December-January 2024
Turning the Tide

news around the world
IM serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of IM, visit www.IMINC.org

Eagletons Transition to the States
Antioch, TN—Kenneth and Rejane Eagleton arrived in Nashville, TN, September 26, as they transition once again. Appointed as associate missionaries in 1984, the Eagletons’ ministry has spanned continents and roles.
Initially, they served in Doropo, Côte d’Ivoire, where Dr. Eagleton saw the medical clinic become a hospital with surgical capabilities led by African Christians. Kenneth taught and preached in and around Doropo during his time at the hospital. In 1998, they transitioned into leadership training and moved to Bouna, home to the Bible institute. The couple evacuated Ivory Coast in October 2002 with other missionaries because of the September coup d’état attempt and civil war.

In April 2003, the Eagletons transferred to Brazil. Rejane focused on literature translation and Kenneth on leadership training. In addition to serving as a field missionary, Kenneth served as regional director of Latin America and Africa until 2017. He then became director of global partnerships while still serving as a missionary in Brazil.
“I have worked myself out of a job as a missionary in Brazil,” Kenneth recently rejoiced. “We now have enough pastors continuing the task of leadership training, and the Bible college in Campinas has a full-time director. I am free to focus on our global partnerships.” Currently, Kenneth supervises 12 partnerships in nine countries. Several other partnerships are in development.
IM encourages continued support of the Eagletons as missionaries through the end of 2023, as they transition to full-time office staff in 2024.
Argentinian Church Attains Partnership Status
Antioch, TN— On October 1, 2023, IM announced a partnership with Iglesia Bautista Libre Familia de Gracia (IBLFG) in Rosario, Argentina. The goal is to empower them in their evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and leadership training efforts.
Argentina is the second largest country in South America and the third most populous. Bible-believing and teaching churches are rare. IBLFG is networking with like-minded churches in the area and doing church planting of their own. Strategically, their doctrine aligns perfectly with Free Will Baptists, and their reach extends throughout the Spanish-speaking world as they translate FWB doctrinal books and other materials.
Kenneth Eagleton, director of field partnerships, says, “I have been impressed by the leadership of this church and the vision they have for multiplication and starting a movement of Free Will Baptists in their country. I am excited by the multiple doors of opportunity opening to them right now and glad we can come alongside them to facilitate this growth.”
Snapshots Around the World
Bulgaria: The elevator in the New Life Church in Varna, Bulgaria, began operation in September. The main meeting space is on the third floor of the four-story church building. The elevator allows access without climbing three steep flights of stairs. Trif Trifonov stated, “Thank you to all who contributed to this project. It took more than a year for the company to complete it. Now moms with small kids and elderly people can finally use it. Praise God!”
India: Christians in the Uttar Pradesh region of India face extreme persecution. Several have been imprisoned. A government leader has threatened to bulldoze the meeting places, even house churches. An IM partner pled, “Pray for boldness and wisdom of the Holy Spirit to advance and at the same time…fight legally in light of our constitution.”
Hokkaido, Japan: New Life Church kicked off bi-weekly services on June 4 in a soft launch that included kids club and weekly conversational English class. During the summer months nine guests visited.
Cuba: September 2, the churches in Mayabeque and Matanzas held a marriage retreat to build strong, lasting, and biblically-based marriages.
Brazil: August 26, the Third FWB Church of Araras, Brazil, hosted a women's conference and celebrated its fifth anniversary.
Uruguay: The Cristo es el Camino Church celebrated Uruguay’s “Day of the Child” on August 12 by taking their children on an outing and celebration at the camp property.
Panama: Sunday, August 27, Pastor Cirilo baptized four men at the Buenas Nuevas FWB Church in Chitré, Panama.
Bulgaria: Attendees from # churches participated in Bulgaria’s annual FWB national conference September 22-24. Gathering in Tryavna, more than 130 church members and guests hiked, played games, ate, and fellowshipped. Missionary Ken Cash challenged attendees to say “yes” to God in every aspect of their lives. One of the highlights was the baptism of seven people.
Ivory Coast: Bouaké churches held a youth conference celebrating and honoring their young people. Teaching was followed by a prayer service lasting until 2 a.m.
Cuba: Cuban youth enjoyed a special even called “Debaté” during their annual youth camp in September. Seminars included: Comfortable and Conforming, Transformational Leadership, and The Fear of Success.
Brazil: October 1, the Jaboticabal FWB Church celebrated the baptism of seven people.
Ecuador: Adam and Carol Duncan celebrated the baptism of Paul in early September. They requested, “Pray for his discipleship and walk in the faith. Reaching men in the area is difficult.”
Ivory Coast: Three men were ordained to the pastorate during the Ivorian FWB national convention held August 21-26 in Agnibilekrou. The convention also honored Pastor Kouassi Donso who retired at the age of 83.
Stateside: In August and September, IM announced Hannah Goucher (intern to Hokkaido, Japan), Keren Delgado (Spain), and Eddy and Amanda Simmons (Kenya) are fully funded and preparing to depart for (or return to) their fields of service.
Panama: Pastor Cirilo baptized four men at the Buenas Nuevas FWB Church in Chitré August 27.
Spain: September 24 the Alpedrete congregation gathered to witness the baptism of a 16-year-old girl. “J” worked hard on her testimony and even prepared a song to play and sing. Her parents invited many unsaved friends and family. Thirty-nine of them, along with 62 church family, heard a clear presentation of the gospel from both J’s testimony and Anthony’s sermon.