December-January 2014
Roots: Growing
Deeper in Faith
news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com. |
McVay Accepts Stateside Position
Antioch, TN—International Missions recently announced that Sam McVay, missionary to Spain, accepted the stateside position of associate director of advancement. Sam will assist development efforts at the Mission by visiting churches to promote the work and by helping missionaries on stateside assignment be more effective in developing partnerships and support relationships. The transition to stateside ministry occurred in early October.

General Director Clint Morgan stressed that the move is “shifting a valuable team player to a place where his gifts can be maximized for the Mission and for the cause of global evangelism.”
International Missions, like most non-profit organizations and especially missionary sending agencies, has been adversely impacted by the global economic downturn that began in 2008. The Board of International Missions and the office team are making every effort to manage the resources available and to grow funding and develop partnerships through an advancement strategy. The decision to move Sam McVay into a stateside role is a component of this strategy.
Collins Resign
Antioch, TN—The Board of Free Will Baptist International Missions voted to accept Paul and Chrissy Collins’ resignation on August 27, 2013. The Collins fulfilled speaking engagements already on their calendars and returned to Panama to say good-bye and close out their ministry. Their resignation was effective October 31, 2013.
According to Jeff Turnbough, “Very few international missionaries have the opportunity to experience the transition of missionary leadership to national church leadership. I am thankful for the missiological training that gave them a clear focus to see this, believe in it, and work to make it happen.”
Paul and Chrissy added, “We cannot express just how much we love our IM family. They have been so supportive and prayed with us as we experienced hardships. We hope we can continue to serve the Kingdom together.”
Appointed to missionary service in April 2008, the Collins family arrived in Panama in August 2010. When they returned to the States at the end of February 2013 for stateside assignment, they left a congregation in the hands of Panamanian Pastor Julio and his wife Cynthia.
The full release can be read on fwbgo.com/news.
Church Sponsors IM Missionary Retreat
Antioch, TN—Stateside missionaries, IM staff, and board members gathered at Ozark Conference Center in Solgohachia, Arkansas, in August. First FWB Church of Russellville, Arkansas, handled the expenses and logistics of the four-day gathering. Church members prepared and served excellent meals (including a Thanksgiving feast) and provided thoughtful touches and gifts throughout the time. The retreat concluded with all participants attending the Russellville church on Sunday and enjoying a BBQ lunch with those who made the retreat possible.

Attendees offered nothing but praise for the time together. Rusty Carney may have summed it up best: “I am in disbelief that the effort of a single church paid for, organized, cooked, cleaned, and served for this retreat. What a blessing to get to know some of the members of Russellville First! Spending time with and hearing the stories of other missionaries from other fields (a rare experience) and spending time with office personnel and board members was a highlight. Our hearts are full. Thank you, First FWBC of Russellville.”
Find additional information and retreat photos at fwbgo.com/news.
Snapshots Around the World
CÔTE D’IVOIRE—The National Association of Free Will Baptist Churches of Côte d’Ivoire met August 12-16 (pictured below). Regional Director Dr. Kenneth Eagleton reported the number of churches has doubled in the last 10 years and are led by 37 ordained pastors.

FRANCE—The St. Sébastien congregation elected Gilles Roger as pastor in September 2013. They also edited their bylaws and chose a new leadership counsel.

BULGARIA—Bulgarians Trif and Vanya Trifonovi (picture above) joined the church-planting team in Bulgaria in July. They and their three children are working to plant a church in Varna, a city on the Black Sea.
URUGUAY—Uruguayan Free Will Baptists gathered for their National Association in September. Pastors and missionaries encouraged one another with reports of recent salvation decisions and new members. Items on the agenda included discussions regarding a leadership training program and planting new churches. Only one in 15 people in Uruguay knows Christ as Savior.

THE HANNA PROJECT—THP took its second team (pictured above) to Japan’s devastated tsunami area September 5-17. The team focused on construction, working on homes in Yamada, Ophenatu, and Sendai.
PANAMA—More than 100 people attended the one-day missions conference held September 28 on the Chame seminary property. The conference theme—Living the Call Together—will serve double-duty as the 2014 Panamanian denominational theme.
BRAZIL—Eight people were baptized at the São José Church in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, on Sunday, August 4.
PANAMA—Two people were baptized at the Buenas Nuevas (Good News) FWB Church in Chitré, Panamá, on Sunday, September 8—a total of eight baptized this year.