January 2016
Follow the Leader
WNAC update
Women Nationally Active for Christ (WNAC), an auxiliary arm of the denomination, has coordinated the collaborative efforts of Free Will Baptist women since 1934.

Flourish: 2015 WNAC Retreat
Murfreesboro, Tennessee—Women from 15 states gathered at Embassy Suites in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, for the 2015 Flourish Retreat. The Oakleigh Room filled with anticipation as Izabella McMillon from Operation Christmas Child began to share how the Lord brought her out of the darkness of Communism into the light of His presence through a simple shoebox.

Izabella answered three questions, “How do I flourish in hopelessness, in harsh circumstances, and when everything goes against the norm?” In hopelessness, God’s Word needs to fall fresh upon us. When we are grounded in God’s Word, we will flourish and endure anything. She referred to Naaman’s maiden (2 Kings 5:1) who flourished in a hopeless situation (stripped of all family) by serving her master well.
To flourish in harsh circumstances, Izabella used the account of Job. Although he lost everything, Job flourished because he worshiped and did not blame God (Job 1:20-22). Radiant living came when he stood firm and trusted God (Job 19; 27), stood still and looked at God’s wondrous works (Job 37:14), forgave his friends (Job 42), and fixed his eyes firmly on God.

Izabella reminded us of the faithfulness of Ruth and Naomi. God placed people in their lives to point them in the right direction, to make sure they made the right decisions. Izabella challenged her listeners to leave a legacy that brings those we love into the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
Three breakout sessions, “Radiant Living in Social Media,” “Flourishing Through Time in God’s Word,” and “Biblical Womanhood in Today’s Culture” were available for women to attend.
During the Friday morning devotion, Judy Lytle shared ten suggestions to help women live radiantly in difficult times: 1) go to the Word; 2) allow friends and family to help carry your burdens; 3) gain strength through songs, sermons, and devotions; 4) bathe the hurting heart with His love; 5) try not to blame anyone for your difficulties; 6) recognize He knows best even when you don’t understand; 7) continue to praise Him; 8) keep living; 9) remember other people are depending on you; 10) laugh
For more information about how you can become involved in WNAC, visit www.wnac.org.