January 2015
Passing the Torch
news at welch college
Welch College (formerly Free Will Baptist Bible College) in Nashville, TN, has been the official college of the Free Will Baptist Denomination since 1942. To find out more information about the school, visit their website.
Williams Resigns at Welch College
Dr. Jack Williams, director of communications at Welch College since 2005, announced his resignation, according to Provost Greg Ketteman.
Dr. Ketteman said. “He always arrived on campus early each day and maintained an open-door office policy welcoming students, faculty, staff, and visitors. He did an excellent job preparing news releases, editing numerous publications, and fulfilling other duties as communications director.”

Prior to his work at Welch, Williams served 27 years as editor of Contact, the official publication of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, and 24 years as convention coordinator, plus eight years as academic dean at California Christian College. He pastored in Arkansas, Tennessee, and Louisiana.
President Matt Pinson said, “Jack Williams was just the man we needed a decade ago when he came to Welch. In addition to his first-rate writing and editing, he brought to the table a deep love for the Free Will Baptist denomination and the college, as well as a keen understanding of our history and culture. We will be praying for him as he writes this new chapter.”
“Almost 10 years have passed since I joined the college staff,” Williams said. “The last two years have been difficult for me physically and financially following my stroke in 2012 and all those unexpected medical expenses. It’s time for me to step aside and let the younger generation take the reins. What a joy it has been to serve at Welch College."
Theological Symposium Meets at Welch College
Nashville, TN—Excellent, high-quality, intellectually stimulating, practical, spiritually challenging, warm-hearted, and well worth attending—these are just a few of the descriptions expressed by Commission for Theological Integrity members concerning the 2014 Theological Symposium.

Welch College hosted this year’s Symposium October 27-28. The event centered on the theme “Evangelism in the Post-Christian West,” with more than 130 in attendance. Presenters and papers included:
Aaron Baldridge (GA): “A Renewed Ministry Model for New Priests: Implications of the Priesthood of Believers for the Ministry of Evangelism”
Jeff Cockrell (NC): “Provoking to Jealously: Paul’s Missionary Strategy”
Charles Cook (TN): “Twentieth-Century Evangelism: Exploring the Legacies of Lesslie Newbigin and Billy Graham”
Mark Coppenger (TN): “Evangelism in a Post-Christian World: Ten Lessons I Think I’ve Learned”
Greg Hollifield (TN): “Danger Ahead: Preaching and Teaching the Warning Passages of Hebrews, or, When the Plain Meaning of the Texts Contradicts Your Own Personal Theology”
Eddie Moody (NC): “Preparing Congregants to Survive, Thrive in, and Influence a Post-Christian Culture”
Phillip Morgan (TN): “‘Let them be heretikcs, Turcks, Jewes, or what soever’: Thomas Helwys’s Seminal Argument for Universal Religious Freedom in England”
W. Jackson Watts (MO): “Hearing the Gospel: Reflections on the Hermeneutics of Evangelism”
This year’s program also included a panel discussion including Mark Coppenger (Southern Seminary), Rodney Holloman (Theological Commission member), Clint Morgan (FWB International Missions), and Barry Raper (Welch College), with Jackson Watts serving as moderator.
Attendees spoke highly of the event. One commented, “I went to the theological symposium and revival broke out!” A student remarked, “It was much more practical to ministry and everyday life than I would have expected.”
You may purchase a 173-page, spiral-bound collection of symposium papers for $25. A downloadable PDF edition is also available for purchase through the Commission website: fwbtheology.com. Back issues of Integrity Theological Journal can also be ordered for $6 (including postage). Checks should be made payable to the Commission for Theological Integrity. Send orders to:
Commission for Theological Integrity
Attention: Matt Pinson
3606 West End Avenue
Nashville, TN 37205
Make plans now to participate in the 2015 Theological Symposium, which will meet in October at Hillsdale FWB College in Moore, Oklahoma. To find out more, contact the Commission: fwbtheology@gmail.com.
Welch College Enrollment Increases Again
NASHVILLE, TN—Welch College enrolled 329 students from 23 states, one U.S. territory, and two other countries for the 2014 fall semester, according to Provost Greg Ketteman. Enrollment statistics indicate a diverse student body with a wide range of academic interests.
Dr. Ketteman said, “The increases in FTE (full time equivalent), dorm, and online enrollment are noteworthy. The final figures for the fall term will increase since additional student will enroll in the next sessions of our six-week online courses. We anticipate that our final fall headcount will approach 350.”
At press time, October 6, the college reported 195 dormitory students, 42 commuter students, four adult degree program students, and 65 online/lifetime learning students. Officials set the fall semester 2014 full-time student equivalency at 276.
By classes they include 85 freshmen, 88 sophomores, 59 juniors, 46 seniors, 26 non-degree part-time, and 25 dual-enrollment students.
By states, students number: Alabama 15;
Arkansas 14; Arizona 1;
California 2;
Florida 1;
Georgia 12;
Illinois 1;
Indiana 3;
Kansas 1;
Kentucky 4;
Michigan 5;
Missouri 9;
Mississippi 5;
North Carolina 25;
Ohio 12;
Oklahoma 4;
Rhode Island 1;
South Carolina 7;
Tennessee 13;
Texas 3;
Virginia 13;
West Virginia 2;
Wisconsin 1;
Virgin Islands 5;
International 23
(Cuba, Panama).
President Matt Pinson said, “For the second year in a row, Welch has experienced an increase in FTE, dorm, and online enrollment, with an increase of nearly 30% in dorm enrollment over the last two years. We’ve had a great beginning to a promising academic year. The excitement on campus is palpable as we welcome new and returning students to their home for the next several months. The students have brought energy and high expectations to the campus. We thank God for the opportunity to minister to these young men and women and look forward to an outstanding semester.”
To contact Welch College for more information, email recruit@welch.edu or visit the college’s website at www.welch.edu.
College to Sponsor Youth Survey
In an effort to discover where Free Will Baptist teenagers stand on crucial beliefs and behaviors, Welch College is sponsoring a survey aimed specifically at Free Will Baptist youth, according to Dr. Barry Raper, program coordinator for Pastoral Ministry.
Dr. Raper said, “While scores of surveys have been conducted in recent years across denominational lines informing us of American teens and their faith, no extensive research has been available on Free Will Baptist youth. I hope the results of this survey can give an accurate picture of the spiritual condition of youth within our churches.”
A survey instrument was created to measure certain beliefs and practices ranging from beliefs about the Bible and Jesus Christ to key ethical issues within American culture. The anonymous survey is designed to be administered to youth groups by youth pastors or youth leaders.
A small group of youth pastors in the Nashville area served as an advisory board and agreed to be the first group to administer the survey. The plan is to take the survey to local associations, state camps, and youth retreats. Results of the survey will then be analyzed and made available by the 2015 National Convention of Free Will Baptists in Grand Rapids.
If you would like more information about the survey or would like to participate, please email Dr. Barry Raper at braper@welch.edu.