Aug-Sep 2009
news around the nation
The Home Missions Department exists to communicate the gospel,
make disciples, and plant new churches in the United States,
Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Find out more at www.homemissions.net.

Home Missions Introduces New Missionaries
Tim and Jessica Hodges, Colorado Springs, CO
The Hodges are associate missionaries to Colorado Springs, Colorado, to work with Home Missionary Dexter Guin. Tim and Jessica hail from North Carolina and Virginia respectively. Tim graduated from Gateway Christian College in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He has been actively involved in ministry in the Union Chapel FWB Church, Chocowinity, NC, where he was ordained under the leadership of Pastor Henry Horne.
He has also worked at Gateway FWB Church under the leadership of Pastor Karl Sexton. Tim and Jessica are anxious to grow a Free Will Baptist church in Colorado Springs and then continue their mission work in another area.

Donnie Burke, Rocky Mountains
Donnie and Susan Burke were recently approved to become home missionaries to the Rocky Mountain area. Donnie graduated from Southeastern FWB College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Bible and Pastoral Theology. He earned a Master of Arts degree in Religion at Hillsdale FWB College.
Susan is the daughter of Glenda and the late Bill Fulcher, former home missionaries. Susan earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education from Southeastern FWB College. The Burkes have three children, Tyler, Brandon, and Katie. Please pray for the Burke family as they embark on this great adventure for the Lord.
Remembering an Unsung Hero
In a day when people are constantly on the move, it is somehow comforting to hear about one who found her area of ministry and stayed with it. One such person was Iva Mae (Hunter) Bracey.
Iva Mae, affectionately known here in the Free Will Baptist national offices as “Granny,” began her work with WNAC. On May 26, 1968, she transferred to the Home Missions Department where she remained until her death, March 12, 2009.
For many years, Iva Mae worked as bookkeeper. That was her niche ministry, and gave her an opportunity to be part of the mission work. Iva Mae prayed continually for missionaries and their families and did everything she could to be of service.
In the mid-80s, she decided to retire and spend more time at home. The department presented her with gifts, best wishes, and a beautiful reception befitting someone of such quality and long-term service. Everyone hated to see her go, so her coworkers were thrilled when they learned Iva Mae had decided to continue working with Home Missions. She maintained missionary mailing lists and worked with large mailings.
She continued to rise early in the morning and drive a great distance (even at age 80) to arrive at work hours before anyone else. She liked the quiet time and getting an early start.
In time, Iva Mae’s health began to fail, and eventually she became homebound. But to Home Missions, she remained part of the family. She called periodically to tell her coworkers that as soon as she could manage it, she was coming back to work, not move her things. Her request was honored.
When the day finally came to make some changes, Iva Mae’s possessions verified that the Lord was the center of her life, and she loved and prayed for those around her. Her Bible was filled with lists of things to do for people and lists of people to remember in prayer. She never stopped thinking of others, and more important, she always kept God in the center of her life.
Iva Mae Bracey went about her work quietly and never in the limelight, but only Heaven knows the far-reaching effects of her work for the Lord.