March 2024
A Serving Life

news around the world
IM serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of IM, visit www.IMINC.org

Missionaries Appointed During December Board Meeting
Antioch, Tennessee—The IM board met December 5-6, 2023, to discuss budgets, strategy, and the future of IM. They expressed great joy over the way God is working around the world through IM’s ministries.
The board adopted a 2024 budget totaling $16,446,087. “This budget total includes operational ministries, IMpact Projects, THP trips and projects, and Global Partnerships,” noted CFO Robert Conley.

“The board looked closely at resourcing for the General Fund,” stated General Director Clint Morgan, “and is making budgetary adjustments, as well. Yet, additional funding is needed to cover an ongoing General Fund shortfall.”
The board also interviewed and approved interns and career missionaries. Curt Holland, director of field personnel, works closely with candidates as they prepare to meet with the board. “IM is quickly approaching the mark of 50 new interns in the past six-plus years!” he stated enthusiastically. “We are happy to see the Lord use this current, unique group on three continents. Praise the Lord with us!”
Sam and Lauren Riggs completed their internship in Spain and were approved for career status. As they look toward their return to Spain, they are excited about the possibilities of working in their community to reach people for Christ.
Madison Carnes, a native of Wilson, North Carolina, is the fiancée of Bradley Mercer. Bradley began serving with IM at the University of Missouri in August 2023. The board approved her to join the work with international students in Columbia, Missouri, following their marriage in April.
Dennis and Mary Heath (Ardmore, Oklahoma) were approved to serve with the Bulgaria church-planting teams. The couple served previously as affiliate missionaries in Germany from 1988-1994.
Alejandro and Breanna Johnson will serve in Nantes, France, to help develop a theological training program. Alejandro grew up as an MK in Spain; Breanna is from Muscle Shoals, Alabama.
Osam Sakamoto, from Tokyo, Japan, was appointed as a missionary intern to continue serving in the Hope Alive church. (He has previously served as the associate pastor at Hope Alive.) He married IM intern Emily Petty December 15, 2023.
“Join us in praying for these newly appointed missionaries who will go into the world to share good tidings of great joy,” requested Don Matchett, director of church mobilization, “as well as for God to provide the needs of the General Fund.”
Cashes Obediently Follow God’s Direction
Antioch, Tennessee—Ken and Jayne Cash, IM missionaries to Bulgaria, submitted their resignation October 2023. After appointment as career missionaries in May 2020, they left their ministry in the States and followed God’s call to Bulgaria. They served faithfully alongside the Bulgaria team, completing each task given to them. They now feel God leading them back to the States for the next chapter of their lives. Ken and Jayne, once again, choose obedience to God’s direction for their lives.
Initially joining Jonathan and Amy Postlewaite in Pleven, the Cashes moved to Veliko Tarnovo and worked to establish a church plant.

Tim Awtrey, Bulgaria field team leader, says, “Just as Ken and Jayne were an encouragement to the people of North Carolina, so, too, have they been a blessing and encouragement to the Bulgaria team these past few years.” After spending the summer in the States, they returned to find the small group of believers meeting, doing well, and planning for the future.
They felt their task there was completed. “As we prayed, we felt the release to return to the States,” Jayne wrote. “We are saddened because we genuinely love Bulgaria. We do not have a plan, but God does. Pray for clear direction for our next steps.”
“Anyone who knows Ken and Jayne realizes obedience and evangelism are like oxygen and water for them,” stated Director of Field Personnel Curt Holland. “Whether in the United States or during their ministry with IM in Bulgaria, they always followed the leading of the Lord and sought to lead others to their Lord and Savior!”

Foulks Changes Internship Plans
Antioch, Tennessee—Missionary intern Bryson Foulks married his long-time girlfriend Marla November 5, 2023. Initially appointed in December 2021, Bryson graduated from Welch College June 2022 with a B.S. in theological studies and exercise science. He will take a leave of absence from his ministry in France to provide time for their marriage to flourish and enable them to carefully evaluate their next steps.
“We congratulate Bryson and Marla on their marriage,” stated Director of Field Personnel Curt Holland, “and hope they will return to work with our IM family in the future.”
Snapshots Around the World
Japan—While searching for housing for new team members at New Life Church in Hokkaido, Doug Bishop worked with Mr. S., a realtor. Mr. S. is now reading the Bible, and the Bishops gave him a copy of Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis as well. “Please pray God’s Word will not return void,” said Miriam.
Cuba—The La Lisa FWB Church organized a senior citizens retreat in early November 2023. Over 80 seniors attended the three-day event, and at least seven accepted Christ as Savior.
Kenya—Eddy and Amanda Simmons reported Pastor Francis baptized 12 Samburu people December 4.
Brazil—Four people were baptized at Nova America Church in Campinas, Brazil, December 3.
India—During October 2023, 130 believers followed the Lord in baptism in North India.
Pakistan—Twelve people from two churches were baptized the weekend of November 12.
Brazil—Pastor Alexsandro Reis baptized seven people at First FWB Church Uberlândia in November. |