news around the world
Free Will Baptist International Missions serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God.
To find out more about the ministry of Free Will Baptist International Missions, visit www.fwbgo.com.

Photo (left to right): New missionaries Cindy Hall, Paige Autry, Kimberly Johnson, and Rosana Miller.
Antioch, TN The Board of Free Will Baptist International Missions met April 23–25 in Antioch, TN. As a result of the meeting, two couples and four single women were appointed to missionary service.
Paige Autry and Cindy Hall of Gateway FWB Church in Virginia Beach, VA , were approved to teach English in Brazil for a two-year term. They will work with the David Aycock family in Barbacena. Both ladies currently teach at Gateway Christian School.
Kimberly Johnson (First FWB Church, Wewoka, OK) was appointed as a career missionary to Brazil. She will serve at Lar Nova Vida (New Life Children’s Home) in Araras. Working with former missionary and founder of LNV Shirley Combs, Kimberly will train to become the director of the children’s home. Kimberly holds a B.A. from Hillsdale FWB College and a Master’s degree in social work from East Central University. She served as a short-term missionary with FWBIM (2002–2004) in Araras, Brazil.
 Rosanna Miller of Modesto FWB Church California, was approved for a two-year term in Bulgaria. She will join the Awtrey family in Svishtov. Rosanna will be involved in university ministry and assist with discipleship and evangelism.
Rusty and Brenda Carney (far left) and Josh and Alicia Crowe (near left) were appointed as career missionaries to Japan. Both couples will enter a two-year language program in Hokkaido, Japan. Both Brenda (Wendlandt) and Alicia (Hart) previously served two years as English teachers in Japan.
Barbacena, Brazil Bobby and Sue Aycock retired from missionary service in Brazil after almost 40 years. The couple began their ministry in 1960. As a result of their tenure, the area of Barbacena has seven established churches and a Bible institute.
Bobby faithfully preached the gospel through a daily radio ministry. The couple was honored twice before their June 7 departure from their adopted country. On May 5, over 330 people attended an early 50th wedding anniversary celebration. The Aycocks renewed their wedding vows in an emotional ceremony.
Their actual anniversary was June 14. Over 400 people gathered to say goodbye to the senior missionary couple on June 2 in a special church service. Bobby preached his final sermon on Brazilian soil. A mass choir formed by the seven churches provided special music. They were greeted with a surprise celebration by Faith FWB Church in Goldsboro, NC, on June 16.
Nine Baptized in Brazil
Ribeirão Preto, Brazil Nine people were baptized at the Marincek FWB Church in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, on Sunday, June 3. Bobby Pooleindicated one man had been “the community drunk and we had been working with him some 15 years.”
The 55-year-old Mario Vieira was the lone adult baptized. The eight young people were Giúlia Feitosa (10), Karen (nine), Oseias Silva (12), Lígia Feitosa(10), Carlos (12), Guilherme Assunção (10), Bruno (eight), and Guilherme Silva (10).
Forty Ivorians Attend Couples Retreat
Abidjan , Côte d’Ivoire Three FWB churches in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa joined for a weekend couples’ retreat June 1, 2. Over 40 people participated in the event. Clint Morgan, IM’s regional director for Africa and Creative Access Countries, spoke on “The Christian Family and Finances.”
Owens Retire
Montevideo , Uruguay Dennis and Trena Owen returned to the States on July 1. The couple has resigned from missionary service due to Dennis’ health. The Owens’ pioneered work in Montevideo, capital city of Uruguay. They united church-planting efforts and Bible institute training to advance the gospel in the atheistic culture. A strong church, led by a Uruguayan pastor, is a tribute to the16 years they served.
Dennis also conceived and implemented a program called the Pro Templo Fund. The innovative system allows a congregation to build a church building, hire a national pastor, and become self-supporting.
The couple was appointed in 1979, and originally planned to serve in Brazil. God redirected them to ministry in Spain. There they assisted Ron and Linda Callaway in planting a church in Mostoles and Jeff and Susan Turnbough in planting a church in Villalba before God led them to Uruguay.