April-May 2022
Everyday Discipleship

news around the world
IM serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of IM, visit www.IMINC.org

Former Missionary Lloyd Plunkett With the Lord
Pleasant View, TN—Clarksville, TN—Lloyd George Plunkett died Wednesday, January 19, 2022, at Walking Horse Meadows in Clarksville, Tennessee. He was 85.
Born March 16, 1936, in Farris, Oklahoma, Lloyd was a United States Army veteran. He spent 30-plus years as a pastor and taught Bible at Pleasant View Christian School in Pleasant View, Tennessee. He and his wife Betty (deceased) ministered as missionaries in the Ivory Coast (1992-1995, 1997-1999). The couple served as dorm parents for high school boys at International Christian Academy in Bouaké.
Bethel Free Will Baptist Church in Ashland City, Tennessee, hosted the funeral services on Sunday, January 23, with Barry Raper officiating.
Snapshots Around the World
Pakistan—As the Taliban intensifies persecution in Afghanistan, millions of Afghan refugees have streamed over the border into Pakistan. According to Director of Field Partnerships Kenneth Eagleton, “Pakistani FWBs are actively involved in receiving and sheltering Afghan Christian refugees. The Hanna Project’s Emergency Response Fund (www.hannaproject.com) is helping provide safety and meet needs for these refugees.”

Cuba—Twenty-six young people completed a seven-month online Bible course sponsored by the Free Baptist Youth Union and Cedars of Lebanon Seminary. Participants received certificates of completion on January 30.
Côte d’Ivoire—On Sunday, February 13, Pastors Edmond and Laurent held a communion service and baptized nine young people in the Tchafrité FWB Church in Ivory Coast. Due to a drought, the baptisms were held in 55-gallon barrels (below).

Cuba—Saturday, January 15, Pastor Alex Sal baptized 20 people in Pinar del Rio, Cuba.
Bulgaria—A young man from the Shumen church was baptized February 6. Members of the Shumen congregation, led by Brenton and Debbie Driscoll, traveled to Varna for a joint service. Afterward, the young man was baptized in the Black Sea.

Panama—The FWB church in Las Tablas, Panama, established a new outreach in the village of La Palma de Las Tablas in January 2022. Nineteen people attended the first Bible study/service.
Samburu—In early February, Eddy and Amanda Simmons rejoiced when no one showed up for the women’s discipleship lesson. The women went out, in pairs, to share the gospel in a previously unreached area. Five women and a warrior gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Amanda exclaimed, “That makes 11 people they have led to Christ in the last month!” |