September 2011
About ONE
news around the nation
The Home Missions Department exists to communicate the gospel,
make disciples, and plant new churches in the United States,
Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Find out more at www.homemissions.net.
Missionary Updates
Allen and Jenny Hall, York, Pennsylvania—Our daughter Allison recently shared with a friend how to get to Heaven. After the girls finished praying, Allen followed up with the little friend to be sure she had assurance and truly understood. Allison had participated in the LYNTYS (Love Your Neighbor; Tell Your Story) evangelism class along with the adults and other children in our mission church. She had practiced how to tell others about Christ and was ready to share. She wasn’t afraid to share her faith. That truly is the key to going beyond our praying for someone’s salvation, to prepare to share the gospel.
David and Charity Sexton, Suffolk, Virginia—We have enjoyed some of the most fruitful days since the beginning of Cross Pointe Church. God has been working in a mighty way. When we finally received our portable baptistry, we baptized six people the first week. We celebrated Friend Day with 127 in attendance, three rededications, and many other decisions. The following Sunday, we had 114 present in the regular services. The Lord has allowed us to have more than 30 first-time visitors over a recent three-week period. Almost all of them have been back two or three weeks in a row. Several of these families have been coming on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights as well. These are exciting days for our church.
Jose and Suhey Correa, Gurabo, Puerto Rico—Our church celebrated the first anniversary for the glory of God. We have approximately 70 people in services each week. It is a blessing to see how God has added so many souls to the congregation and changed so many lives in just one year.
Tim and Angie Riggs, Mobile, Alabama—On March 27, we had the privilege of baptizing 13 new converts. One of the 13 was a lady in her 60s. The other was a young lady in her 20s, and the rest were teens and children.
Howard and Patsy Gwartney, Florence, Arizona—Serving as a volunteer chaplain for the Pinal County
Sheriff’s Office, I served my 38th and 39th suicide calls this past month. One man was 60 years old and the other man was 27. People are in such despair these days. Suicide in our part of the country is epidemic. In Arizona, it is the ninth ranking cause of death, with an average of eight suicide attempts each day. Pray that I will minister to grieving families effectively, and that I can reach people before they attempt to end their lives.
Introducing New Missionaries
CH (CPT) W. Lee Frye, Jr. is now in full-time military service as a chaplain for Free Will Baptists in the U. S. Army. He worked for some time as a chaplain in the National Guard. Chaplain Frye is a graduate of Free Will Baptist Bible College and holds a Master of Theology degree from Luther Rice Seminary. Frye and wife Blair have a son, Hayden, and daughter, Lily.
Jaime Hernandez is serving as an associate missionary in a joint project between the Home Missions Department and the Indiana State Mission Board. He will pastor Primera Iglesia Baptista Libre, a Hispanic mission in Elkhart, Indiana. Pastor Jaime studied theology in Mexico City where he also served as pastor and director of a Bible institute for nine years. He has written several articles on family issues, youth, and
discipleship. He and his wife Abigail have four children: Daniela (9), Isaac (8), Juda (6), and Efrein (3).
Len and Lynda Blanchard are planting a new Free Will Baptist church in Oxford, Alabama. Oxford is one of two principal cities located in both Calhoun and Talladega Counties. The Blanchards are joint project home missionaries with the state of Alabama and Free Will Baptist Home Missions. Having pastored since 1982, the Blanchards come to Home Missions from a pastorate of 10 years at Shallowford FWB Church in Marietta, Georgia.