January 2012
Dare to Disciple
news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com. |
Board Selects Clint Morgan as General Director
Antioch, TN—On Tuesday evening, September 27, 2011, the Board of Free Will Baptist International Missions, during a called session in Nashville, Tennessee, voted to employ Clint Morgan (pictured below, with wife Lynette and members of the board) as general director. Morgan has served as interim general director since February 10, 2011. On Wednesday, September 28, the board convened in the International Mission’s conference room with the new director to discuss strategies and plans for moving the Mission forward in its quest to win souls, plant churches, and train leaders.

"The board is thoroughly encouraged by the selection of Brother Clint,” declared Board Chairman Danny Williams as he announced the board’s decision to the office staff. “We are convinced his stellar performance as interim director and his ability to think strategically eminently qualify him to lead this organization."
“I’m humbled by the board’s confidence in me and excited at this new opportunity to impact the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ,” Clint disclosed. “I have totally enjoyed these months getting to know and work with the office staff. I trust my tenure as general director will strengthen and encourage our Mission family scattered around the world. Please pray for me,” Morgan requested, “that I will lead with spiritual wisdom, strategic acuity, and consistent excellence.”
Clint and his wife Lynette, daughter of pioneer medical missionaries Dr. LaVerne and Lorene Miley, served with excellence in Côte d’Ivoire (1976-2005). The couple spent two terms in evangelism and church planting before helping initiate and establish a Bible institute for training Ivorian leaders. Clint received a special assignment from the board in 2002 to research the possibility of the Mission entering creative access areas of the world. As a result, The Hanna Project was born in 2004. Clint was named its general director in 2010. Clint has also served as a regional director since the program’s inception in 2004. The Morgans ministered in France from 2007 to 2011. Clint and Lynette have four children (Trey, Adam, Aaron, and Autumn) and six grandchildren.
Board members attending this special session were Danny Williams (AL, chairman), Randy Wilson (OK, vice-chairman), Tom McCullough (MI, secretary), Nelson Henderson (AR), Jeff Manning (NC), Greg McAllister (CA), and Robert Morgan (TN), and Mark Price (OH).
Mission Conference in Panama
Panama—The first mission conference of 2011 was held on the campus of the FWB seminary in Chame on Saturday, September 17. The topics developed by missionary Stan Bunch and guest speakers Gustavo Gums and David Clines were the mission of the local church, the mission of the national church, and the mission of the cross-cultural church.
Seminary students stayed on campus for the conference and were joined by missionaries, pastors, and members of Panamanian FWB churches, bringing the attendance to 140 people. The national mission committee has the responsibility of organizing two conferences yearly.
Adventure in the Big "Appledrete" (photo)
Spain—The Alpedrete church concluded summer with an “Adventure in the Big Apple.” The week of September 5-9 was an exciting week of Vacation Bible School. Several families invited friends and extended family members. One of the older boys in our congregation invited a neighbor of his who had never been to an evangelical church. Although he was out of town on the first day of VBS, the friend came on Tuesday. Evidently, he liked it so much that he turned down get-togethers with other friends that week, because he planned to attend the VBS.

Another family invited a cousin who lives three hours away to come spend the week with them so she could attend VBS. They were thrilled that her parents said yes, because most of their extended family has been adamantly opposed to their faith. The girl’s parents attended the VBS closing program. Eight of the 34 children who attended VBS come from non-believing homes.
“Another blessing of VBS is watching the Alpedrete church work together in ministry, confided Lea Edgmon. “We are thankful for those who designed and painted sets, prepared and taught classes, took photos, swept and mopped floors and served the Lord by serving the children who took part in the Big Apple Adventure.”
Ambassadors gather, Set WMO Goal for 2012
Antioch, TN— Ambassadors for Free Will Baptist International Missions gathered September 12-13. Interim Director of Development Sam McVay honored Mark Price, Jimmy Aldridge, and Tom Hughes, five-year veterans of the ambassador program.
At the time of the session, Free Will Baptists had given $476,800 for overseas evangelistic efforts through the 2011 WMO. “This is the second largest WMO in history,” exulted one ambassador. “Even in the midst of a recession, Free Will Baptist people have proven faithful!”

As ambassadors discussed the program and methods for increasing participation, they expressed surprise and disappointment that less than 500 of the 2,400 denominational Free Will Baptist churches actually participate in the annual WMO. “That must change. We need to involve more churches,” one gentleman challenged. At the conclusion of the meeting, the ambassadors voted to set the 2012 WMO goal at $650,000 and to motivate 650 churches to participate in the WMO in 2012.
McVay stated, “This was my first time to be involved so closely with the ambassadors. These men and women dedicated their lives to the cause of global evangelism and their influence continues to make an incredible impact, inspiring people to make sure every woman, man, and child has an opportunity to hear the gospel. We are blessed to have this team leading our WMO effort.“
The 2012 ambassador team includes: Jimmy and Janie Aldridge (Alabama and Mississippi), Earnie and Jean Deeds (Oklahoma), Galen and Barbara Dunbar (South Carolina), Tom and Nancy Hughes (Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, and Northwest District), Mark and Deanna Price (Ohio), Norman and Bessie Richards (Kentucky), David and Pat Shores (Illinois), Henry and Virginia VanKluyve ( North Carolina and Tennessee), Earl and Debbie White (West Virginia—not pictured), and Rodney and Mary Yerby (Alabama).
Turnboughs Return to States for Ministry
Antioch, TN—Jeff and Susan Turnbough returned to Nashville October 12, 2011. Jeff and Susan have served in Spain throughout their 30-year career with the Mission. In addition to their responsibilities in the greater Madrid area, in 2006 Jeff became the regional director for Europe and Russia.

In 2008, he assumed the responsibility of deputy director of field operations. At that time, the Mission followed the example of many other evangelical mission agencies and kept the Turnboughs in a cross-cultural environment to maintain an international perspective on Mission issues. Recent changes led the leadership team to revisit this. “With his 30 years of experience, we believe Jeff can and will maintain that critical international perspective,” stated Clint Morgan, general director of the Mission. “We also see immense benefit in Jeff working from the Antioch office, providing valuable input.”
Turnbough will continue to lead the field operations team, working shoulder to shoulder with the Mission’s new leadership.