June-July 2024
Time to Shine!

news around the world
IM serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of IM, visit www.IMINC.org

Snapshots Around the World
Bulgaria — Missionaries in Bulgaria gathered March 31 to April 4 for a spring planning meeting. New appointees Dennis and Mary Heath joined the group Monday, March 31. The rest of the week the team debriefed recent events, discussed plans for a two-year internship course for future Bulgarian leaders, planned the national conference, and more. They made time for fellowship, outdoor activities, and fun.
Cuba — Cuban believers filled the Cedars of Lebanon seminary campus (below) for their national conference February 23-25. Saturday evening, they celebrated the 80th anniversary of the seminary. One of the first students and a member of the first graduating class, 102-year-old Benito Rodrigues delivered video greetings. Kenneth Eagleton, director of global partnerships, attended the convention, met with the Executive Committee, and preached Saturday morning.

Spain — Neil and Mandi Morgan celebrated seven visitors to their church Sunday, April 7.
Brazil — The Jaboticabal FWB Church in Jaboticabal, Brazil, presented a drama depicting the life of Christ on April 7, 2024. “It Was for You” involved multiple generations in the production.
Panama — Pastor Lino Pascacio, a church planter in Chepo, Panama, maintains a flourishing ministry at the local university. Several students have accepted Christ as Savior and been baptized. Pastor Lino is respected by the university administration. Recently, the mayor reached out to ask him to start a ministry to inmates at the local jail. Pastor Lino has no experience with prison ministry, but he didn't hesitate to say yes. In mid-April he began sharing the gospel with 40 inmates.
Côte d’Ivoire — Nassian FWB Church in northeastern Côte d’Ivoire celebrated Easter with 15 baptisms. Afterward, the newly baptized believers received certificates and joined Pastor Edmond Kouadja and the rest of the congregation in communion (below).

Japan — New Life Church missionary team in Hokkaido, Japan, hosted an Easter party for kids Saturday, March 30. Crafts, an egg hunt, and a presentation of the Easter story entertained seven children. Eleven guests joined worshipers Easter Sunday, followed by decorating eggs and a fellowship meal.
Cuba — Pastor Leandro Pozo of the Guanabo FWB Church baptized six people (below) in the ocean on Easter Sunday.

Bulgaria — Women from the New Life churches in Bulgaria gathered for a retreat March 21-24. Seventy-seven women (below) attended the first retreat in five years. Ruth McDonald, former missionary to Japan and WNAC executive secretary, provided three sessions aimed at seekers and young Christians.

Bangladesh — In 2022, representatives from the Khumi people of eastern Bangladesh attended a seminar on Bible translation organized by IM partners, Word of Life. They set up a translation team and continued training to get the New Testament into their heart language, currently unavailable.
In 2023, the translation team (pictured below) was put under house arrest for political and religious reasons. Word of Life had no contact for eight months and assumed the translation project was on hold. After contact was recently reestablished, amazingly, the team used their confinement to concentrate on Bible translation.

They finished the first draft of 22 of the 27 New Testament books and hope to have them all completed this summer. “Praise the Lord for the faithfulness of this Khumi team,” said Kenneth Eagleton. “This is one of seven teams working on Bible translations. Pray for these teams.”
Pakistan — Free Will Baptists in the Lahore area of Pakistan minister (below) to extremely poor people who work in brick kilns under semi-slavery conditions. They provide them with food and share the Bread of Life.

France — Joel and Lydie Teague headed up a team holding the first JPense event in two years in Nantes, France (below). On January 27, almost 300 people filled the rented space. Many were nonbelievers who provided positive feedback, saying the event made them think. Thirteen people signed up for discussion groups that began in April. Two people registered for more advanced Bible studies. “Please pray that what they heard will stick with them, and they will seek answers,” Lydie requested. “Pray those who signed up for advanced studies will come to know Christ.”
