September 2019
Homemade Faith

Free Will Baptist North American Ministries is dedicated to planting churches across America as well as Canada, Mexico, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Chaplains minister to thousands of men and women in the Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, and Reserve forces. And cross cultural church planting specialists connect with people who have come to America from all over the world. Learn more about our ministry: www.FWBNAM.com.

Austin Awarded Distinguished Service Medal
Washington, D.C.—Chaplain, CH (COL) Terry Austin was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, March 28, 2019, at Fort Myer, Virginia, on the occasion of his retirement from active-duty. Major General Michael Howard, commanding general of Joint Force Headquarters—National Capital Region/ U.S. Army Military District of Washington, presided at Austin’s ceremony and presented the award. Since 2006, Chaplain Austin has served as senior Free Will Baptist military chaplain according to his rank and length of service.

Chaplain Austin served 36 years in the military, 30 as a chaplain. The retirement award covered the last ten years of Chaplain Austin's outstanding military service. He first served as 8th Army chaplain and as senior U.S. Army chaplain in Korea. Austin additionally served as the installation management agency staff chaplain in San Antonio, Texas, where he supervised all U.S. Army garrison chaplains and chaplain assistants. He next served as the installation staff chaplain at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, one of the army’s premier installations and home to the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). Finally, Austin served as command chaplain for Joint Force Headquarters—
National Capital Region/U.S. Army Military District of Washington. In this position, Chaplain Austin was responsible for chaplain training and participation in state funerals, including all funerals at Arlington National Cemetery and all ceremonial events in the nation's capital.
Free Will Baptists are grateful for Terry Austin's commitment to his calling to serve God and Country. The denomination deeply appreciates the faithful service he and his wife Mona performed and provided to soldiers, their family members, and Department of Defense civilians. North American Ministries is proud to have endorsed Chaplain Austin and applauds his distinguished service.
—Kerry Steedley, Director of Chaplain Support, NAM
Additional Chaplain Update
Lee Frye was recently promoted from captain to major. He moved from Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, to Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia, this summer to serve as combat aviation brigade chaplain.
Gomez Starts New Work in Tennessee
Millions of Hispanics have come to the United States seeking a better way of life. As a result, the United States has become the second largest Hispanic nation in the world. Under the Lord’s leading, former Home Missions director Trymon Messer, initiated efforts to reach this people group. That mission continues with current director, Dr. David Crowe.
One of the first Hispanic church planters was Dr. Rufo Gomez. He and his family (pictured below) began their ministry in Lexington, Kentucky, in 2002. Since that time, they have established a church in Lexington, three churches in Georgia, one in Fort Meyers, Florida, and recently began a church in Greeley, Colorado. Like all our Hispanic church planters, the Gomez’ strategy includes opening multiple works.

Since there is a growing need for church planters in the United States, Dr. Gomez has been tasked with starting a new mission work in Middle Tennessee. He launched the church in April. The new congregation is located in Smyrna, a suburb of Nashville.
Dr. Gomez is focused on winning people to Christ, discipling believers, and sending workers out to begin new churches. Additionally, he will begin a leadership program to provide intense training for new missionaries. The Gomez family needs your ongoing support. Free Will Baptists have fewer than 100 Hispanic churches in the United States. The harvest is great, but the laborers are few. I have no doubt Dr. Rufo will be successful. Please pray and consider putting this important ministry into your church budget or consider giving personally. As God adds His blessings, we will see churches started throughout the state of Tennessee and the United States.
—Rick Bowling, Cross Cultural Officer, NAM