news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com. |
Morgan Named Interim General Director
Antioch, TN— Veteran missionary and current Hanna Project director
Clint Morgan (pictured at right) has agreed to serve as interim general director of Free Will Baptist International Missions. The board is confident that
Morgan will provide effective leadership during the transitional period. The executive leadership of the Mission will now be comprised of Morgan
as interim general director, Jeff Turnbough as deputy director of field operations, and Rob
Conley as director of financial operations.
Board members attending the session were Danny Williams (AL, chairman), Randy Wilson
(OK, vice-chairman), Tom McCullough (MI, secretary), Paul Creech (GA), Nelson Henderson
(AR), Jeff Manning (NC), Greg McAllister (CA), and Robert Morgan (TN). Tom McCullough
was unable to attend in person, but participated in the full session via SKYPE (Internet video
conference call).
The full release can be read on International Missions’ website: www.fwbgo.com/news.
McPeak Resigns as Deputy Director
Antioch, TN—Mark McPeak, deputy director of stateside operations, submitted his resignation to General Director James
Forlines on January 19, 2011. Forlines stated, “Mark has maintained a key role in his years here. He came at a strategic
time and helped the Mission work through critical issues. He has been an advisor and friend.”
McPeak indicated several circumstances brought him to the point of tendering his resignation.
He had been asked to shoulder the responsibility of development tasks—a role for
which he felt ill equipped and which proved a crucial issue. “After much prayer and consideration,”
McPeak determined, “the unsolicited offer of another position seemed a providential
opportunity from the Lord.”
Sam McVay returned stateside on February 17, to oversee the World Missions Offering
fundraising. He and June will begin their regular stateside assignment in June and return to
Spain in January 2012.
McPeak’s tenure as deputy director with IM ended February 15. He joined the International
Missions staff in April 2005 as director of communications. In April 2008, his role
expanded to deputy director of stateside operations.
Mark joined a middle-Tennessee marketing and communications firm.
The full release can be read on International Missions’ website: www.fwbgo.com/news.
Snapshots Around the World
Brazil—The Nova América FWB Mission in Campinas officially organized as The Nova América FWB Church on Sunday, January 11, 2011. The São José FWB Church sponsored the church seven years ago. The church, organized with 55 charter members, is saving to buy property and construct a permanent facility.
Spain—Six people accepted Christ as Savior on January 16, 2010, in Spain. Three people were saved Sunday morning at the Esperanza Church (José Manuel, pastor) in Alcala and three were saved Sunday evening at the Colmenar Viejo Church (Juan Carlos, pastor).
France—A young man began attending church after seeing the church’s website, accepted Christ, and has requested baptism studies with Matt Price.
Brazil: The Jaboticabal FWB Church in Brazil commissioned Rogério and Anice dos Santos for missionary service on Sunday, January 11. They are working with Pastor Raúl in Rivera, Uruguay, with a focus on evangelism and discipleship.
Panama—Seven new converts were baptized Sunday, January 23, in the Las Tablas FWB Church in Panama. On Sunday, January 30, a couple accepted Christ as Savior at the Good News FWB Church in Chitré, Panama. The couple’s children have attended the church for some time.
Panama—On Sunday, January 9, the note for the Chame property was burned and a symbolic transfer was made from New Tribes Mission to the Panamanian FWB Association.
First Students Graduate from Chame Seminary
Chame, Panama—Three students (one female, two male) graduated with a three-year diploma on January 8, 2011. Osvaldo, raised in the San Vicente FWB Church, has a heart for children’s ministry and is a gifted singer, preacher, and teacher. He will work with Steve and Lori Torrison to begin a new church in Santiago.
Julio, a Nicaraguan, has proven an effective, passionate, evangelistic preacher and is working with Paul and Chrissy Collins to plant a church in Penonomé. Neither Santiago nor Penonomé has an evangelical church. Stephany was converted under the Bunch’s ministry in Chitré and is engaged to another student. She and her fiancé plan to pursue pastoral ministry upon his graduation.