January 2015
Passing the Torch
news around the nation
The Home Missions Department exists to communicate the gospel,
make disciples, and plant new churches in the United States,
Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Find out more at www.homemissions.net.
Kerry Steedley, U.S. Army (Retired)
Antioch, Tennessee—Home Missions welcomes CH (COL) Kerry Steedley to the staff as director of chaplain support. The department is the endorsing agent for all chaplains who wish to serve under the Free Will Baptist denomination.

Free Will Baptist chaplains, currently serving in all U.S. military branches, continue to be a vital component of the ministry of Home Missions. Chaplain Steedley will work as a liason between the department and both active duty and retired chaplains.
Colonel Steedley served the military faithfully for 34 years, as a Free Will Baptist chaplain. Upon retirement, Steedley said, “I’ve had the best job in the U.S. Army!” He and his wife Brenda reside in Semmes, Alabama.
For more information on the chaplaincy, please contact North American Ministries (877) 767-7674 (toll free).
Bible Institute on the Move
Bartlesville, Oklahoma—God has blessed the Gwen Hendrix Hispanic Bible Institute. Two hundred and eighty-three students have graduated from the institution to scatter throughout the Western Hemisphere starting Free Will Baptist churches. Now, God is moving the institute into another era in ministry.
First, the name will change. South Carolina pastor Earl Hendrix was instrumental in founding and developing the institute. In his honor, the name will become The Earl and Gwen Hendrix Hispanic Bible Institute. Both Earl and his wife felt compelled to be involved in planting churches in Mexico, and Earl was an instrumental member of the Home Mission Board. Yet, the name is just one of the changes the institute is experiencing.
The campus will relocate from Inman, South Carolina, to Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Moving provides many advantages, including Pastor Alfredo Botello, an instrumental leader who will remain on campus. God has also provided facilities that will be allow for future growth. Pastor Alfredo has an organization that will provide food for students, and five of the school’s professors live nearby.
God has used this institute for His Kingdom work among the Hispanic people for years, and we look forward to a bright future. Millions of Hispanics live in the United States, and yet we have less than a hundred Free Will Baptist works.
You can play an important part in the future of this ministry through prayers and financial support. To make a contribution, please designate your gift to Home Missions to the Earl and Gwen Hendrix Hispanic Bible Institute. Classes will resume in January at the new location.
About the Writer: Rick Bowling is director of Hispanic Ministries for Home Missions. For more information, please contact the office (877) 767-7674.
