March 2016
More Than Money
news around the nation
North American Ministries exists to communicate the gospel,
make disciples, and plant new churches in the United States,
Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Find out more at www.fwbnam.com.

Hispanic Ministry Shining in Star City
First Free Will Baptist Church, Star City, is pleased to announce a new Hispanic mission work according to Rick Bowling, director of Hispanic ministries. Micael Gonzalez from Bartlesville, Oklahoma, will serve the new congregation. He is a graduate of Earl and Gwen Hendrix Hispanic Bible Institute and is excited to begin this ministry.
The work started with a revival in August 2015. Alfredo and Ruth Botello brought a team from Micael’s home church in Oklahoma to advertise in the community, going door-to-door to promote the new church. The revival began with special music and testimonies from the church in Oklahoma before Micael shared a message. After the service, the congregation was treated to an authentic Mexican meal hosted by the members of the Oklahoma church.

Since August, Micael has been busy visiting homes, forming relationships with the Hispanic community in Star City, and sharing God’s Word, distributing Bibles to those who do not have one of their own. Building a church is a slow but rewarding process. The church, named Faith in Action, has begun holding services each Sunday evening in the fellowship hall of First FWB Church, with five regular attenders.
The church recently purchased church signs (in Spanish) to be placed at the church and highway entrances, a statement that they are serious about this mission work and seeing lives changed.
Faith in Action Church hosted a second revival November 8-9, with help from Oklahoma and North Carolina churches. On November 8, Micael was ordained as a Free Will Baptist minister.
“The congregation at First FWB Church is excited that God has chosen them to “mother” this church,” said Director Bowling. “They have surrounded Micael with love, prayers, and support, and their church has already been blessed as they carry out their role in fulfilling the Great Commission. They ask you to pray faithfully for Micael Gonzalez as he reaches out to the Hispanic population in Star City.”
College Internships Provide Opportunity to Explore Church Planting
Antioch, TN—North American Ministries is pleased to announce a new college internship program designed to give college students the opportunity to explore church planting and discover or help define their calling in ministry. The vision is to identify the next generation of church planters that will join our church planting team and help us plant churches across North America.
Interns will work in a current church plant for 10 weeks during the summer, serving in various roles depending on their personal gifts, talents and expectations of the church plant leader. Responsibilities may include but are not limited to children, youth, outreach, music, audio/visual, preaching, teaching, etc.
If an intern wishes to work in a certain geographical area, consideration will be given. If not, the intern may be placed at any Home Missions church plant location.
To serve as a Church Planting Intern, applicants must meet the following requirements:
Member in good standing at a Free Will Baptist church
Completed application
After approval by Home Missions, the intern must raise necessary funds for travel and other financial needs.
Recommendation from pastor, college professor, or similar
Commitment to excellence and willingness to work under the leadership of a church planter
Commit to an academic program during internship and coaching from the church planting team (including reading suggested materials)
To work 25 or more hours per week in ministry related activities
To submit a weekly report of activities to supervising church planter and Home Missions
To submit a written report (newsletter or blog) to supporters and constituents half way through and at the end of internship
No whining, slacking or drama
Be prepared to work really hard and be busy
To be challenged
Church Planting Interns will receive free room and board during program. Families in the local church usually provide room and board. Note: hotel accommodations should not be expected.
A weekly stipend will be provided by the church plant.
Other benefits may be awarded based on ability of church plant and the intern’s performance.