news around the nation
The Home Missions Department exists to communicate the gospel,
make disciples, and plant new churches in the United States,
Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Find out more at www.homemissions.net.
Home Missions Introduces New Missionaries
James and Tracy Kilgore are Joint Project Home Missionaries representing the California State Mission Board and Free Will Baptist Home Missions. They are planting a new Free Will Baptist church in Greenfield, California. Brother Kilgore comes to Home Missions from a six-year pastorate at the Legacy FWB Church in Taft, California. The Kilgores have four children—James, Hannah, Samuel, and Daniel.

Greenfield is located 34 miles south of Salinas and is referred to as the “salad bowl of the world,” due to the agriculture industry. The population is approximately 12,000 with other towns nearby.
Home Missions Hosts Boot Camp 2009
Antioch, TN—Seven new home missionaries met in Nashville, Tennessee, October 19-22, 2009 for “Boot Camp.” This is a training meeting for new Free Will Baptist church planters for North America.
The sessions were held at the Home Missions office, and all phases of starting a new church were discussed including sessions on evangelism, assimilation, the worship service, leadership, etc. The seven men who attended were:
Josh Bennett – Marana, Arizona
Donnie Burke – Castle Rock, Colorado
Danny Elliott – Quebec City, Quebec
Jeff Goodman – Marana, Arizona
James Kilgore – Greenfield, California
Barry Long – Denver, Colorado
Brian Williams – Buffalo, New York

Two current home missionaries (Howard Gwartney and David Sexton) spoke with the men via webcam, and the missionary appointees found their experienced advice about church planting very helpful. They also enjoyed the face-to-face conversation with other new missionaries as well.
These new missionaries want to see people saved and to start new Free Will Baptist churches. Be on the lookout for these men as they travel across the country, raising support and telling others about their new ministry.