September 2011
About ONE
news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com. |
E-TEAMS Impact Eight Locations
Major flight delays, rescheduling, and lost luggage did not deter the 80
students and 16 leaders participating in E-TEAM 2011. Students traveled to Brazil, Chicago, Cuba, France, Japan, Panama,
St. Croix, and Uruguay.

Teens distributed literature, assisted with vacation Bible schools, interacted with local teens, shared
testimonies, sang, performed mimes, participated in English classes, assisted with disaster relief, enlivened children’s events
with painting faces and making balloon animals, and learned about the culture and history of their host cities.
Funding System Adjusted to
Meet Denominational Needs
Antioch , TN—“Even as we implemented the approved
new funding system in January 2010,” stated
Danny Williams, International Missions’ board chairman,“we acknowledged that we might need to make future
adjustments.” After continuing conversations with
pastors and laymen, state and national leaders, supporters of both designated giving and general giving, the board determined adjustments needed to be made.
Discussions with various segments of the Mission’s
constituency revealed that many, if not most, of our
Free Will Baptist people prefer designated giving. Some
of these same people were willing to support the Mission
and global evangelism efforts regardless of the
funding structure; however, when designating their
funds, they indicated they give more.
The following adjustments have been made:
1) Strategic Ministry Partnerships (SMPs) are eliminated.
Instead, each missionary has a fund (i.e.
Poole Fund, Barker Fund, Awtrey Fund, Price
Fund) for his comprehensive support and ministry.
Every contributor is considered a partner with
no requirements or restrictions concerning the
amount given.
2) Donors may contribute designated or undesignated
gifts. Undesignated gifts will be used to support
the entire work of the Mission around the
world. Designated gifts will be applied as designated—
to individual missionary funds or partner
field ministries (Russia, Cuba, etc.). Donors may
inquire at any time as to the fund balance of the
missionaries or projects they support.
“I am confident that a perfect funding system does
not exist,” Interim General Director Clint Morgan asserted.“However, the board and leadership team have
diligently considered, discussed, and sought God’s direction
to provide a support system that is reflective
of the realities of our constituency, appreciated by each
donor, and capable of producing the resources necessary
to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.”
Antioch , TN—The
board accept the resignations
of Patrick
and Jill McDaniel on May 25, 2011. “After much
prayerful consideration,” the McDaniels wrote,“we have decided that, in light of the current financial
situation and restrictions on sending missionaries,
we must seek another avenue for getting
to the field…to plant churches among those who have no opportunity to hear the gospel.”

Patrick and Jill were approved for service in creative
access ministries December 2010. However,
the approval stated that they would wait indefinitely
for deputation and employment by the Mission
due to the Mission’s financial constraints.
Snapshots Around the World
Brazil—Though the new auditorium for the Marincek
FWB Church in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, was not furnished
for services, it did not deter the congregation from using
it for an outreach event. A mother/daughter banquet
was held in May with 81 women and girls present.
Panama—Lori Torrison is teaching a parenting class at
the Penonomé public library. Many young women do not
have the needed support during pregnancy and beyond.
France—The Nantes FWB Church hosted a children’s
festival on Saturday, May 28. Over 100 neighborhood
kids swarmed in for the festivities. At least one lady visited
the church because of the festival.
France—Gaelle was baptized on May 22 in Aix en
Provence, France. She is the only Christian in her
Uruguay—David and Kendra Dodson returned from
Uruguay on May 26. They are currently on leave of absence
while determining where they, with their unique
gifts and talents, “fit” in cross-cultural ministry.
Panama—The second major outreach event in Santiago
led to four people accepting Christ as Savior. The St. Vicente
FWB Church participated in this effort, providing
drama and music as well as distributing invitations.
France—A couple who attended the Nantes church for
three years was baptized in May. Their teenage son began
looking for answers to life and biblical questions, was
saved, and baptized two years ago. Two more of their five
children have also accepted Christ as Savior.
Bulgaria—In celebration of the Day of the Child in Bulgaria,
the Svishtov church hosted games in a local park.
Christians were afforded opportunities to speak with
parents through this outreach event.
France—Anna was baptized in a joint service of the Châteaubriant
and St. Sébastien churches on June 19. |