Aug-Sept 2010
Home Works:
Building a Family
of Faith
news around the nation
The Home Missions Department exists to communicate the gospel,
make disciples, and plant new churches in the United States,
Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Find out more at www.homemissions.net.
Home Missions Introduces New Missionaries
Mark and Danielle McCraney are moving to Castle Rock, Colorado, to team with Donnie and Susan Burke in planting a new Free Will Baptist church.
They come to the Home Missions Department from a pastorate in Red Bay, Alabama. Mark graduated from the United States Air Force Academy in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering. He currently attends Liberty University pursuing a Master of Arts and Religion in Discipleship Ministries.

Castle Rock is located between Colorado Springs and Denver. Only 28% of the residents claim affiliation with any religious congregation. The McCraneys have two sons, Ethan and Lucas.

Tim and Amanda York have been called to Buffalo, New York. They will join home missionary Brian Williams and associate home missionary Darin Alvis as team members to plant a new Free Will Baptist church in Buffalo. They will strive to reach the deaf community for Christ while overseeing the discipleship ministries of the new church and ministering to the State University of New York college students.
The Yorks come to Home Missions from the pastorate at First FWB Church in Decatur, Alabama. Tim earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Free Will Baptist Bible College, a Master of Arts in Religion, Evangelism, and Church Planting, and a Master of Religious Education degree from Liberty University. He plans to complete a Master’s of Divinity degree with an emphasis in Discipleship Ministries in August 2010. Their ministry to the deaf is a ground-breaking area for Home Missions.
Update from Chaplain (CPT) Kevin Trimble, U.S. Army
Every opportunity is a place to minister—all the more reason that the chaplain offers a “Ministry of Presence.” Whether counseling, preaching, teaching, or in a battle planning or deliberate operations group, the chaplain is the voice of morale and morals.
What a privilege it is for me to serve here. I am grateful that I have been placed in a small chapel (actually a dining tent) that most didn’t want. My chaplain partner and I, along with our assistants, move in at 0800 (8:00 a.m.) and change the DFAC (Dining Facility) into a sanctuary, have service, and then move back out again. I feel like a real home missionary!
The first week we saw about 40, a few more the second week, and then I began an outreach plan. After much publicity, signs, and contacts, we had a full house for Easter services. LTC (retired) Oliver North joined us, as well as my own battalion commander, LTC T. Bradley Ninness. It was a privilege to preach to the full house and to serve communion on that special day.
The tent continues to fill each week. Praise the Lord! We thank the Lord for Randall House and the generous gifts from Ron Hunter who provides the Fusion devotional magazine each quarter. I hold four Bible Studies using Fusion for about 50 people. I have started an anger management class and a marriage enrichment class in addition to my other responsibilities. I’m busy, often tired, but having a wonderful time serving God. I cannot imagine being anywhere else.
I also want to thank Randall House for the gift of the booklet Simple. Twenty copies have been distributed to 20 new converts, and we plan a baptism soon. This may be the desert, but God is the fountain of joy, peace, and love. By God’s power, He will be exalted. I thank God for the privilege to serve.
From the Front Lines
Last year I decided to join the U.S. Army. I had a burden to reach the soldiers. I did not choose the chaplaincy, but rather the infantry. I know this sounds strange, but I felt the call to be directly involved in the soldiers’ lives, and it has paid off. I have been in a war zone for four weeks at this writing, and already have seen one soul led to the Lord.
This war—a sore subject with everyone—actually provides many avenues of ministry. The soldiers ask a lot of questions, and it allows for great discussions. In spite of the storms of financial crisis, hardships, and open sin in the world, God is still moving!
I know I will see God do great things this year. I am convinced that He will see a true harvest of souls come to Him during this time, and I am thankful to be where God has placed me.
About the Writer: PFC Benjamin Crabtree is the son of Jeff and Donna Crabtree, home missionaries to Canada.