June-July 2021
Everyday Heroes

Free Will Baptist North American Ministries is dedicated to planting churches across America as well as Canada, Mexico, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Chaplains minister to thousands of men and women serving the nation. And cross cultural church planting specialists connect with people who have come to America from all over the world. Learn more about our ministry: www.FWBNAM.com.

Summit Church Holds First Services
Missoula, MT—Launch Sunday at Summit Church in Missoula, Montana, was a huge success. Sixty-three people gathered for the Spirit-filled service, and three new believers were baptized. Several first-time visitors were excited to learn more about Summit Church and plan to attend again in the future. Visitors from different
traditions and faith backgrounds shared that the message encouraged them to examine their lives to see if they were truly living in relationship with Jesus.
After the service, everyone gathered for a barbecue lunch and time of fellowship. Summit Church is led by Clayton and Tammy Hampton and Josh and Kimberly Hampton. Please continue to pray for Summit Church and the Hamptons as they build relationships in Missoula and reach their community with the gospel.
Introducing New Church Planters
Anchorage, AK—North American Ministries is pleased to welcome Kris and Tana Willis to the NAM team. The Willis family will serve as church planters to Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska is among the top five most unchurched states in the nation. Only 22% of the population considers themselves evangelical Christians. Clearly, the need for the gospel is great in this region.
The Willis family comes to NAM from Cramerton FWB Church (NC), and previously served at Capitol FWB Church in Sacramento, California, where Kris was the associate pastor and Tana was active in women’s ministry. Kris and Tana have four children: Rebecca, Joshua, Abigail, and Daniel. For more information about the Willis family and their work or to support them financially, please visit fwbnam.com/willis.

Mariposa, CA—North American Ministries welcomes Don and Teresa Ellerd to the church planting team. In a joint project with the California State Mission Board, the Ellerds are launching a new church plant in Mariposa. Don and Teresa currently minister at LifeGate FWB Church in Turlock, California, where Don is lead pastor. Don also serves part-time as the director of The Barrier, a FWB non-profit that owns and operates Sweetwater Christian Camp in Mariposa. Don will continue to serve as director of the camp while they work to plant a new FWB church in the area. The Ellerds have two children and one granddaughter.
Known as the “Gateway to Yosemite,” Mariposa County only has 20,000 people and yet receives over 5 million visitors each year from around the world. This gives them a unique opportunity to spread the gospel message. For more information about the Ellerd family and their work or to support them financially, visit fwbnam.com/ellerd. |