
news around the nation
For more information about the FWB Home Missions Department (now North American Ministries), please visit www.FWBNAM.com. |

ANTIOCH, TN In 2004, Free Will Baptist ladies gave $17,997.90 to the Lizzie McAdams Thanksgiving Offering. The goal for 2005 is $19,785.90. One hundred percent of this offering will go to the Home Missions general fund. Money from this fund provides services for home missionaries throughout the United States, its territories, and Canada. This offering is given to honor Lizzie McAdams by Women Nationally Active for Christ in conjunction with the annual Benjamin Randall Offering.
“Sister Lizzie” was an active participant in the organization of the National Association of Free Will Baptists. She served as the third vice president of the Woman’s Auxiliary Convention. An active member, she traveled from state to state as Field Secretary organizing groups across the nation. She loved missions and never ceased praying for and soliciting support for missionaries. Lizzie McAdams was a charter member of the National Home Missions Board, and she sent a monthly contribution to the work as long as she lived. It is fitting that this offering be a tribute to Mrs. Lizzie McAdams.
ANTIOCH, TN The Benjamin Randall Club is a group of churches that have put the Home Missions Department in their budgets to provide vital support for the Home Missions general fund. The department does not take a percentage of the money sent to missionaries for operating expenses. Every dollar you designate to a particular missionary goes directly into that account.
We ask that you put us in your budget for only $50.00 per month. We host a special dinner on Monday evening at each national convention to honor the pastors and their wives whose churches are members of the club.
Your financial support will help Home Missions spread the gospel throughout North America. Please place the department in your church budget. Be sure that your treasurer designates your gift for the Benjamin Randall Club.
Thank you.
Dr. Richard Adams

NASHVILLE, TN Reverend Homer E. Willis went to be with the Lord on February 17, 2005. He was the general director of the National Home Missions Department from 1956 to 1973. The department newsletter, Mission Grams, began during his administration. The department also commissioned the first salaried missionaries during his tenure. Home Missions greatly appreciates his years of service to the department and to Free Will Baptists everywhere. He pastored churches in Michigan, Tennessee, Kentucky, and North Carolina, and Rev. Willis never completely retired. He continued to speak at churches across the nation. He was known for his ability to make every person in his audience feel as though he were speaking just to him. He communicated a gentle, caring spirit to everyone with whom he came in contact. Homer Willis and his ministry will be deeply missed.
LANCASTER, OH William and Debbie Pitts are Associate Missionaries ministering in the Cross Pointe Free Will Baptist Church in Lancaster, Ohio. Lancaster is a town of approximately 35,000 people with many who commute to nearby Columbus and Athens. A new highway is being built around the city and ends in the area of the church.

This area is poised to expand significantly within the next five years making it a prime place to plant a Free Will Baptist church. Please pray for William, Debbie, and their daughter, Alyssa, as they build this Free Will Baptist church in Lancaster.

FORT BENNING, GA CH (CPT) Tracy N. Kerr is officially the tenth chaplain representing the Free Will Baptist denomination. Chaplain Kerr serves in the U.S. Army and is currently stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia. Tracy and his wife, Ginger Elaine, hail from North Carolina where they attend Tippett’s Chapel Free Will Baptist Church in Clayton. The Kerrs have two daughters, Sarah Elaine and Grace Elizabeth.

CARTHAGE, TN - The Home Missions Department congratulates Frank and Brenda Bratcher on this milestone. The Bratchers were joint project missionaries to Carthage, Tennessee (Smith County). A nucleus of hard workers who wanted to build a Free Will Baptist church in that area “started from scratch,” coming together to knock doors, hold services, and sponsor revivals and outreach events. The rest is history. The church began meeting in a large tent, and their determination to build a work for the Lord was strong. Today, they have a fine church, a beautiful church building, and a wonderful ministry for the Lord. They give God the glory for the way He has blessed their ministry.