October-November 2014
What's Next for Home Missions?
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Randall House Launches Academic Imprint
Nashville, TN—Randall House recently launched an academic imprint: Randall House Academic. The imprint will develop and enact a long-term and systematic plan within Randall House’s book division to produce theological, historical, and reference-oriented books written primarily by Free Will Baptist scholars. These academic works will target pastors, serious Bible students, and provide texts for colleges and universities. The academic editor will be proactive, planning specific works and finding appropriate authors to write them, rather than waiting for manuscript submissions.
Randall House has named Charles Cook academic editor. He will work under the guidance of Michelle Orr, who leads the book division. Charles will continue to lead the growing congregation at Cookeville FWB Church (TN) where he has pastored for over four years. Charles and his wife Laura have two sons. Before coming to Cookeville, Charles worked for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in the Christian Guidance division and as associate pastor at Peace FWB Church in Florence, South Carolina.
Charles also served as a research assistant to the chair of Duke University’s doctoral program in Religion while completing a Masters of Theological Studies degree from Duke Divinity School. His time at Duke followed two years of study at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and undergraduate studies at Welch College. Charles currently teaches online courses in both the Philosophy and Biblical Studies programs of Hillsdale FWB College.
Michelle Orr said, “In recent years, Randall House has increased its standing in the publishing world and receives an average of 300 book submissions each year, but can only publish 10-14 titles. I am excited to work with Charles to develop authors and works in the academic genre.”
“I look forward to working with Michelle and the Randall House team,” Charles said. “In the midst of a changing denominational and cultural landscape, it is an honor to help facilitate rigorous reflection on God’s Word and the Word’s impact on lives, Christian communities, and the broader culture.”
Randall House Academic will start by releasing one book per year and begin working toward the addition of titles in the near future. We have been collecting names of Free Will Baptists who have masters and doctoral degrees, along with their specific areas of training. We will evaluate their research, writing, and body of work as we consider each new opportunity. Free Will Baptists have a number of bright, young scholars who will get a chance to write significant works for our denomination.
Executive Director of Randall House Ron Hunter said, “The timing is right as founding scholars of the modern day movement prepare to pass off the scene, Randall House will take an active role in helping to develop the scholars who guide our future. I am excited about working with Charles and Michelle to plan the necessary works to both chart and document our path.”
Vertical Three Website Launched
Daniel 3 records the story of three young men who faced a trial of their faith. These young men had been removed from their homes and the influence of their family and peers. They overcame the temptation to compromise and defile themselves. Then they were confronted with a life-or-death decision. When given one last chance, they affirmed their commitment to stand firm in their faith.

Equipping young believers to be true to the faith is the goal of Vertical Three. This goal is achieved through three avenues: ministry development, service and leadership training, and youth worker resources. As part of the ongoing efforts to provide resources, Randall House recently launched a new website at verticalthree.com. This redesigned site is the home for resources, all things NYC, and all other Vertical Three ministries.