EveryOne:Reaching Farther Together
news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com. |

Bookroom Opens in Central Asia
The grand opening for the bookroom in
Central Asia was January 11. Present for the event were 15-
20 local people, plus Central Asia team members, and women
on the Christmas Joy team. The students were extremely excited
to have access to English books and DVDs. The room will
double as an English classroom until the library can become
self-supporting. The book room will be used as an avenue for
building relationships with students and others who visit.
400 Gather for Panamanian Convention
Chame, Panama: The annual FWB convention in Panama
was held January 10-11, 2009. Over 400 people enjoyed the
times of worship and fellowship. Thirteen new believers were
baptized, including an older gentleman who had never attended
church until his father-in-law passed away.
The Panamanian
Association honored Eddie and LaRhonda Bowerman in
appreciation for their work in launching the seminary. Three
seminary students received certificates for completing their
first year of school and gave their testimonies. Those three
students began their second year of school in March, and a
handful of students have begun their first year.
Villalba Church Construction Nears Completion
Villalba, Spain: The Villalba FWB Church building (pictured below, right) is
nearing completion. The church bought this property in 1989
and began construction in 1991. They were told they did not
have the correct permit and spent the next 13 years battling
in the court system until they received a permit.

began again on December 24, 2007, and is scheduled to be
completed by early April 2009. Upon completion, the building will be the only evangelical church building on that side of Madrid. Missionary Sam McVay is pictured above with the construction foreman.
Snapshots Around the World
Châteaubriant, France: Steve and Becky Riggs, Cathy Crawford,
and Ledgel and Sharon Ferguson have begun a new church in
Châteaubriant. Their first official church service (pictured below) was held in a local
Christian couple’s home on January 11, with 11 adults and five children in attendance.

Colmenar Viejo, Spain: The executive committee of the FWB
Association in Spain held their annual meeting January 17 at the
Colmenar Viejo Church. A representative from each of the Colmenar Viejo, Esperanza, Villalba, and Alpedrete churches attended. Each pastor brought positive and encouraging reports from his church.
The Esperanza church members are renovating a storefront building
and hope to move in soon.
Creative Access: Dale and Alyssa Harvey, workers in Central
Asia, returned to the States March 14. The Harveys went to Central
Asia for one year to teach English and assist other workers in the
area. They not only taught English classes but coached a volleyball
team, helped to organize a bookroom, and were involved in many
outreach activities.

El Capurí, Panama: Members of the Good News FWB Church in
Chitré traveled over an hour to El Capurí on January 30. The group
ministered in the small town for three days by showing an evangelistic
film, hosting a children’s day (pictured above), and ending with a traditional
church service. An average of 40 people attended each event and
eight people professed Jesus as their Savior.
Hokkaido , Japan: The Japan Field Council met for a short retreat
in Hokkaido in January before beginning their missionary
strategy planning session in Ebetsu. Rob Morgan, pastor of The
Donelson FWB Church in Nashville, TN, was the guest speaker. The
missionaries spent four days discussing future ministry plans.
Marincek, Brazil: Bobby and Geneva Poole returned to Brazil
January 10. The Marincek Church had good attendance and two new
families joined the church during the Poole’s six-month absence. The
first Sunday Bobby preached three children accepted the Lord. Plans
for a new building for the Marincek Church are still in the city´s engineering
department, but are getting closer to approval.