news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com. |
Robert West With the Lord
SMITHFIELD, NC—Robert Glenn West died Friday, August 28, 2009, from cancer and complications. He was born in Smithfield, NC, on October 23, 1947. He and his wife Pam were appointed to Côte d’Ivoire in 1982 as maintenance missionaries for the hospital in Doropo. They were granted career status in 1995, and began a village ministry in Kafolo in 1999. Near the end of 2002 the Wests were forced to leave the country during the coup d’etat.
They returned to the field the following June joining Jerry and Carol Pinkerton in Abidjan. Finding unstable conditions in the Kafolo area, sensing the inability to physically handle the stress of those conditions, and feeling unsuited for working in the mega-city of Abidjan, they determined they were better equipped for a stateside ministry. They resigned September 30, 2003.
Robert served as a deacon at Unity FWB Church in Smithfield, NC, and worked at the Minshew Funeral Home. Robert and Pam have one daughter, Marie, who lives in Florida.
Corleys Resign, Begin New Ministry
Antioch, TN—The Board of Free Will Baptist International Missions regretfully accepted the resignation of Mike and Cathy Corley on July 1, 2009. Mike has accepted a position as Director of the Alabama Free Will Baptist Children’s Home in Eldridge, Alabama. In his letter of resignation Mike wrote, “We are at the point in life where we feel our circumstances have changed significantly enough that we cannot continue to render the full-time efforts required of missionaries living abroad.” Mike also cited his son’s deteriorating health and months of seeking the Lord’s will as factors in their decision.
Mike and Cathy began their service with the Mission at a time when many people are beginning to plan for retirement. The courageous couple was appointed to Russia in 1998, solidifying the Mission’s partnership with Russian Baptist leaders. They helped implement two Bible institute training programs, one in Chelyabinsk and one in Krasnodar.

The flexible couple transferred to Central Asia in 2006 to coordinate Free Will Baptist activities throughout the region. They laid the groundwork for a team of workers and facilitated project implementation for the denomination’s non-governmental organization.
“The Corleys will be greatly missed,” Jeff Turnbough, deputy director of field operations wrote recently. “They leave the Mission,” he continued, “with the same grace, dignity, and excellence with which they have served.”
General Director James Forlines, indicated, “The Corleys have a desire to be involved with the Mission and our partnership with the Russian Baptist Union, and we welcome their continuing involvement.”
Mike and Cathy’s resignation was effective August 1, 2009.

Wilson Joins International Missions
Antioch, TN—Barry Simpson, director of development for Free Will Baptist International Missions, recently announced the addition of Joe Wilson [pictured] to the IM team. Joe, formerly a pastor in Lebanon, MO, began his assignment in Antioch in June 2009.
“As part of our 75th anniversary celebration in 2010,” said Simpson, “Joe will lead a major initiative with our denomination’s young people. He is taking on a 14-month assignment that concludes after the 2010 National Association in Oklahoma City. We are thrilled to have a creative leader of Joe’s caliber to champion this effort!”
“I am excited and almost overwhelmed by the opportunity God is opening before me to have such a major impact,” Joe said. “There is much to do in little time. I hope people will pray with us for God to give this endeavor His favor.”
Snaphots Around the World
Alpedrete, Spain—The Alpedrete Church hosted a vacation Bible school July 27-31. The Crocodile Dock will be remembered as one of the highlights of the year. A total of 42 children participated during the week, with an average of 30 in attendance each afternoon. Fifty-five people attended the closing ceremony.
Araras, Brazil—The Missions Committee of the International Fellowship of Free Will Baptists met with the Executive Committee July 27-29. Discussion centered on efforts to provide Free Will Baptists in countries outside the States an avenue to cooperate to send missionaries. A proposal will be presented to the general assembly of the International Fellowship next year.
India—A new church opened in Nepal this summer, with 19 families comprising the congregation. Another group of 70-80 people began meeting in North India. This group recently baptized 14 new believers and more people are coming to know Christ.
Ribeirão Preto, Brazil—After more than two years of seeking city approval for plans for their new church building, the Marincek Church received approval in July. An engineer is working on calculating the specifications for the foundation, pillars, and cross beams. When his work is completed, construction will begin.
E-TEAM—Seventy-six students and 18 team leaders went to nine destinations this summer. Teams were exposed to different cultures and were involved in a variety of ministries: handing out tracts, presenting mimes, singing songs, hosting children’s festivals, etc. Students touched lives in Brazil, Chicago, Cuba, France, Hokkaido, Mexico, Spain, St. Croix, and Tokyo.

TIMELINE—Add your missions story to our interactive timeline [pictured above]. Check out stories from those who have already taken advantage of this feature at fwbgo.com/timeline.