and Mexico) while International Missions is assigned the world outside of North America. “Please pray for us,” requests Director of Field Operations Jeff Turnbough, “as together we seek other strategic places to reach out to international students, refugees, and/or immigrants around North America.”
French Young People “Think”
Nantes, France—At least 130 people, the majority unbelievers, attended the third J’Pense (I Think) event. Held September 19, those attending heard Joel Teague present a biblical worldview of why a God of love allows suffering. Previous events tackled the authority of Scripture and why evil exists in the world.

As a whole, French people are suspicious of church and Christians. Holding these events in local civic centers or other facilities lowers one barrier to the gospel. Joel stresses, “These are not meant to be cool events for Christians. We are trying to share the Truth with people who might not listen any other time.”
Free copies of the Bible are offered after each event. As a result, several people have begun reading Scripture for the first time. Others have begun participating in small group discussions and Bible studies.
Seven Baptized in Panama
Las Tablas, Panama—Pastor Efraín González, a 2013 graduate of the Chame seminary, invited Lázaro Riesgo to baptize seven new believers at Los Santos on Sunday, September 21. Los Santos, one of the central provinces of Panama, has deeply-rooted Roman Catholic traditions. Efraín pastors in Las Tablas, the capital of the province, some 130 miles from the Bible institute.

The Sunday morning service was held at El Jobo beach. Around 70 people gathered in an old house near the sand and enjoyed breakfast and worship.
Lazaro wrote, “After preaching the Word of God, I baptized the seven new believers. For Las Tablas FWB Church and the Kingdom of God, it was a day of sun, victory, and joy.”
Snapshots Around the World
Bulgaria—New Life FWB Church in Svishtov hosted a back to school party, Saturday, September 13. Six unchurched families were represented. The party launched English clubs for kids, preschoolers, and teenagers. Each of the four English clubs also had good first meetings. Amy Postlewaite and Lydia Awtrey lead these English clubs.
Uruguay—Santa Teresa FWB Church in Rivera, celebrated its 52nd anniversary Sunday, August 31. Pastor Casildo leads this, the oldest Free Will Baptist church in Uruguay. Representatives from the other two Free Will Baptist churches in town; former missionary Molly Barker; current missionaries Jaimie and Tammy Lancaster; Brazilian missionary Alex Mendes; and Regional Director Kenneth Eagleton joined the congregation in their celebration. Several musical presentations preceded the message by Pastor Gerardo Acevedo from Montevideo. Attendees fellowshipped during refreshments served after the service.
Japan—The family of God expanded by three at the Koinonia Church in Hokkaido in September. Two people made deathbed professions of faith. The wife of one of them accepted Christ as well. Other family members are either seeking or renewing relationships with Christ. Pray for Pastor Hirabuki as he ministers to these families.
Uruguay—The Uruguayan National Association met Saturday, September 6, at the Renacer FWB Church in Melo. Representatives from all five Free Will Baptist churches attended the meeting. Along with the usual business, the churches shared reports about their activities. Only three churches have Uruguayan pastors. A Brazilian missionary leads one church and the fifth is without a pastor. The Santa Teresa Church also has an outreach to another location. The Lancasters are making contacts in their neighborhood in Montevideo with the vision of starting a house church in the near future. |