Oct/Nov 2006

news across the nation
For more information about the FWB Home Missions Department, please visit their website www.homemissions.net |
Spectacular Missions Offering
Reported by Jeff Sloan
Indiana is not a large state when you consider the number of Free Will Baptist churches. With the help of other states, however, we have started four mission works in the last decade. With the start of each new church, we have increased financial support for our missionaries. In 2005, for the first time, we provided missionaries Jimmy and Laura Caudill with a full time salary. We are learning what can happen when churches work together to support missions.
Our ladies have led the way. In 2005, they raised over $6,000 for the M-Team, missionaries to the Muslim population in France. As a result of that specific challenge, one of our churches increased missions giving by more than $20,000.
In 2006, the ladies set a goal of $10,000—$5,000 for Kenneth and Rejane Eagleton (state International Missionaries) and $5,000 for Jimmy and Laura Caudill (state Home Missionaries). When the offerings were counted, they totaled over $8,500. We shared this remarkable accomplishment during a worship service at the state meeting and challenged those in attendance to partner in the effort. With the help of the resulting offering, we gave $10,500 to missions that day. Our state experienced a high level of excitement as God demonstrated what we can do when we work together.
The entire state has joined together in 2007 to focus on a special offering in February called, “Have a Heart for Indiana Missions.” A statewide goal of $25,000 has been set. The money will be divided between two state missionaries.
Many churches in our state have been faithful in giving to missions for years. Through this joint effort, however, perhaps more of churches will get involved. On our own we have limited giving potential, but we overcome those limits when we join other churches to support the cause of Christ. Challenges, setbacks, and issues can divide us, but when we focus on reaching lost souls, we stay knitted together in heart and purpose.
new home missionaries introduced
Stephen and Lauren Kimbrell will serve as associate missionaries with Allen and Jenny Hall in York, PA. Recent graduates of Southeastern FWB College, they are anxious to help with the church plant. At present, Free Will Baptists have only two churches in the state of Pennsylvania. York is the second fastest growing county in the state and neighboring Lancaster County is the first. Stephen and Lauren hope their mission work will lead to more area churches in the future.
Jim and Sylvia Martin are associate missionaries to Rochester, NY, where they will work with home missionaries Dana and Betty Booth. Rochester was home to well known Free Will Baptist Evangelist David Marks, yet it is one of three major cities in upstate New York (Rochester, Buffalo and Syracuse) with no Free Will Baptist church. The area was once strong ground for Free Will Baptists. The Martins and Booths hope to renew Free Will Baptist influence in the area.
Stephen and Denise Gray are joint project missionaries with the Illinois State Mission Board and the Home Missions Department. They will plant a Free Will Baptist church in Collinsville, IL, located near the Missouri state line. The area has grown quickly, and the Grays are excited about starting a new Free Will Baptist church in that part of the state. Stephen and Denise have three children, Jacob, Caleb, and Hannah.
QUICK NOTES From the Field…
Scott Cheatham in Denver, CO is a “Wal-Mart Chaplain.” Store employees come to him in the store with prayer needs and he prays with them.
Don Bailey, San Antonio, TX has permits and approved plat from the city and will begin construction of buildings on their ten acres of church property.
George Lemelin is preaching in five villages at the White Earth Reservation in Ogema, MN. Pray that the Ojibwa people will turn to Christ for salvation.
Scott Real is the new pastor of our church in St. Croix, V.I. The mission is building a new family life center.
Russell Wright is starting his third mission work in the Teays Valley of the Eastern Panhandle, WV.
Paul McKissick, Fredricksburg, VA, has led his mission to self-supporting status with an average of 120 people in attendance and a monthly income of approximately $20,000.
For more information about the FWB Home Missions Department, please visit their website www.homemissions.net