March 2017
Mission: Stewardship
Free Will Baptist North American Ministries is dedicated to planting churches across America as well as Canada, Mexico, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Chaplains minister to thousands of men and women in the Army, Navy, Air Force, National Guard, and Reserve forces. And cross cultural church planting specialists connect with people who have come to America from all over the world. Learn more about our ministry: www.FWBNAM.com.

Introducing Jordan Osborn
Jordan Osborn (pictured below) recently was appointed lead pastor of Faith FWB Church in Oakland, Tennessee, after the resignation of Scott and Amy Bee. Jordan is the son of Robyn Osborn and the late Tim Osborn. Tim planted the Faith Church in 2007 but died of cancer in 2014. During a brief interim period, Scott and Amy Bee helped stabilize the church, helping the congregation through the difficult process of losing a beloved pastor.

Jordan was named lead pastor in the summer of 2016. “We are proud of Jordan,” said Brad Ransom, director of church planting. “He is stepping up to lead the church and finishing what his father started.” The church plans to go self-supporting at the end of 2017.
Summer Slump? Absolutely Not!
The Irvine,
California, team of Stephen and Lauren Kimbrell and Amos and Melissa Dillard launched September 18, 2016, with 295 in attendance (pictured below). In
their first month the church
averaged 130.

The Gilbert,
Arizona, team underwent many changes in
the summer of 2016. They changed the name of the church to Compassion Church, renovated the children’s building, and repainted the exterior of their buildings (pictured below).
They also averaged 254
during the summer

The Portsmouth, Virginia, team, led by Marc
and Casie Neppl and Kevin and Beth Bass (below), reported 30 salvation decisions in June 2016 with an average of 118 in attendance through the summer of 2016. Pretty good for a church less
than a year old!

The Clarksville, Tennessee, team led by Chad and Paula Kivette and Brian and Melissa Lewis averaged 246 through the summer of 2016.
The Marana, Arizona, team led by Josh and Ashley Bennett and Jeff and Heather Goodman, averaged 238 through the summer of 2016.
Greenfield, California, sadly said goodbye to Pastor James Kilgore and his wife Tracey. Jim resigned and held his last service October 30. The California State Missions Board and North American Ministries are working through the transition at this time and will report the future direction in coming issues. Heritage FWB Church is a strong work, and we commend the Kilgores for their hard work and dedication to the ministry.
Cross Cultural Ministry Continues to Expand
North American Ministries currently has six full-time Hispanic pastors who oversee the Hendrix Bible Institute, as well as 48 Spanish-speaking churches. The churches have seen hundreds of salvation decisions in 2016. The greatest challenge facing these church plants is struggling accounts. Several Hispanic pastors have accounts in the red.

If you would like to contribute to one (or more) Hispanic pastor’s accounts, please visit our site www.fwbnam.com/Planting/CrossCultural and make your gift online. Or, you can contact our office: 877-767-7674.