news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com. |
E-TEAM 2010
Nashville, TN—Almost 80 teens and their leaders comprised nine E-TEAMs in 2010. The teams spent almost two weeks in cross-cultural ministry around the world, provided manual labor in community service, distributed evangelistic literature, and cleaned and provided maintenance for churches and Bible institutes. They also saw several people accept Christ as Savior and other rededicate their lives to Him.

Participants for 2010 E-TEAMs were:
St. Croix: Shelby Brantley (GA), Hanna Dunham (OH), Connar Fletcher (AR), Nicole Holt (IL), Dustin Latham (AL), Hannah Locklear (MI), Stef Parton (KS), Jake Scroggins (OK), Joshua Sexton (MI), and leaders Chris and Emily Edwards (SC).
Uruguay: Rachel Adkins (MI), Lauren Bass (AR), Rachel Burns (OH), Caitlin Campbell (OK), Bailey Briggs (TN), Zack Eversole (MI), Frani Feavel (AZ), Jordan Johnston (MO), Matthew Real (KS), and leaders Chris and Tori Sargent (GA).
Ribeirão Preto, Brazil: Justin Browning (TN), Kristen Cannon (IL), Dylan Ray (AR), Joe Lemmon (KS), Sheridan Mraz (KS), Aly Ryburn (AR), Kaylynn Wells (SC), and leaders Charley and Ellen Carmack (TN).
Campinas, Brazil: Amanda Aycock (OK), Trevor Grooms (AR), Bekka Hale (IN), Emily Parrish (SC), Tom Radley (VI), Nathan Skaggs (KY), Emily Wisdom (MO), and leaders Mark and Khristi Shores (NM).
Panama: Kelsi Caudill (TN), Bethany Coats (SD), Molly Kirk (KY), Stacey Kelley (GA), Christian Sloan (OK), Michael Lindsey (OK), Victoria Little (NC), Dustin Moore (MO), Kaylee Ray (AR), and leaders Steve and Lori Torrison (OK/Panama).
Chicago: Zach Evans (OK), Shelby Gibson (OH), Anthony Headrick (TX), Morgan Lomenick (MS), Jacob McMurray (IN), Elizabeth Palmer (KS), Kaitlyn Pool (NC), Kori Stemp (VA), Chelsea Voltz (TX), and leaders Tom and Carol DuBose (AR).
Mexico: Brittany Adams (MO), Kelsey Byrd (GA), Carson Lee Coker (SC), Emily Conner (MI), David Emery (IL), Taylor Greer (VA), Michael Kear (CA), Erin Shusta (AZ), Sarah Vaughn (OK), and leaders Adam and Miriam James (TN).
Cuba: Cheyenne Brooks (KS), Kati Fannin (AZ), Tyler Hefln (MO), Cody Herren (NC), Bethany Hovis (MO), Allison Lewis (IL), Jon Osterkamp (MO), Maria Petty (IL), Davey Reeves (KY), and leaders Dane and Michelle Forlines (TN).
Japan: Paula Bonfiglio (KS), Noah Ellis (GA), Jamie Hammers (SC), Madison Lindgren (CA), Caleb Myers (MO), Tim Radley (VI), Jessica Stacy (KY), Audrey Williams (AL), and leaders Josh and Ashley Bennett (GA).

Louis Coscia Dead at Age 84
Asheville, NC—Louis Coscia, former missionary to Brazil, died at the age of 84 on Sunday, May 23. Louis and his wife Florine served in Brazil from 1963 to 1992. The funeral was held May 27 in Weaverville, NC.
Seminary Hosts Pastors' Retreat
Chame, Panama—The Chame Seminary property played host to a pastors' retreat May 21-23. All nine pastors attended, and only one was unable to bring his wife. Mike Gladson, pastor of Cofer's Chapel FWB Church in Nashville, TN, presented the majority of the plenary sessions. His wife Linda and Kathleen Willey Peterson were also featured speakers. Five guests from the Free Will Baptist work in Costa Rica attended. A young Costa Rican who studied at the Gwen Hendrix Bible Institute in South Carolina has begun a new work in this nation that borders Panama.
Preparing for Ramadan
10/40 Window—The Muslim world will observe Ramadan, the holiest month in their religious calendar, August 12-September 10. While billions of Muslims participate in the various activities associated with their holy month, millions of Christians engage in strategic prayer for the gospel to penetrate Muslim-dominated areas. Aids for praying with understanding and effectiveness can be found at www.30daysprayer.com.
Snapshots Around the World
Châteaubriant, France—Steve and Becky Riggs are working with a diverse group as they seek to plant a church in Châteaubriant, France. Five families are faithfully participating in worship services. Two families are French, one is Ivorian, another is a refugee family from Central Africa, and a single lady is English. The small congregation is the only Protestant church in the city.

Campinas, Brazil—Fifteen people followed the Lord in baptism May 1, at the São José FWB Church in Campinas, Brazil [pictured above]. Ten of those baptized were from the São José Church, four were from the Ouro Verde Mission, and one was from the Nova América Mission. All three churches are located in the greater Campinas area and have Brazilian pastors.
Belo Horizonte, Brazil—A family of four was baptized May 23 in the Belo Horizonte Church. The family had begun attending the Belo Church almost a year earlier. In time, each family member accepted Christ. Jim Sturgill performed the baptisms in one of his last services in the church.
Gouméré, Côte d’Ivoire—Thirteen people were baptized at the Gouméré FWB Church in Ivory Coast on April 25. Pastor Gboko Kobenan and Deacon Angui baptized nine people from the Gouméré Church and four from a daughter church in the village of Siago. Those baptized ranged in age from their late teens to an 80-year-old woman.
St. Sebastien, France—Many people purchased children’s Bible storybooks from the St. Sebastien bookstore in May. The traditional time for confirmation in the Catholic Church brought family and friends to the bookstore seeking gifts.
Belo Horizonte, Brazil—Jim and Vicki Sturgill retired from service in Brazil on May 31, 2010. The couple will travel to supporting churches throughout the rest of the year and end their tenure with Free Will Baptist International Missions November 30, 2010.