news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com.
News Snippets
Hokkaido, Japan—In December, Yoshino, a Christian lady, was instrumental in leading a terminally ill friend to the Lord. Her excitement bubbled over during a Bible study in Debbie Griffin’s home. Together, Debbie and Yoshino helped another woman who had been studying the Bible for many months to take the step of faith.
Rivera, Uruguay—Members of the Central FWB Church in Rivera delivered three performances of their Christmas play: December 22 in Santa Teresa with one person saved, December 23 at Central with three salvation decisions, and December 30 in Aguas Buenas with two people saved.
Svishtov, Bulgaria— Tim and Lydia Awtrey are experiencing problems in Svishtov: they have more people participating in services and home Bible study groups than they can house! On January 27, 45 people packed the small church. The three Bible study groups regularly have eight to 15 people in each.
Nantes, France—Robert Bryan baptized five students at the Nantes FWB Church on January 20. Each testified that their faith is about a relationship with God, not religion. Many unsaved family and friends were present.
Chitré, Panama—The Good News FWB Church of Chitré, Panama, has continued to hold evangelistic campaigns in El Barrero, a small village about an hour and a half away. Although attendance in the evening services was low due to a death in the community, four adults and one teen responded to Steve Torrison’s simple, salvation message the second evening.

Fenton, MO—In a service on February 3, Calvary Fellowship Missions Chair Mrs. Delsie Troutman and Pastor Jerry Norris presented a check for $35, 168.01 to Barry Simpson, the Mission’s director of development. The money is designated for building churches in India. Jerry Norris also serves on the Board of FWBIM.
Harveys Depart in March
Antioch, TN—Dale and Allysa Harvey departed for the field on March 17. The IM Board approved the couple in December 2006 for a one-year term of service in Central Asia. They worked diligently for over a year to raise funds and prayer support.
The Harvey’s will work alongside the Central Asia Baptist Union to coordinate children’s ministry activities and train national believers to minister to children. They are immensely qualified for this endeavor. As a schoolteacher, Allysa ministered to inner city children for six years and worked many summers as a camp counselor. Dale worked for the YMCA of Middle Tennessee serving as a site director for before and after care. He also worked closely with children and helped develop curriculum.
Dale and Allysa are members of Bethlehem FWB Church in Ashland City, Tennessee, where they previously served as the children’s ministry coordinators and assisted in youth ministry.
Photo: Allysa Harvey with Steve Lytle, director of field operations for the International Missions Department, at the Harvey's commissioning service.
Panama National Convention
Chame, Panama—Panamanian Free Will Baptists gathered on the campus of the new seminary property in Chame for their national convention on January 13 -14. Approximately 500 people attended the event, which included a Saturday business session, two preaching services, a children’s conference, and an afternoon of games and fun.
Pastors Uriel Velasquez and Tomas Mendoza shared inspiring, thematic messages with a challenge for the church to take up the words of Isaiah and say “Here I am Lord, send me.”

Missionary Eddie Bowerman outlined the seminary programs scheduled to begin in March. Two future students shared testimonies about their plans to study at the seminary. The children’s program, coordinated by Brenda Bunch and Adelaida Mendoza, featured participation from almost all of the FWB churches and kept kids enthralled for hours as they taught the Bible and challenged each one to serve God.
A baptism service held Sunday morning was a highlight of the two-day convention. Eighteen people, from the very young to someone almost 70 years old, were baptized. Everyone was blessed to see such a large group of converts take this step of faith.
Nehemiah Project Moves Forward
Villalba, Spain—At 8:00 am, on a frosty December 24, the bulldozing crew was at the Villalba church’s lot, ready to begin. “What a great Christmas present!” missionary Jeff Turnbough exclaimed.
Though a long-awaited and eagerly anticipated event, missionaries and church members were surprised the crew was willing to start work on Christmas Eve, an important holiday in Spain.
Felician, the owner and head of the construction company the church hired, is also a member of the Villalba congregation. It was an extremely unusual sight when many of those gathered at the work site stopped for a moment, with the head of the construction team, to give thanks to God for this event and to ask Him to bless, protect, and guide the workers.

People out for their last minute Christmas shopping created a traffic jam right in front of the construction site. These were the first of many "looks" from people passing by the church property, with a number of them asking, "What are they building?"
“As construction continues,” says June McVay, “pray many people will take notice and decide to visit the church.”
Little Departs Mission, Maintains Commitment
Antioch, TN—Reverend Doug Little is departing from service at Free Will Baptist International Missions to pursue other ministry opportunities effective March 31. “I’m grateful for my time at IM,” Little said. “I have a passion for reaching the world with the gospel and, wherever I serve in the future, I will be involved in missions.”
Initially, Doug served on the IM Board (1998-2003), three years as chairman, before joining the staff. He left a successful 18-year pastorate at First FWB in Russellville, AR, where he led his church to become a model of missions support and involvement.
In his five years at the Mission, Doug has served as both Director of Development and Director of Mobilization. As Director of Development he introduced a structured International Missions Emphasis Month plan and thematic materials, boosting the growth of the World Missions Offering.
As Director of Mobilization, Doug introduced the Global Outreach Church Network to connect and resource pastors with a passion for world evangelism. During Doug’s tenure, student and short-term missions have had some of their most successful years and a new program, GPS (Global Purpose Seekers), was begun for junior high students.
General Director James Forlines commends Little, “Doug’s heart for missions is unequaled among Free Will Baptists; he has made a valuable contribution, and we know he will continue to make a difference wherever he serves.”
Camps Provide Escape From Carnaval
Campinas, Brazil—Carnaval (Mardi Gras) in Brazil provides an opportunity for people to release normal moral restraints. Extreme partying with a free flow of alcohol, drugs, sex, and lewdness fills the streets. To steer Christians and unbelievers away from the temptations of Carnaval, , evangelical churches often schedule activities away from the city.
The churches in the Ribeirão Preto, Jaboticabal, and Uberlândia region joined for a family retreat at the campground in Jaboticabal from Saturday, February 1, through Tuesday, February 5. A record 280 people participated. Separate activities were organized for children, youth, and adults. Area pastors brought messages in the evening joint services. Many people came forward for prayer and rededication. A tremendous climate of unity and excitement was in the air as the group celebrated the fruit of 50 years of FWB ministry in Brazil. Bobby Poole presented a history of FWB supplemented by old pictures of the work.
The First FWB Church in Campinas held a youth camp in a rented country weekend home. Tents were used for overflow of the existing sleeping facilities. Around 60 people attended.
The São José FWB Church held a youth camp in a rented facility about an hour from Campinas. A total of 80 youth and staff were present for the four-day event. The majority of the youth attending were unchurched. Although some had been to a youth camp before, many were hearing the gospel for the first time. The wife of the facility’s caretaker accepted Christ during the event.