September 2023
Changing World...
Unchanging Mission

news around the world
IM serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of IM, visit www.IMINC.org

Students Serve Cross-Culturally
Antioch, TN—During the month of June, 87 high school students served in ten locations through ETEAM. Their work began June 9 as they and their team leaders gathered at Welch College in Gallatin, Tennessee, for training. Teams deployed to Hawaii; St. Croix; Chicago, Illinois; Brazil; Ecuador; Panama; and two locations each in Japan and Spain. During their time “on location,” they assisted missionaries and local pastors with outreach activities, performed service projects, experienced cross-cultural life, and interacted with local youth. They finished June 28, after taking time to process their experiences and celebrate how God used them.

College Missions Program (CMP) students began training in January, both in person and via Zoom. The first student departed April 25, and 34 others served throughout the summer with the last student returning on August 14. Students served in Bulgaria (three teams), Ecuador, France (three areas), Japan (Tokyo and Hokkaido), Kenya, Hawaii, and Brazil. Students supported missionaries and field workers by working in medical clinics, teaching English classes, participating in sports camps, connecting with university students, teaching music classes, serving in the local church, etc. Additionally, they experienced daily missionary life, found creative ways to share the gospel, and acquired first-hand cross-cultural knowledge.
Director of Mobilization Leslie Nichols urges, “Pray for these students. Ask God to use their experiences to deepen their relationship with Him, serve their local churches better, and truly understand what it means to be mission-minded believers—here in the States and globally.”
ETEAM is for teens completing grades 10 and up before their summer missions experience. CMP is for college students wanting to experience cross-cultural missions. See the ads in this issue for deadlines and QR codes to apply for 2024 trips.
IM Board Convenes for April Meeting
Antioch, TN—The IM Board met on April 24-25, 2023. Some gathered around the conference room table while others joined via Zoom. All Board members engaged in conversations centered around what God is doing through the ministry of IM and its partners.

The Board listened with interest as each director shared reports. Board Chairman Jeff Nichols stated, “I wish the entire denomination could be with the IM Board as we receive updates of what God is doing in and through IM missionaries and partnerships around the world. It’s amazing to hear all that is going on. To God be the glory!”
During its session, the Board:
approved an IMpact Project of $25,000 for a new building in a creative access country.
accepted the 2022/2021 audit presented by Blankenship CPA Group.
adopted the 2024 framework budget of $9.1 million.
appointed Daniel and Karah as field workers in Spain.
approved Josh and Bethany as career field workers in Spain.
Snapshots Around the World

Ivory Coast—Prompted by World Evangelism Month (May), the Abobo congregation in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, shared the gospel through street evangelism (pictured above) the last Saturday of May. This congregation meets in a cramped storefront building. Abobo, a densely-populated, Muslim-majority community in the Abidjan metropolitan area, is home to more than 1.3 million people.

Cuba—In March, Cuban youth participated in a missions/evangelism retreat in Bahia Honda. They enjoyed worship and corporate sessions, but also literally put feet to their learning as they walked to villages tp minister.

India—A partner in India recently purchased land with a building. The property is centrally located between three overflowing house churches. Though still seeking funds for renovation, the group held a dedication service the last weekend in May. Six hundred people attended and 300 Bibles were distributed.
Panama—The Betania church In Panama celebrated its 38th anniversary May 21.
Uruguay—Uruguayan pastors met June 3 to formulate a strategy for church planting in their country. Former missionary to Uruguay, Jaimie Lancaster urged, “Pray for a church planting movement in Uruguay as our Free Will Baptist pastors, Bible institute students, and congregations seek to share the gospel with those around them.”

Ivory Coast—On Sunday, May 21, the Doropo FWB church held its first service in its second location in Doropo. “Praise the Lord,” Kenneth Eagleton, former missionary to Ivory Coast and current director of field partnerships, said, “for the expansion of His Kingdom and the diligent work of our Ivoirian partners.”
Cuba—The El buen Samaritano Church in Cuba celebrated 25 years in March. Three ladies made professions of faith at the service and were baptized.
Panama—The Camino de Santidade FWB Church in Las Tablas, Panama, held an evangelistic outreach in a nearby village in April. Residents of Oria Arriba responded with open hearts and many people accepted Christ as Savior.