December-January 2025
Maybe This Year?

news around the world
IM serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of IM, visit www.IMINC.org

Brazil Celebrates Ten Years of National Meetings
Campinas, Brazil — The Alliance of FWB Churches held their tenth annual meeting August 30-September 1, 2024, in Campinas, Brazil. The First FWB Church of Campinas and the Nova América Church jointly hosted the meeting.

Eleven churches — from the states of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, and from Brasília (the capital of the country) — participated. Organized as a sequel to a previous association of churches which had dissolved, the Alliance celebrated their tenth anniversary with a live transmission of the event.
On Saturday evening, the group also celebrated 20 years of the current Bible college with the graduation of two men with a B.A. in Bible and ministry. A video played during the celebration providing a historical overview of the school.
Sakamotos Move to Career Status Missionaries
Antioch, Tennessee — The IM Board approved Osam and Emily Sakamoto’s transition from missionary interns to career missionaries in Tokyo, Japan.
Raised in the city of Nerima, on the outskirts of Tokyo, Osam has worked with the Hope Alive Church for the last three years. He serves as the associate pastor and is currently working toward a master’s degree at Welch College. Emily joined the Hope Alive team in 2022. She ministers with English outreach, Bible studies, and social media.

The couple is passionate about mentioning the gospel early and often. Married in December of 2023, they plan to work with Hope Alive Network and their efforts to plant churches among the 99% of people in Japan who still don’t know Jesus.
“I have a burden that my country knows who Jesus is,” said Osam. “We feel God’s hand moving in our ministry, and we are excited to be a part of it and partner with others so they can be a part of it, too.”
Don Matchett, IM’s director of development, urged, “Join us in praying for Osam and Emily as they return to the States in the next few months to share about their future ministry with Hope Alive Network.”
Snapshots Around the World
Kenya — On Wednesday, October 16, 2024, Pastor Francis baptized five Samburu believers in northern Kenya.
Panama — August 25, 2024, two people were baptized at the FWB church in Parita, Panama.

Cuba — “Free Will Baptists in Cuba are at the forefront of providing chaplaincy training for candidates from various denominations,” stated Global Partnerships Director Kenneth Eagleton. In mid-September, a new class of chaplains (above) who will work in jails, prisons, and hospitals graduated.
India — Pastor Stanley RajKumar reported South India Free Will Baptist youth held a one-day conference on October 2, 2024. Almost 200 young people gathered. More than 50 gave their lives to Christ; 20 dedicated themselves for full-time ministry. The theme was “Be Strengthened” from 2 Timothy 2:1.

Brazil — Pastor Paulo César and his assistant Tiago baptized eight people (pictured above) August 25, 2024, at the Nova América FWB Church in Campinas, Brazil.
Cuba — The eastern campus of the Cedars of Lebanon FWB Seminary in Bayamo opened its 2024-25 academic year in September, adding an extension class in Cuba’s second largest city, Santiago de Cuba. FWB Bible and ministry training in Cuba now occurs from the most western province of Pinar del Río (the main campus) to the most eastern province of Santiago de Cuba, with many churches in between serving as extension locations. Kenneth Eagleton urges, “Pray for these students and teachers as new leaders are trained for the growing number of churches.”
Cuba — “Encuentro con Dios,” the FWB Church in La Lisa, Cuba, baptized 12 people, celebrated the Lord’s Supper, and held a special children’s presentation on Sunday, September 7, 2024. Pastor Ramón Sanchez, president of Cuba’s national convention, attended the festive occasion.
France — An estimated 280 people packed the September 28, 2024, JPense event in France. IM missionaries gave away Bibles, many attendees joined discussion groups, and families heard the gospel.
Bulgaria — Over 100 people representing seven churches participated in Bulgaria’s FWB national conference in Tryavna, Bulgaria, September 21-23. Pastor Mike Cash (East Valley FWB Church, Mesa, AZ) spoke, encouraging and challenging believers.