April-May 2015
10 Years in Print: Special Edition
news at welch college
Welch College (formerly Free Will Baptist Bible College) in Nashville, TN, has been the official college of the Free Will Baptist Denomination since 1942. To find out more information about the school, visit their website.
College Receives $25,000 Gift
Welch College recently received a gift of $25,000 for the use of updating and improving student-centered technology and computer equipment from the James Carrington family, according to Craig Mahler, vice president for financial affairs.
The gift was given in memory of Mr. Carrington’s late father, J. L. “Jimmie” Carrington of Chocowinity, North Carolina. Jimmie Carrington served in the U.S. Navy during World War II and was an active member in his church and community. His legacy of selfless service and giving lives on through the generosity of his family.

The gift provided new computers for the library and Student Center, new computers and software for the music department, installation of WI-FI in the classroom building, and upgrades to WI-FI in other student-centered areas on campus.
Welch College Vice-President for Financial Affairs Craig Mahler said, “The college cannot say enough to express our gratitude for the generosity and selflessness displayed by the Carrington family. We see this as another way in which God has miraculously provided for the college’s
current and pressing needs and are thankful that His people are sensitive to His calling to give.”
President Matt Pinson said, “We are thankful to the family of Jimmie Carrington for this gift for needed technological improvements on campus.
The gift, like all gifts to Welch College, goes to help students and to fulfill the mission of the college to educate leaders to serve Christ, His church, and His world through biblical thought and life. This gift is a wonderful testament to Mr. Carrington’s faithfulness and the generosity of
James Carrington and his family.”
Former Administrator Receives Award
Orlando, FL—The Board of the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) recently awarded Dr. Milton B. Fields with the Biblical Higher Education Award for his decades of service to education and to ABHE. After nearly two decades of service as a teacher and administrator in Alabama and Mississippi public schools, Milton Fields began his tenure at Welch College, where he spent more than 20 years in a variety of educational leadership roles, including chairman of the Teacher’s Education department, academic dean, vice-president for institutional planning, registrar, and advisor to the president.

Throughout his career, and presently in his retirement, Fields has served as consultant to many Christian schools and colleges and their leaders and served on ABHE’s Commission on Accreditation as a team evaluator, evaluation team chair, team trainer, commission member, Appeal Board member, and commission staff representative/consultant.
According to the recent news release from ABHE, Fields is “admired and beloved for his gentleness, infectious humor, and folksy Southern charm by the many ABHE staff and members who have worked with him over the years….Milton exemplifies every aspect of the Biblical Higher Education Award and richly deserves the gratitude and esteem we seek to bestow upon him through this grateful recognition.”
Each year at its annual meeting, ABHE recognizes one individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in advancing and assuring quality biblical higher education.
Student Body Sponsors Revival
The Welch College student-led revival took place October 5-8, and featured church planter Marc Neppl (pictured below, right, with President Pinson). He challenged students to make sure they are intentionally using their testimonies and education and strategically placing themselves where the gospel may be spread most effectively.

