June-July 2016
Hidden Heroes
news around the nation
North American Ministries exists to communicate the gospel,
make disciples, and plant new churches in the United States,
Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Find out more at www.fwbnam.com.

Seminario Enviame
If you want to grow a ministry by addition, work hard.
If you want to grow by multiplication, teach others. Pastors and missionaries around the world can testify one of the most vital and valuable tools to advance the work of God and accomplish the Great Commission is training church leaders. As a result of the cooperation from several segments of our denomination, a new and exciting educational tool will soon expand the potential of multiplication.

Photo: Enviame organization meeting
The Enviame Seminary (Seminario Enviame) draws its name from Isaiah 6 and translates “send me.” The seminary will be an online, web-based educational program for Spanish-speaking students. The seminary plans to launch in September 2016, with theological and practical courses offered only in Spanish. The concept is to provide quality, biblical education from a Free Will Baptist perspective to the 329 million people around the world who speak Spanish as their first language.
This web-based program will in no way replace or compete with present seminaries or institutes, but rather complement them by providing the means for students to further their studies, especially those students limited by location or resources.
The idea of an online seminary in Spanish began as a result of a budding partnership between Free Will Baptists in Cuba and Mexico. Recognizing a serious need for biblical instruction and training in Spanish, a meeting was held in Nashville with 14 participants from Free Will Baptist colleges and mission entities. A spirit of unity was evident, and it has resulted in a collaborative effort among individuals from Welch College, Southeastern College, Hillsdale College, Cedars of Lebanon Seminary, North American Ministries, and International Missions. To develop and organize the seminary, committees were formed from these participants and board members from the missions organizations.
Think of the potential:
Millions of Spanish-speaking people from which to draw students
Flexibility of online classes at affordable costs
Abundance of qualified and experienced instructors
Availability of course materials and technological expertise
Spirit of cooperation and common purpose
Burden for Spanish-speaking people
Only God knows the possibilities and impact of such a ministry. Help us pray for a multiplication of converts and church leaders.
If you wish to know more about Enviame Seminary, whether a prospective student or an interested donor, visit the website: www.seminarioenviame.com. Contributions are tax deductible and may be sent to North American Ministries, PO Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37011, and designated Enviame Seminary.
North American Ministries Hold Biennial Training Event
Nashville, Tennessee—North American Ministries (NAM) held the biennial Church Planter Summit February 22-24, 2016. Approximately 100 church planting and revitalization team members gathered in Nashville, Tennessee, for three days of fellowship, education, and inspiration.
The event started on Monday with a great evening meal followed by a time of worship led by Jordan Ledbetter (member of the Utah team) and a message from David Crowe, executive director. Brad Ransom, director of church planting, served as master of ceremonies.
Tuesday was filled with teaching, fellowship, games, and encouragement from Ken Akers, director of Master’s Men; guest speakers Jeff Nichols, executive pastor for the Donelson Fellowship; and Anne Milam (for the ladies) from Charlotte, North Carolina. Several church planters also addressed important topics. Tuesday was capped off with a wonderful dinner at Monell’s at the Manor, a Southern dining treat in Nashville.

Wednesday included more teaching and encouragement, sidesplitting hilarity created by the NAM version of “Family Feud,” and other entertaining games hosted by Jim McComas, director of church revitalization.
While teaching and training is important, the greatest feature of the Summit is the fellowship and encouragement the team receives from the event. Church planters, along with revitalization pastors and spouses have time to connect with office staff and one another. This year NAM welcomed more new planters and associates than at any previous summit. As a result, many team members had never met. It was great to see connections made, laughter shared, and even tears dried by those who attended.
Other staff members attended and spoke during the event—Rick Bowling, director of Hispanic ministry; Kerry Steedley, director of chaplain support, and wife Brenda; and board chairman Jeff Jones and his wife Rose. It was a great opportunity for conversations and connecting. Teresa Womack, executive assistant, played a major role in planning the event. She did a wonderful job handling details and ensuring everything ran smoothly.
For more information about North American Ministries, visit: www.fwbnam.com |