June-July 2015
Interface: Make the Connection
WNAC Update
Women Nationally Active for Christ exists to provide opportunities for each woman to fulfill the Great Commission through her God-designed roles in the home, church, community and world. Learn more: www.WNAC.org.

WNAC to Sponsor Seminars and Events at the National Convention
Although WNAC will no longer host an independent convention after becoming a department of the National Association in 2014, the organization will sponsor two events at this year’s meeting, along with a series of seminars and workshops.
During this year’s Celebration Service on Tuesday morning, we will rejoice in what God has accomplished through WNAC during the past year. Sarah Malone, a representative of ELIC, will bless and challenge us as she shares her story. Sarah has served more than 20 years as an English teacher. She is vice president of Asia operations and member care for ELIC.

On Monday evening, make plans to enjoy the informal atmosphere of Laughter & Latte, an event scheduled at a time to avoid conflicting activities. The scheduling, combined with a lower cost, has made this a popular event. This year, enjoy a “game show” setting designed to help you meet missionaries. The casual atmosphere is also perfect for catching up with old friends and making new ones. Refreshments will be served, followed by numerous door prizes. Tickets are only $15. Contact WNAC: (877) 767-7662 to reserve your place today.
Seminars and Workshops
I Surrender My Expectations. Lynette Morgan, former missionary to West Africa and France, will share from her personal experience of realizing and accepting that God had another plan. Lynette and her husband Clint, live in Nashville, Tennessee, where he serves as General Director of International Missions.
I Surrender My Family. David and Angie will share about surrendering your family to serve wherever God may call. The couple, along with their five children, serve as Creative Access missionaries. Currently, they are living in Nashville, Tennessee.
I Surrender the Status Quo. WNAC Board Chairwoman Diana Bryant will share leadership principles for times when “what’s always worked doesn’t seem to be working anymore.” A pastor’s wife from Vero Beach, Florida, Diana and her husband Randy have two adult children and two grandchildren.
Ideas to Surrender? This year’s brainstorming session will be divided into creative writers, YWAC leaders, retreat coordinators, and local officers. Network with counterparts from other states. Learn and share.

Speakers (from left): Sarah Malone; Lynette Morgan; Diana Bryant; David, Angie, and their kids.
On the WNAC Horizon
In the coming year, WNAC will host two regional conferences geared to 12-18 year olds, along with mothers and youth leaders. “SHINE: Realizing Your Worth” will reinforce principles of biblical womanhood in a culture of moral decline. Enjoy a sneak preview of these upcoming events at the convention
Need more information? Visit www.WNAC.org.