Student body Chaplain David Dell said, “We were blessed to have Brother Marc share his heart with us. His faithfulness in preaching God’s Word and his passion for furthering the gospel left a profound impact on the students of Welch College. The Holy Spirit worked
mightily in each service, and we look forward to the great things God is going to do on and through our campus as a result.”
Marc and his wife Casie are currently raising funds to plant a church in urban Portsmouth, Virginia, through North American Ministries. The Welch College societies raised $1,333.03 for their work during the revival.
President’s/Provosts Lists Announced
The fall 2014 semester at Welch College ended with 115 students receiving academic recognition, according to Provost Greg Ketteman. Twentysix students made all A’s and were placed on the President’s List—9 seniors, 4 juniors, 9 sophomores, and 4 freshmen. Eighty-nine students earned a 3.25 GPA and/or all A’s and B’s and were placed on the Provost’s list—15 seniors, 26 juniors, 33 sophomores, and 15 freshmen.
President’s List:“A” Honor Roll
Stacy Allison (Fr.) TN
Charity Brown (Sr.) TN
Derek Cominskie (Sr.) VA
Anna Grimsley (So.) GA
Alyssa Hill (Fr.) VA
Elizabeth Hill (Sr.) VA
Meagan James (So.) TN
Audrey Jordan (Sr.) TN
Benjamin LaBerge (So.) TN
Renee Lancaster (So.) TN
Casey Lewis (Sr.) NC
Jacob Lute (Fr.) OH
Melissa Nelson (Sr.) NC
Carson Outlaw (So.) TN
Emily Parrish (Jr.) NC
Meaghan Ptak (So.) TN
Laura Riggs (Sr.) TN
Samuel Riggs (So.) AL
Sean Taylor (Sr.) VA
Larissa Thomas (Jr.) AR
Greg Tucker (Sr.) TN
Cherish Tuttobene (Jr.) TN
Jeannine Tuttobene (So.) TN
Elisabeth Webster (So.) VA
Ryan Whitiker (Fr.) TN
Zuri Zuniga (Jr.) AR
Provost’s List: “B” Honor Roll
Stephen Bozeman (GA)
Nathaniel Brimer (VA)
Reese Brown (TN)
Nathaniel Austin Deel (TN)
David Dell (VA)
Josh Dunbar (AR)
Joel Forlines (TN)
Dakota Herren (NC)
Lesley Jenkins (TN)
Madison Lindgren (CA)
Deandra Lindsay (TN)
Derreck Lute (OH)
Matthew Mouser (TN)
Elizabeth Snow (TN)
Cody Truett (FL)
Kameron Ailworth (TN)
Eric Armstrong (AL)
Anna Campbell (TN)
Shelby Cominskie (VA)
Hannah Driggers (SC)
Hanna Dunham (OH)
Celeste Ford (TN)
Jared Forlines (TN)
Abigail Greenwood (TN)
Trevor Holden (AR)
Michael Hollis (NC)
Amy McDonald (TN)
Jessica Melvin (TN)
Rebekah Morgan (TN)
John Newland (TN)
Courtney Pennington (FL)
Maria Petty (IL)
Amy Pickett (AR)
Eric Pope (NC)
Leah Sexton (VA)
Joshua Simmons (TN)
Hannah Skaggs (KY)
Paula Stonerock (OH)
Kristin Trussell (FL)
Zach Vickery (AL)
Reid Wilkerson (TN)
Zachary Barefield (AR)
Autumn Blades (TN)
Jordan Chandler (TN)
Staci Clarke (OH)
Alexander Crawford (AR)
Daniel Dell (VA)
Camille Driggers (SC)
Morgan Droll (IL)
Joslin Ferguson (TN)
Anna Forlines (TN)
Damaris Guzman (WV)
Kayla Hall (FL)
Ashton Johnson (OK)
Sammy Johnson (TN)
Kayla Kimbrell (SC)
Dakota Madden (AL)
Steven Marsh (FL)
Caleb Milling (TN)
Mackenzie McNeese (TN)
Caleb Montgomery (AL)
Tyler Norris (AL)
Hannah Pappas (SC)
Ellen Parrish (NC)
Shelby Payne (IL)
Travis Persinger (IN)
Daniel Reeves (VA)
Claire Ryan (IL)
Matthew Saunders (TN)
Benjamin Scott (TN)
Lauren Strickland (NC)
Will Thornton (TN)
Kelsey Turner (MS)
Hope Walker (IL)
Rachel Anderson (TN)
Amy Bozeman (GA)
Josh Chapman (MO)
Eleanor Conley (MO)
Macie Cothran (TN)
Elizabeth Johnson (VA)
Jonathan Lewis (IL)
Hailee Mann (TN)
Mackenzie Moody (NC)
Michaela Reynolds (RI)
Layton Smith (MO)
Anna Stone (TN)
Allison Wade (MO)
Lydia Webster (VA)
Whitney Wright (OH)