February -
March 2022
Stewardship: Past the Offering Plate

news around the world
IM serves churches, pastors, and people by helping them fulfill their role in establishing churches beyond North America
so unreached peoples can know the joy of a
relationship with the living God. To find out more about the ministry of IM, visit www.IMINC.org

Ellis Resigns
Antioch, TN—Annabelle Ellis (below), missionary intern to Japan, tendered her resignation to the IM board in November 2021. Though fully funded for almost a year, COVID-19 restrictions prevented her from entering Japan. While waiting for her visa, Annabelle began a relationship that has grown.
“I am ‘pushing pause,’ resigning from my two-year term with the hopes of returning as a married couple for an internship with IM,” Annabelle stated. “The term ‘resignation’ best fits my current situation; however, my heart is in no way resigning. God knows what is best, and I will trust Him. I don’t understand why things have worked out the way they have. I know He is worthy of all trust. Thank you for praying for me. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for trusting the Lord with me.”

The board agreed to suspend Miss Ellis’ mission account with the intent of Annabelle returning to reenter the candidate process with her husband later.
“We are eager for Miss Ellis to return. This has not been an easy decision for her because she just didn’t want to let anyone down. We trust God, His timing, and His direction,” stated Don Matchett, director of development.
Annabelle was approved to serve a two-year term in Tokyo, Japan, with the Hope Alive Church plant on December 11, 2019.
Interns Approved for Japan, France
Antioch, TN—The IM Board approved three young single adults for internships during the December 2021 meeting.
Taylor Pate, a Florida native and Tennessee transplant, began hearing God’s call to missions at age 14. As a result, she served three years on ETEAM (France, Japan, and Uruguay) and participated in a CMP internship at Hope Alive Church in Japan during her college years. A 2021 graduate of Welch College in Gallatin, Tennessee, Taylor anticipates serving with Doug and Miriam Bishop and Daniel and Kate Speer as they revitalize New Life Church in Sapporo on the northernmost island in Japan. Taylor stated, “I have a passion for people to know the sweetness, peace, and love that comes when we choose Him.”
A 2021 graduate of Welch College with a B.A. in intercultural studies, Hannah Goucher participated in ETEAM Hokkaido in 2017. The Mississippian served a six-week stint in Hong Kong and Cambodia as a college student. She also will work with the Bishops and Speers, with an emphasis on reaching and discipling students. Hannah affirmed, “God has placed a burden on my heart to share the hope within me with others.”

Bryson Foulks, an East Tennessee native, plans to graduate from Welch College in 2022 with a B.S. in theological studies and exercise science. The nature lover served cross-culturally two summers as a boys’ camp counselor in Alaska and worked with Indian Ministries of North America, sharing the gospel with Native Americans. He joined a CMP team to France earlier this year and will serve his internship in Nantes working with Joel and Lydie Teague and Dennis and Carol Teague, using his love of sports for ministry. “I would love to have your prayers during this time as I travel to raise support to get to France,” Bryson requested.
“Pray for these outstanding young adults as they begin their journeys,” urged Don Matchett, IM director of development. “Their heart for reaching the nations is evident. Ask God to provide straight paths, enduring partnerships, and clear direction as they seek to follow Him and obey His commands.”
Uruguayan Missionaries Expand Roles
Antioch, TN—After almost 23 years of missionary service in Uruguay, Jaimie and Tammy Lancaster moved to the Nashville, Tennessee, area in December. Jaimie will continue to work closely with the leadership of the National Association in Uruguay and will assist Director of Field Partnerships Kenneth Eagleton in forming, maintaining, and promoting Free Will Baptist field partnerships. “As the number of field partnerships grow, we need more help,” stated Dr. Eagleton, “The Lancasters will be a great addition to the team.”
Jaimie’s new role will allow him to maintain a strong connection with Uruguay. “Our supporters have much invested in Uruguay. We are not abandoning this mission field,” Jaimie explained. “We will continue as missionaries and be connected to the ministry for the coming years, but our focus will shift. We are excited about helping grow the Kingdom and get the gospel to those who need it the most.”

Steve and Lori Torrison, the other missionaries assigned to Uruguay, have also transitioned to stateside work. The Torrisons started their assignments to the Center for Intercultural Training (CIT) in January. CIT equips people and churches for cross-cultural ministry and plays a vital role in training IM interns and missionaries.
Steve’s assignment to CIT as a trainer will strengthen that partnership while providing an essential service in training and preparing missionaries to adjust to new languages, cultures, and international communities. In addition to his CIT responsibilities, Steve will continue his relationships with friends, pastors, and leaders in Uruguay. He will also teach in Uruguay’s Bible institute via Zoom. The Torrisons and their daughters Melanie and Abby settled in North Carolina.
Steve and Lori began their missionary career in Panama in 2004, transitioning to Uruguay in 2015.
Both couples remain missionaries with IM, Inc. and continue to rely on their missionary account funding. Director of Development Don Matchett requested, “We ask you to continue your financial and prayer support for the ministry of these two couples as they serve Free Will Baptists, Uruguay, and the greater Kingdom in these expanded roles.”
IM Board Holds Year-end Meeting
Antioch, TN—Members of the Board of IM, Inc. gathered in the Antioch, Tennessee, office December 7-8, 2021, to review the year and make plans. They listened to director reports, discussed and voted on recommendations, approved three young people for internships, and approved the final budget for 2022. Board actions included:
Approved the 2022 budget, totaling $13,020,563.25. This budget includes operational expenses, potential new candidates, THP trips and projects, and IMpact projects.
Approved three young adults for internships: Taylor Pate, Japan; Hannah Goucher, Japan; and Bryson Foulks, France.
Approved Josh Provow’s return to Bulgaria for a short-term assignment in Svishtov. He will minister with Tim Awtrey, address residency permits, prepare for in-home visits and documentation for his adopted Bulgarian son, and continue the children’s schooling.
All board members attended: Dr. Janice Banks (TX), Rick Cason (GA), Casey Cariker (OK, present on the 7th only), Will Harmon (AR), Dr. Cameron Lane (AR), Jeff Nichols, Chair (TN), Mark Price, Secretary (OH), Darren Walker (NC), and Rodney Yerby, Vice-chair (AL). |