news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com. |
Weekend Seminar Trains French Leaders
La Romagne, France—A six-member team led 17 participants through a three-day workshop on developing relationships to minister effectively at the Le Vallon Boarding School in La Romagne, south-east of Nantes, on September 12-14. For the first time, the seminar was given in French. The teaching revolved around the theme “Relationship is the bridge Jesus walks from one person to another.”
Participants, representing all three FWB churches in the Brittany area, discovered tools to help them develop and maintain relationships in their families and churches, among their neighbors, and with colleagues at work. They learned durable relationships are formed when we lower our barriers and allow others to do the same. The three days were packed with opportunities for the trainees to hone their skills by developing deeper relationships with other participants.

Comments from attendees highlight the effectiveness of the training. “It is very non-French to open up to others, to lower the barriers that protect our privacy,” shared one participant. “Some parts of this weekend were hard, but it made me open up. I realized I hadn’t been sensitive to others; now I want to go deeper in my relationships.”
Another confessed, “I feared relationships. They were painful, and I hid from them. I loved rainy weekends because I could curl up in bed and not have to worry about seeing people. Now I have tools I can use to develop relationships with those around me.” She added, “This weekend I learned that a coworker who gets on my nerves every day, does have some good qualities and I can develop a relationship with her.”
Another participant revealed he had never been hugged by his father. During the weekend, however, he felt he received a “hug” from everyone present. He encountered validation and encouragement he had never experienced. In response, he determined to spend more time with his children to encourage them.
Several participants said they were leaving training committed to developing closer relationships so they can minister to people and show them Christ.
One man indicated he realized he doesn’t know most of the people in his church very well. “The tools we’ve received this weekend are good tools to use, not only in our relationships at work, but we need them in our churches as well!”
This weekend was an important first step in the process of translating and adapting the full Leadership Matters Course (LMC) into French. FWB missionaries Robert Bryan and Dennis Teague are two of the committee members who have taken on this responsibility. “Putting LMC into French is a monumental undertaking, but one which will have an eternal effect as French church and mission leaders are given biblically-based skills they need in their ministries,” Robert says.
The full LMC offers a 13-day training program that guides leaders in the development of Christ-centered skills in building relationships, communication, administration, creative thinking and decision-making, cultivating motivation, public relations and ministry. It is a highly interactive and participant-driven course.
Dennis Teague summed up his thoughts on the training: “I feel great satisfaction in the fact that a part of LMC is now in French and that the French participants responded to it very positively.”
Help Build History
Antioch, TN—“In ongoing efforts to improve our Web presence and to tell the story of the Mission, I am pleased to announce the addition of a timeline to our website,” FWBIM’s Deputy Director of Stateside Operations Mark McPeak recently announced. “This interactive, wiki-style tool will be available at fwbgo.com on January 1, 2009.”

The timeline will contain two tracks: stateside and international. Each will be populated with major events in the Mission’s history. However, from January 1 to December 31, 2009, constituents, national Christians, the Mission family and their extended family, are invited to add their stories, photos, and video to the timeline.
Free Will Baptists can bring a unique perspective to the story of FWB missions. McPeak encourages, “Reveal what it meant to have a particular missionary visit your church or home. Tell short stories about missionaries as real people. Give testimonies. Share photos. Help build IM history.”
Visit www.fwbgo.com today and add your contribution.
Tallent Joins International Missions
Antioch, TN—Deputy Director of Field Operations Jeff Turnbough announced September 5, 2008, the addition of Charolette Tallent to the International Missions staff as field operations stateside manager. She began her duties on October 16, 2008.
Charolette’s responsibilities include candidate coordinator (currently filled by Judy Lytle), administrative assistant for the department of field operations, and stateside manager of all field operations.
Charolette served as a career missionary to France for 20 years (1976-1996). “I am grateful for the opportunity to return to my heart's passion—missions,” says Charolette. “I look forward to rejoining the FWBIM team and being on the cutting edge of what the Lord is doing among us.”
Snapshots Around the World
Nantes, France—JCROIS, the annual youth conference in France, took place August 29-31. “The whole weekend was good, but Sunday was the cherry on the dessert,” exclaimed Robert Bryan. The FWB church in Nantes was filled with just over 200 people. This year’s theme centered on helping Christian high school and university students answer the tough questions posed by teachers and classmates. Several lives were changed, and several more young people made commitments to follow God’s call in their lives.
Cuba—Two hurricanes within two weeks during September left the island nation of Cuba under water, without electricity, and with billions in damage. Leaders of the FWB work in Cuba were able to visit some of the affected areas and reported damage to several churches and parsonages. Tax-deductible donations to assist Cuban Christians can be made to FWBIM.

Rivera, Uruguay—The Santa Teresa church (pictured above) in Rivera celebrated its 46th anniversary on August 30, 2008. The church is the oldest work in Uruguay. Several from surrounding churches attended and a standing-room only crowd was present during the service. Jaimie Lancaster brought the message. Various presentations were made by local churches. One person was saved.
Belo Horizonte—The First FWB Church in Belo Horizonte had a children’s dedication Sunday, September 7. According to Jim Sturgill, “This dedication was a special blessing since I helped this family a couple years earlier with a broken relationship.” While scheduling the baby dedication, the mother mentioned that she would also like to present her eldest daughter. Although, the whole family was present for the dedication, the mother is the only one who is saved. Events like this continue to open doors to reach entire families.
Tokyo, Japan—Two young girls who attend the Kamifukuoka FWB Church were presented certificates of achievement for their hard work on August 31. The mother of these two girls worked diligently with her daughters for 12 months to help them memorize their weekly memory verses.
Nantes, France—Working from a foundation laid by others, Tim and Di Keener have ministered to a husband of a Christian lady for approximately three years. After much witnessing and prayer this man has come to know the Lord. He emailed Tim, "My life has completely changed, I now live with God and for Him. I sense a deliverance, relief. I now know that I will live with God and that his presence will always be with me."
For more in-depth versions of these and other stories visit www.fwbgo.com.