October-November 2014
What's Next for Home Missions?
news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com.
Lonnie Sparks
With the Lord
Elkhart, IN—Former missionary to Côte d’Ivoire and Spain, Lonnie Sparks (pictured below with his wife Anita) passed from death into life eternal on June 26, 2014, at his home in Indiana.
Lonnie and his wife Anita blazed a trail for Free Will Baptists in Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa, entering the country in 1958. In 1974, the couple began working in Spain and spent 23 years faithfully sowing the gospel in this hard place.

“At times like this we are called to remember the trailblazers,” stated General Director Clint Morgan. “We at International Missions honor Brother Lonnie for his 38 years of service for Christ and Free Will Baptists.”
Services were held July 1 at Primera Iglesia Bautista Libre of Elkhart, Indiana. Lonnie is survived by Anita, his wife of 59 years, and his son Noel.
Services Held in Unfinished Building
Brazil—The Nova América congregation gathered for the first service in their new building (pictured below) Sunday, July 13, 2014. The walls were not complete, and the building had no roof or floor, but it served as the gathering place for this group of believers. Walter Hernandez, overseas apprentice and Welch College senior, preached as Dr. Kenneth Eagleton translated for him. Kenneth said, “There was not a dry eye at the end of this emotional service.”
Several years ago, churches from the Stone Association in Indiana raised money to buy property for the Nova América mission church to have their own building. Although it took time for the church to locate property with a clear title, they finally bought a lot with two small rental houses.

About the same time, a member preparing for missionary service was sent out. After two years in an internship in South Africa, she moved to Turkey where she is learning the language. Her local church used the income from the rental houses to support her.
This year, the church decided to build on their property. The lease on the rented hall where the congregation worshiped expired July 10 and the landlord asked for a significant rent increase. The goal was to have the shell covered by July 10 so they could leave the rented hall and begin services in the unfinished building.
They tore down one of the rental houses, leaving the other to serve as Sunday School rooms and a kitchen.
A group of about 40 people continue to put a tremendous amount of work into the project. Men from the church go to the construction site after work and weekends, doing the construction themselves. They raise funds through various projects to buy building supplies. The Lord has blessed their efforts and miraculously supplied their needs.
Pastor Paulo César and his wife Ana Paula planted this church in the Campinas neighborhood of Nova América (New America) about 11 years ago.
Missions Board Gains New Members
Antioch, TN—Delegates to the 78th session of the National Association of Free Will Baptists elected four new members to the Board of Free Will Baptist International Missions following General Director Clint Morgan’s report on Wednesday, July 30.
Jeff Manning (North Carolina) was reelected to another six-year term. Dr. Janice Banks (Oklahoma), previously elected to complete Paul Creech’s unexpired term, was also reelected. Robert Posner (Texas) was elected to complete Dr. Brad Ransom’s unexpired term (expiring in 2020). Jeff Nichols (Tennessee) was presented to replace Robert J. Morgan (Tennessee) whose term expired.
Robert and his wife Judy serve Collin Creek FWB Church in Plano, Texas, where he has been senior pastor for 16 years. Jeff and his wife Debbie reside in Nashville, Tennessee, where Jeff has served as executive pastor of The Donelson Fellowship FWB Church since 2005.
“We are blessed to have a board that understands the tactical and strategic nature of missions,” commented General Director Clint Morgan. “I believe Jeff Nichols and Robert Posner are men of passion and vision who will join the present members to lead us as we face current and future challenges and opportunities.”
Bobby Poole Honored
Fort Worth, TX—Bobby Poole, retired missionary to Brazil, was honored at the convention (pictured below) in Fort Worth, Texas, in July. He arrived in the U.S. on July 8 to visit with family, share with churches, and attend the convention.

Bobby retired January 1, 2014, after 53 years of faithful service in Brazil. He remained in the States until the middle of September and plans to divide his time between Brazil and the U.S.
Snapshots Around the World
Côte d’Ivoire: Three people (pictured below) were baptized Sunday, July 20, at the mission church in Tiassalé. More than 100 people have been baptized in Ivorian FWB churches in 2014.

France: More than 100 people attended the second
J’y Pense event June 19. At least 60 unsaved people attended, and ten requested Bible studies. One man received a New Testament and went home and read until 4 a.m., then called Joel and Lydie to say he wanted to know more.
France: Robert Bryan taught seminars August 2-9, 2014, at Teen Street, a Christian conference for European young people, in Muenster, Germany. Around 4,000 young people (ages 13-17) attended the event.Spain: Four women and three men were baptized at the Villalba church in June.
Brazil: Pastor Nilvio of the Saõ José FWB Church in Campinas, Brazil, baptized 11 people Sunday evening July 20.
Uruguay: Steve and Lori Torrison will serve as Missionaries in Residence at Hillsdale College in Moore, Oklahoma, during the 2014-2015 school year. As they embrace campus life, they hope to give the students an enlarged vision of the world and their personal roles in the Great Commission.
Japan: A man burned his family’s Buddhist altar at Dale and Sandra Bishop’s home in July. His extended family does not know Christ.
Brazil: Five people were baptized Sunday, August 3, in the morning service of the Jaraguá FWB Church in Uberlândia, Brazil. In the evening service, many unsaved family members witnessed as baptism certificates were presented. Two people accepted Christ as Savior in the evening service.

Cuba: A team of 13 (pictured above) served in Cuba, August 2-7, 2014, assisting with the annual youth camp. Around 500 young people attended this camp. IM Staff members Mark McPeak and Sam McVay served as team sponsors. Featured speaker Tommy Swindol addressed the theme ¡Cuenta Conmigo! (Count on Me!) from Romans 10:14. Other team members assisted with workshops, Bible studies, testimonies, and devotionals, and counseled and encouraged the Cuban young people.