September 2012
Faith, Family &
news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com. |
Wilson Returns to Pastoral Ministry
Antioch, TN—Joe Wilson, stateside administrator for The Hanna Project (THP), announced his resignation June 4, 2012. He has accepted a position with Kirby Free Will Baptist Church in Michigan. “I’ve loved the years I’ve spent with International Missions and THP. However, my pastor’s heart has missed serving a local congregation of believers,” Joe explained. “At Kirby, I’ll have the opportunity to exercise my pastoral gifts as well as practice, in a local church context, my passion for reaching the world for Christ.”

Wilson transitioned into his THP role on September 1, 2010, after a tremendously successful 14-month assignment as special project coordinator for the Go10 Walk for the World.
“My understanding and love of missions has grown exponentially over the past three years,” Joe stated. “And my respect for our missionaries, along with the IM staff, has soared to new heights. They are some of the most dedicated and hard working people with whom I have had the privilege to serve.”
“In recent months, Joe has added incredible enthusiasm and dedicated effort to aiding the 2012 World Missions Offering efforts,” stated Mark McPeak, director of advancement. “He helped provide continuity as Sam McVay returned to Spain and I re-joined the Mission team. We will greatly miss Joe’s enthusiasm, can-do spirit, and positive attitude.”
General Director Clint Morgan echoed McPeak’s sentiments adding, “Joe has left an indelible mark on THP and the IM family. Although we will greatly miss him, we cannot discourage him from following the Lord’s leading. “I commend Joe for the work he has done, and the attitude with which he has done it,” Morgan said. “It is my prayer that God will bless him and his family as they transition to ministry in Michigan.”
Portell Selected for THP Role
Antioch, TN—Darren Portell will assume the position of stateside administrator for The Hanna Project on August 1, 2012. Founded in 2004 as a humanitarian and relief agency, The Hanna Project is a non-governmental organization known by many people as THP.
Darren and his wife Dana have served as field workers with THP since 2002. The Portells have lived in France and North Africa, giving Darren a unique perspective on working with overseas personnel to accomplish the goals of stateside teams.
Darren acknowledged, “We knew when God brought us back from North Africa that He might be redirecting our ministry. Dana and I have spent the last year trying to discover the next step in God’s plan for us. Even though we wanted to return to overseas service, we recognize He is leading us to stay in the States for the foreseeable future.”

“I believe Darren’s administrative giftedness, people skills, and understanding of working overseas provide just the right package of skills for this position at this time,” stated General Director Clint Morgan. “We are eager to have him join the team in this capacity.”
“I’m excited about the opportunity to help people in many countries through THP,” Darren stated. “I look forward to working with representatives around the world and with people in the States, bringing them together to provide help, hope, and healing to hurting and disadvantaged people.”
Portell replaces Joe Wilson, who resigned on June 4. Wilson’s responsibilities will end on July 15 as Portell takes on the duties of stateside administrator.
THP has completed projects in North Africa, West Africa, Europe, Central America, South America, Asia, and Central Asia. The agency identifies needs among underserved people and focuses on medical, educational, and relief projects. THP sends teams of highly qualified, trained professionals to bring help, hope, and healing while working in concert with in-country partners.
WMO Total Surpasses Record
Antioch, TN—“Praise God from whom all blessings flow,” exclaimed General Director Clint Morgan. “God’s faithfulness is amazing.” Gifts received thus far for the 2012 World Missions Offering had exceeded expectations. “This is by far the largest WMO the Mission has experienced,” confirmed Director of Advancement Mark McPeak.
One of the goals of the World Missions Offering team this year was to involve 650 churches in participating in World Missions Sunday. More than 700 churches pledged to receive an offering. The amount received by June 13 represents just over 400 churches.
“In some ways we are astounded by what we are seeing with this year’s WMO,” Morgan said. “Yet, at the same time we know this is a direct answer to prayer, and we shouldn’t be surprised at all, because God answers prayer.”
McPeak followed up, “God has truly done great things thus far this year. In large part, it is because people within our denomination listened to God speaking to them, and responded in faith and obedience. We cannot say thank you enough.”
For ongoing updates on the offering, visit www.fwbgo.com.
IMpact Ride 2012 Announced
Antioch, TN—Director of Advancement Mark McPeak recently announced plans for motorcycle rides in 11 states—Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Tennessee—with the intent of raising money for overseas missionary needs.
Funds raised through IMpact Ride 2012 will fund much-needed vehicle repairs or replacements for overseas missionaries. In some countries, missionaries travel extensively over rough roads and bumpy trails to share the gospel and encourage Christians in outlying areas. “We think bikers will be enthusiastic about providing reliable transportation for those who need it most,” McPeak said.
Individuals interested in participating in a ride, supporting a rider, or just learning more should visit www.fwbgo.com/impactride or call the Mission office (877-767-7736).
Kimberly Johnson Pursues New Path
Antioch, TN—On May 22, Kimberly Johnson, missionary to Brazil, tendered her resignation effective immediately. Kimberly stated that while she felt honored to have represented the Mission and the Lord in Brazil, those opportunities ended and she is beginning a new phase of life. The Oklahoma resident married Henrique, a Brazilian, on May 28. Read the entire story at www.fwbgo.com.
Snapshots Around the World
France: The annual children’s festival held June 9 at the Nantes Church went well. Around 200 children and parents attended in spite of inclement weather, with about 140 staying and watching a puppet show that presented the gospel. On Sunday, June 17, the JESUS film was also shown.
Bulgaria: A group of 30 people—including some non-believers—participated in the Svishtov congregation’s first retreat, May 24-27. One man heard the gospel for the first time and said he’d like to “talk more about Jesus.”
Japan: Mirial Gainer is coordinating a new outreach called Tuesday Friends Café at the Koinonia Church in Hokkaido. Those waiting in the church parking lot for bus pick-up are invited in for coffee, tea, homemade sweets, and conversation. The pastor’s wife, Mayumi, was recently diagnosed with colon cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy.
Brazil: Brazilian Pastor Walter and his family are relocating to Limeira to plant a new church. His support is a result of a partnership between the Association of FWB Churches in the Campinas area, the First FWB Church of Campinas, the São José FWB Church (Campinas), and the Mission.
Côte d’Ivoire: Verlin Anderson spent four days in Bondoukou teaching people to train others for CHE (Community Health Evangelism). Praise God for those who attended, listened, and learned. Pray they will take the training back to their villages and use it to improve the quality of life and health of villagers, but more importantly, to share the Bread of Life.