February-March 2021
Ripple Effects
news in publication
Randall House is a Christian publisher dedicated to promoting the cause of Christ and serving the Church through the development and distribution of Bible-based D6 and D6 Everyday curriculum and quality Christian products and events. To learn more about Randall House, or to place an order visit www.randallhouse.com.

Randall House Announces New Director of Events & Development
Antioch, TN—Randall House and D6 Family Ministry announces the newest team member, Derek Altom (below, with his family), as director of events and development. After Tim Owen’s resignation to return to pastoring, Randall House began looking for a leader with combined skills in the areas of fund raising and conference planning. In addition, because the director of events guides all aspects of Vertical Three and the logistics of the D6 Conference, a leader who has served as a youth pastor brings many advantages. Derek brings experience in all three areas to Randall House.

Born in New Castle, Indiana, Derek accepted Christ through the ministry of First Bible FWB Church at the age of 11, while attending Indiana State Youth Camp. Derek attended Welch College, earning a bachelor’s degree in Bible and Christian Education. While at Welch, Derek met and married his wife of over 15 years, Jennifer (Bryan) Altom. His marriage made him the grandson-in-law of Randall House icon Jim Lauthern. Derek served as youth pastor of New Oak Grove FWB Church in Nauvoo, Alabama; youth and music pastor, and later senior pastor of First FWB Church in Ada, Oklahoma. In 2015, Derek transitioned to Welch College to serve in the Office for Institutional Advancement.
Derek and Jennifer live in Old Hickory, Tennessee, with their four boys: Stephen, Larry, Josiah, and Silas. Derek is currently completing the M.A. in Theology and Ministry at Welch College. He enjoys watching his boys play sports, reading a good book, spending time at the lake with family and friends, and watching Indianapolis Colts football.
Derek anticipates working with youth pastors and lead pastors to offer opportunities to develop young people through Vertical Three, CTS Expo, Youth Evangelistic Teams, and Truth & Peace Student Leadership Conference. Derek will additionally serve as the D6 Conference coordinator, handling the bulk of logistics for this global event, which now meets in five countries.
Randall House is looking to Derek to help launch the development area, knowing the future health of Randall House must combine products, events, and gift income. Because our churches love our mission, we know they will continue to support these endeavors. We welcome Derek to the Randall House and D6 Family Ministry team.
Beverly Announces Retirement
Antioch, TN—After parking her gold Dodge Duster in the Randall House parking lot August 5, 1978, Becky Beverly walked through the doors for her first day on the job, not knowing she would eventually manage the Randall House bookstore and later retire as a most valued team member.
Becky began her tenure with Randall House during the budding bookstore days. She moved the store into the computer age with an inventory and point of purchase software called IRT, written in DOS. She served under three directors: Dr. Roger Reeds, Dr. Alton Loveless, and Dr. Ron Hunter, Jr. Becky contributed powerfully during each era, and it would be hard to imagine Randall House’s care for mission and customer service without her influence.
The Randall House bookstore outlasted many others in the Amazon era because of Becky’s leadership and attention to details. She watched the trends, created rapport with every customer, and worked hard at every conference. She headed up the Welch College on-campus bookstore and coffee shop. She knew how to reinvent herself and adapt during the growth of the organization.
Becky took these same skills and personality into the sales arena, ran the distribution center and warehouse, and ultimately defined the balance between selling products and meeting the needs of customers. Serving 42 years the way Becky served is quite an accomplishment. She will be sorely missed.
New Guidelines Available in July
Antioch, TN—The CTS Competition Guidelines will be updated and available in July 2021 and be in effect for the 2022 CTS Ministry Expo. A printed copy of the Guidelines can be purchased at the Vertical Three Conference, or by contacting Randall House online or by calling 800-877-7030. It will also be available through the Firebox bundle at firebox.verticalthree.com.
Randall House Study Bible Update
After petitioning to license the ESV translation, Crossway the publisher who owns the rights to the ESV, denied usage. Known to be Reformed in theology, they cited a reluctance to allow an Arminian set of notes accompanying their text. Randall House is exploring other translations, seeking one suitable for our people and providing the highest quality study helps for our pastors and teachers.