April-May 2010
Moved by Compassion: A Heart for World Missions
news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com. |
Missionaries Announce Resignation
Antioch, TN—Over the last several months, the Board of Free Will Baptist International Missions has regretfully accepted the resignations of eight missionaries.
 Paige Autry and Cindy Hall were initially appointed to serve a short-term assignment in Brazil. When their paperwork became tied up in bureaucratic red tape, the board issued a one-year leave-of-absence and they took teaching positions in a mission school in the Virgin Islands.
As other events delayed their ability to enter Brazil, both women decided to resign and continue their ministries in St. Croix. Their resignations were effective October 21, 2009.
Eddie and LaRhonda Bowerman resigned December 31, 2009, for health reasons. After efforts to take the gospel to the Kuna Indians were blocked, the couple served faithfully in a variety of facilitating ministries in Panama. They focused their energies on training children and youth workers, teachers, and pastors through seminars, retreats, Bible institutes, and the Chame seminary. Eddie forged valiantly ahead despite severe health challenges. When he could no longer obtain adequate medical care in Panama, the family returned to the States.
 The board voted to accept the resignations of Andy and Andrea Moore and David and Annette Aycock on March 1, 2010. The couples work together in the Barbacena region of Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Recent policy decisions by the board and administrative staff led them to believe they should take their ministries in a different direction. The Moores’ resignation is effective April 30, 2010; the Aycocks will stay with the Mission through May 31, 2010.
Memorial Service Scheduled for April 17
Greenville, TN—A memorial service to honor former missionary Trula Cronk will be held at Doughty Stevens Funeral Home in Greenville, Tennessee, Saturday, April 17. Visitation is scheduled from 2:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m., and the service will begin at 4 p.m. A graveside service will follow immediately. The beloved missionary died Monday, December 21, 2009, in Thailand where she lived with her son.
Mrs. Cronk and her husband Dan served 24 years as Free Will Baptist pioneer missionaries to India (1948-1972), crossing caste divisions to reach India’s “untouchables” with the gospel.
Trula is also remembered as the first resident of the children’s home in Greenville, Tennessee (a part of Free Will Baptist Family Ministries), in 1939. She later attended Free Will Baptist Bible College, graduating in 1945. Read more about Trula’s remarkable life and ministry in Tribute From a Friend.
The Cronk family requests that friends and colleagues purchase Gideon Bibles ($5 each) rather than flowers. The Bibles will be distributed in India and Thailand. If you are unable to attend the memorial, contact Craig Warner at Gideon’s International: (615) 564-5000.
Snapshots Around the World
Chame, Panama—The Chame Bible Institute in Panama began the first semester of the school year on March 12. Three students are pursuing their final year of studies. Five second-year students (pictured below) and three first-year students are engaged in training.

Chame, Panama—The 22nd annual Panama national women’s retreat began with dinner on Friday, February 5, and concluded after lunch on Sunday, February 7. Several first-timers were among the 104 women attending. Though only 85 beds were available, no one complained about sleeping on a thin foam mattress on the floor.
The theme for the weekend, “Watch, There Are Signs,” reflected the theme verse, 1 Peter 4:7. Music, speakers, and dramatic presentations emphasized the truth of the coming of Christ and how each person should watch, wait, and be prepared.
Valentina de Pérez, from the San Vicente FWB Church, was the primary speaker. She, along with her parents and siblings, were among the first converts in the Free Will Baptist work in Panama.

Doropo, Côte d’Ivoire—On February 9, 2010, nearly 50 volunteers began their first day on the Save-a-Life Five team. The team remained in Côte d’Ivoire for a week, serving as God’s hands and feet to the mostly Muslim and animist villagers. Lives were changed both physically and spiritually. Read more about this amazing trip at www.fwbgo.com.
Tokyo, Japan—Ken and Judy Bailey were pleased when a couple stopped by the Kamifukuoka Church in February to request English lessons. A few days later, another woman came in and requested Bible studies in English. The couple and lady have begun their lessons. The Baileys are praying God will use the studies to work in their hearts.
Alpedrete, Spain—The first evangelical church group to worship in the city of Alpedrete, Spain, celebrated its fourth anniversary on Sunday, February 7. The congregation began with 18 people and now regularly runs around 50 people.
Ribeirão Preto, Brazil—After three years in the system, the plans for the Second FWB Church of Marincek in Ribeirão Preto have been approved, and the foundation is being laid. Bobby and Geneva Poole are training leaders for this congregation.