news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com. |

First General Director Dies
Monett, Missouri—Charles Raymond Riggs went to be with the Lord Monday, April 13, after
extended illness. The 93-year-old died at home in Monett, Missouri, and was buried in Cookeville, Tennessee.
Raymond Riggs began a 35-year ministry with foreign missions in 1943 when elected to the first Board of Free Will Baptist Foreign Missions. He served as promotional director from 1950-1953 when he became the denomination’s first general director of Free Will Baptist Foreign Missions (1953-1959).
He resigned his position to return to the pastorate, but remained
on the Board for another 20 years. His dedication to reaching lost people worldwide with the gospel earned him the nickname “Mr. Foreign Missions.”
During his tenure as general director, the Mission grew from seven missionaries to 30 serving
in six countries: Brazil, Japan, Spain, and Ivory Coast in addition to India and Cuba.
Although he resigned from the Foreign Missions Board in 1978, his concern for the lost around the world never ended. He continued
to support the Mission and missionaries. Read more about his remarkable life in the August-September issue of the magazine.
International Missions to Print Into the Darkness
Antioch, TN—As International Missions approacheches its 75th anniversary, several special events and projects are planned to help the denomination celebrate this milestone. One project is a coffee table-style book highlighting the Mission’s pioneer missionary efforts. Rare photographs enhance the beautiful design
and compliment the well-written profiles.
After September 30, this lovely book will sell for $49.95. Pre-orders paid by September 30 receive a discounted price of $45, a free copy of Laura Belle Barnard’s autobiography Touching the Untouchables (while supplies last), and free shipping. The nearly 200-page, pictorial history of Free Will Baptist International Missions will be mailed no later than May 1, 2010. Review sample pages and reserve your copy at www.fwbgo.com.
Watch for more information about additional projects and special events.
Snapshots Around the World
Campinas, Brazil—Sunday, March 22, was a special day for the São José church in Campinas. Pastor Lucas, First FWB Church in Campinas, has been assisting the São José congregation
for almost nine months while they were without a pastor. The church honored Pastor Lucas for his dedication with a special music presentation and the gift of a new suit. The second day of discipleship classes also began that day with 15 people participating. The day climaxed with the salvation of Cristiane during the evening service. She and her three young children have attended the church for several months.
Ebebetsu, Japan—Nathan and Linda Snow moved to North Ebetsu, in the area of Yahata, last fall. They have had many opportunities to make contacts over the past several months. Nathan served on a committee formed to help with a neighbor family’s funeral and had the opportunity to share the differences between a Buddhist and Christian funeral with the men. Megan Snow began Japanese junior high school, and has invited
friends and teachers to church. Her homeroom teacher visited the Miharashidai Chapel in March, his first time in a Protestant church.
Montevideo, Uruguay—Around 700 churches in and around Montevideo sponsored the Franklin Graham crusade called “Festival de Esperanza” or “Festival of Hope,” March 19-21. The Montevideo Church sponsored the attendance of a number of underprivileged children to a children’s festival in conjunction with the crusade. The stadium was filled nightly and overflowed on Saturday. Each night more than 800 adults and youth came forward to make decisions. Over 20,000 children
attended the kid’s festival where Jaimie and Tammy Lancaster
were counselors and led several children to Christ.
Belo Horizonte, Brazil—The First FWB Church in Belo is expanding its leadership. For the first time since the church was organized five years ago, the congregation elected a new vice president, Pedro Borba. Pedro is a young college graduate who works as a manager for an international company. The church elected its first deacon, Adalberto, who is a lawyer for the state of Minas Gerais. He and his wife Rosie also lead the music. Rafael Santos was elected as the first pastoral assistant. He is currently a seminary student and helps with the youth and visitation programs at the church. Amanda, a structural designer for an engineering firm, is the new secretary-treasurer.
She has attended the church since she was a young child.
Café y Algo Más
The Alpedrete Church hosted “Café y Algo Más” (Coffee
and Something More) on Sunday
evening, March 29. Sixty adults filled the hotel dining room to listen
as local believers shared music, testimony, and a short parenting seminar. In an adjacent room, four friends from the sister church in Villalba took care of the 27 children who had come with their parents. The event was preceded by a month-long prayer emphasis.

Twenty-nine people who have never attended an evangelical church gathered with believers from the Alpedrete church. Christians had coffee and chatted with friends who were curious about their faith. A 14-year-old flautist played for the event. His faith in the power of prayer was strengthened when he saw how God used his gifts to bless those listening.
Several attendees indicated they were interested in learning more about spiritual matters. This event not only blessed the visitors but also the church members. Their faith in God was deepened as they saw friends they had invited and prayed for enter the hotel.