news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com. |
Go10 Walk Kicks Off
Glennville, GA—More than 120 people gathered at the First FWB Church of Glennville to kick-off the Go10 Walk for the World. "I wish everyone could have been here to see this," Go10 Project Leader Joe Wilson said of the event. The festivities began at the Ebenezer FWB Church on Sunday afternoon with a reception described by General Director James Forlines as "a feast prepared by the ladies of the Glennville and Ebenezer churches." Many in attendance visited Miss Laura Belle Barnard's grave in the church's cemetery.

Special guests in attendance included members of Miss Barnard's family and international missionaries from Georgia. The Ebenezer Church announced a $13,000 gift to the Go10 Walk. In total, more than $20,000 was pledged and collected during the two days.
A total of 65 walkers began the first segment of the Go10 Walk for the World Monday, April 5, 2010. With local law enforcement escort, the group left the Glennville church to loud cheers and applause. Those interested can follow the Walk’s progress on www.go10walk.com.
IM Board Meets in Annual Session
Antioch, Tennessee—The Board of Free Will Baptist International Missions met April 26-28, 2010, in Antioch, TN, with all nine members present.
The board gave considerable attention to the Mission’s financial position. A drop-off in giving at the close of 2009, as well challenges associated with currency devaluation, were reflected in the board’s review of the preliminary audit. General Director James Forlines stated, “The board and administrative staff have plans in place to strengthen the Mission’s financial position in 2010.”
The 2011 framework budget was set at $7.8 million. The board voted to terminate the benevolent Medicare health supplement program with a “buy out” for those currently receiving a monthly stipend.
The board interviewed and appointed new missionaries Jennifer S. and Heath and Joni H. All three will join Mick and Rachel D. to form a team to reach North African immigrants in Spain. Eleven missionaries were reappointed for another term of service.
The board received the resignation of Jim and Vicki Sturgill with honor. The Sturgills are retiring after 40 years of service in Brazil—the last 16 years in Belo Horizonte. Ledgel and Sharon Ferguson requested to leave France a few months ahead of the end of their two-year term. The board granted their request.
The board received the resignation of Mike Cousineau as administrative director of The Hanna Project. Mike and his wife Deleen served honorably 27 years as missionaries to Côte d’Ivoire. The board also received Deleen’s resignation. Clint Morgan was selected to serve as interim director of THP.
Women of the Good News Retreat
Bouna, Côte d’Ivoire—The Bouna Free Will Baptist Church hosted the four-day women's retreat of the National Association of Free Will Baptist Women in Côte d'Ivoire (Women of the Good News), April 6-10, 2010. Registrants totaled 181 women. The extreme heat often forced them to meet outdoors under the mango trees.
The main speaker, Madame Mambo (wife of Jean-Luc, president of the national youth organization), is a modern-day African lady and high school professor. Immensely qualified, she taught the ladies how to help with family and home expenses through pursuing a small business or working for someone, without neglecting the needs of the family. She shared practical advice about the right and the wrong ways to proceed. A second speaker, Madame Yéboua, spoke on "Being in Submission to Your Husband " and "What to do When Your Husband is Unfaithful.”
Alice Smith thanked the ladies for their prayers for her mother and announced the probability of her retirement in 2011. On Friday afternoon, a soccer match was held between the women serving as officers and regular members. “The final score was 0 to 0,” writes Alice Smith, “which probably means one of two things: each team was so good they couldn't be scored against, or each team was so bad they couldn't possibly score.” The exhibition was heartily cheered and enjoyed by all.
During registration, the women were divided into four different groups. On Saturday, each group presented a song or skit based on the themes of the speakers. Prizes were awarded to the winning group.
Four Baptized in Uruguay
Montevideo, Uruguay—Four people were baptized in a child’s swimming pool in Montevideo, Uruguay, on a Saturday evening in March. According to Jaimie Lancaster, “A child's swimming pool served as a makeshift baptistry as four people symbolically went from death to life and publically identified themselves with Christ.” Five people worked through 30 weeks of discipleship classes, but health issues prevented one person from participating in baptism.
Pastor Gerardo Acevedo officiated the baptisms and was delighted to include his son David. The church also rejoiced when a person from the congregation accepted Jesus Christ during the invitation.

Snapshots Around the World
Chame, Panama—Close to 100 young people gathered on the Chame seminary property April 1-4, 2010, for four days of preaching, seminars, music, and recreation. Five teens accepted Christ as Savior in the final service on Sunday morning. Many others rededicated their lives.
Conselheiro Lafaiete, Brazil—About 35 years ago, the churches in the Minas Gerais mid-state region began a joint Good Friday service and fellowship. The annual fellowship time has grown from two churches and 40 people to around 300 people representing nine churches this year.
Nashville, TN—Former missionary to Brazil, Carol Robirds, died unexpectedly Tuesday, March 30, 2010. Carol and her husband Don served in Brazil from 1964 to 1971, when Don was asked to join the office staff as director of communications. Carol served as his assistant for several years. The funeral was held at The Donelson Fellowship in Nashville, TN, on April 2.
Alpedrete, Spain—An Ecuadorian lady accepted Christ during April in Alpedrete, Spain. Several members of her family are attending the church.
Sapporo, Japan—A girl recently accepted Christ as Savior as a result of the youth group meetings on Monday evenings at the Miharashidai Chapel in Hokkaido.