January 2013
Learning the Ropes
news around the nation
The Home Missions Department exists to communicate the gospel,
make disciples, and plant new churches in the United States,
Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Find out more at www.homemissions.net.
Search Underway for New Home Missions Director
Antioch, TN—Present director of Home Missions, Larry A. Powell, will retire from the position of General Director on December 31, 2013, after 12 years of service. Home Mission Board Chairman, Reverend Randy Wright, will receive resumes for the position from January through March 2013. The cut-off date is March 31.
Please send resumes to: Rev. Randy Wright, PO Box 5002, Antioch, TN 37011-5002
Fundraisers Reach a Milestone
San Tan Valley, AZ—Tennessee couple Bill and Roberta Campbell recently traveled across the country to celebrate with members of Christ’s Church Free Will Baptist Church in San Tan Valley, Arizona. On Sunday, September 23, 2012, after more than two years and thousands of miles spent visiting churches and raising funds at their own expense, the energetic couple was thrilled to announce they had reached their $100,000 goal. Christ Church celebrated the fifth anniversary of their church the same day—a double blessing!

Pastor Howard Gwartney said, “Bill and Roberta are special ambassadors of Christ’s Church. The money they raised has assisted greatly in the renovation of our building, and in financing many of our ministries and outreach programs. We are so grateful to this couple for their sacrificial work on our behalf.”
The Campbells, who live in a suburb of Nashville, are members of Cane Ridge Free Will Baptist Church. Bill works for Life Care Centers of America, and Roberta is a retired medical assistant.
Bill is quick to point out that this is only a milestone in their fundraising efforts. “When we visited the church in Arizona, we noticed that the children meet in the foyer. The area only seats 17, and they have an average of 25 kids. They desperately need a larger place to meet. On October 13, Roberta and I kicked off the second leg of our fundraising journey to raise $50,000 to build an addition where children can meet.”
Visit www.homemissions.net for more information on Christ’s Church.
Home Missions Highlights
Daryl Grimes at the Flagship FWB Church in Erie, Pennsylvania, said, “Praise God we have closed on our building! It was so exciting to stand before our people and hold the deed of the building in my hand. Only God could make this possible.”
Scott Warren in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the Crosspoint congregation celebrated their new building with a grand opening service on October 7.
Jeff Cates in Canyon, Texas, indicates they are ready for drywall in the new educational wing of their church. The church plans to be self-supporting next year.
Jose Correa in Puerto Rico reports that six people were baptized in August.
Seventy-five people attended a church service and pig roast recently in Rochester, New York, where Dana Booth and Jim Martin minister. Two people were saved that day.
In nearby Buffalo, New York, Brian Williams reported two people were baptized recently.
Larry Reynolds in Meridian, Mississippi, celebrated three recent salvation decisions. Tim Riggs, Mobile, Alabama, reports three people saved and six baptized during the month of August!
When David Sexton and Marc Neppl, Suffolk, Virginia, hosted a Community Day at their church on a recent Saturday, 400 to 500 people attended. The next morning, 35 first-time visitors attended their Sunday services.
Jeff Goodman, Marana, Arizona, reports that The Springs Church recently had 93 people with four saved. That same day, one of the church members led two more people to faith in Christ.
Chad Kivette (Clarksville, Tennessee) has enjoyed good success raising support. He started in June and already has reached 80% of his goal.