October-November 2020
Around the Corner
news in publication
Randall House is a Christian publisher dedicated to promoting the cause of Christ and serving the Church through the development and distribution of Bible-based curriculum and quality Christian products. To learn more about Randall House, or to place an order visit www.randallhouse.com.

A Button That Gives
Nashville, TN—Randall House recently installed a new website option for donations, as a result of the COVID crisis. Two factors contributed to the new DONATE button. First, a number of churches used their spring curriculum for the summer quarter, creating a $400,000 shortfall in curriculum orders for the summer and fall quarters.
Second, Randall House faces an additional loss of $75,000 due to the cancelation of the Vertical Three Conference, Truth & Peace, YET, and CTS events this summer.
Pastors noted the generosity of Randall House providing numerous free resources during the pandemic. Now, Randall House needs your help. Dr. Ron Hunter requests churches who have not experienced major declines in giving consider donating the equivalent of their curriculum order if they did not buy the summer or fall quarter. Many who benefited from Randall House’s free curriculum for church plants or chaplains, from the experience of Truth & Peace or YETeam, or love the global work in family ministry may want to see these continue and donate a reoccurring gift.
Go to RandallHouse.com/donate to give. Because Randall House is a religious 501-c3, your gift qualifies as a charitable contribution and a receipt will be generated automatically.
D6 Podcasts to Feature New Hosts
As the weekly D6 Family Ministry Podcast starts its fifth year, Randall House adds two new cohosts. Dr. Ron Hunter, one of the hosts who launched the podcast back in 2016, will continue hosting, along with two new voices, Marianne Howard and Josh Wooten.

Marianne Howard brings the perspective of a pastor's wife, mother, and one who works with teenage girls in her church. Josh Wooten offers the experience of a youth pastor and more recently, a family minister.
All three voices will bring more ministry diversity and content that surround the rich interviews of major speakers and authors. The D6 Family Ministry Podcast has featured such personalities as Richard Ross, Pam Tebow, and Lee Strobel. You can listen to all future and archived episodes on D6Family.com/podcast or on your podcast app, iTunes, Stitcher, and others.
Discipleship Spanish Edition Now Available
El Disciplulado: La Expresión De La Fe Salvífica (Spanish edition of Discipleship: The Expression of Saving Faith by Dr. Robert E. Picirilli) was released by Randall House, July 14 due to a grant by the FWB Foundation. This is an excellent resource for the Spanish-speaking members of your congregation.

Dr. Picirilli provides practical answers and applications through an exhaustive study of the New Testament requirements for salvation. He offers sound, comprehensive exegesis demonstrating repentance, obedience, and discipleship are biblical expressions of saving faith.