June-July 2017
The Power of
Free Will Baptist North American Ministries is dedicated to planting churches across America as well as Canada, Mexico, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Chaplains minister to thousands of men and women in the Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, and Reserve forces. And cross cultural church planting specialists connect with people who have come to America from all over the world. Learn more about our ministry: www.FWBNAM.com.

Church Planter Billy Bevan With the Lord
Dothan, Alabama—The North American Ministries family mourns the loss of dear friend and co-laborer Billy Bevan (pictured below). He and his wife Gloria were leading a church revitalization joint project with the state of Alabama at Eastside FWB Church in Dothan.

Starting in 1970, Brother Bevan had enjoyed many years of fruitful ministry, pastoring churches in Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Alabama. He served as president of Southeastern FWB
College in a full-time capacity for six years and part-time for seven years.
“He was a great man of God who truly lived what he preached,” said Jim McComas, director of church revitalization. “The Eastside Church, North American Ministries, the Free Will Baptist denomination, and the cause of Christ have suffered a great loss with his passing. Our thoughts and prayers are with Gloria, Billy Jr., Karla, and the entire family at this difficult time."
Brazils Appointed to Head Louisville Revitalization Project
Louisville, Kentucky—The Rodney Brazil Family has been commissioned to head an exciting missions venture in Louisville, Kentucky. In a joint revitalization project teaming North American Ministries with the Kentucky State Association, the Brazils will pastor the only Free Will Baptist church in the city of over a million people.

The Brazils leave a successful pastorate in Booneville, Mississippi, where they served for seven years. Rodney and Ashley have three children: Elayna, Dylan, and Bella. Please pray for this family as they move, build a team, and revitalize the church. Ask God to help them be effective in reaching people with the gospel and establishing a strong church in this growing city.
McComas Releases New CD
Antioch, Tennessee—North American Ministries announces the release of a new music CD from Jim McComas, director of church revitalization. The album, “Hands Held High: Songs of Help, Hope, and Healing for the Weary Pilgrim,” contains 14 songs designed to encourage and strengthen believers in their walk with the Lord.
CDs are available for a $15 donation and $5 shipping and handling. (Shipping is a total of $5 per order. Order multiple CDs with no additional shipping charges.)

To order online using a credit card, simply go to www.fwbnam.com and follow the link on the homepage. To order by mail, send a check or money order for $15 per CD plus $5 shipping and handling to: North American Ministries, Attention: Teresa Womack.
All proceeds will fund the “Hands Held High” outreach of North American Ministries, which seeks to help discouraged pastors and their families in very practical ways.
“I am excited to offer this new project from Jim,” said David Crowe, executive director. “This is one of the best collections of spiritual, inspirational, and encouraging songs I’ve ever heard. Jim sings with passion and heart that brings listeners into the very soul and ministry of every song. The beauty of the project is the character and personality of each song, including some fun songs for kids of all ages. Most of the songs were written either by Jim or other songwriters I know personally, and I have confidence in their walk with God and their testimonies. During my 40 years of ministry, God has used many people and things to encourage and inspire me. And many times it has been songs that touched my heart, flooded my soul with hope, and lifted me higher. I promise you will find help, hope, healing, and encouragement as you allow God to minister to you through one of my favorite singers and dear personal friend, Jim McComas.”
Church Revitalization Director Expresses Gratitude in the Midst of Loss
Antioch, Tennessee—Matt McComas, 23-year-old son of North American Ministries Director of Church Revitalization Jim McComas and his wife Beth, passed away suddenly and tragically, Saturday, February 25. Services were held at Canaan FWB Church in Creston, Ohio, where Jim and Beth ministered for 21 years before Jim accepted his current position at North American Ministries.
 Photo: The McComas family (left to right) Matt, Jim, Beth, and Aaron.
Jim, Beth, and their younger son Aaron have been overwhelmed by the love and support received from the denomination, including many who made memorial gifts to the “Hands Held High” Ministry in honor of Matt’s life.
To learn more about Matt’s story and the McComas family’s mission to “break the chains,” visit YouTube and watch the funeral service, which can be found by searching for “Matt McComas Celebration of Life.”