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bible college
Free Will Baptist Bible College in Nashville, TN, has been the official college of the Free Will Baptist Denomination since 1942. To find out more information about the school, visit their website at www.fwbbc.edu.
James Stevens Compositions Published
Dr. James Stevens (pictured below), chair of the Music Department, received word that Sunmin Music, the largest church music publisher in South Korea, will publish “Go Into All the World,” a missions anthem he wrote for the Go10 Walk for the World sponsored by Free Will Baptist International Missions. The music was performed for the first time on June 19, 2010, at the FWBBC Go10 Rally and was also performed during the 2010 national convention in Oklahoma City.

In December 2010, Sunmin Music also commissioned Dr. Stevens to compose a new wedding anthem based on the success of his song, “Without Love, We Have Nothing,” which has been recorded on more than 200 commercial CDs worldwide. The new anthem, “Unquenchable,” is based on Song of Solomon 8:6-7. It will be performed at a wedding in January and then released as an anthem for church publications.
Dr. Stevens indicated that Sunmin Music has agreed to publish another anthem titled, “The Greatest Gift Is Love,” and is considering publishing two books of original piano compositions by Stevens. Dr. Philp Landgrave of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY) has also commissioned Stevens to write an anthem for a special music celebration to be held at the seminary July 11-12.
The internationally renowned Boys Choir from France performed Dr. Stevens’ anthem “Without Love, We Have Nothing” at the Seoul Arts Center on December 21 in Seoul, South Korea.
Dr. Stevens has been a member of the FWBBC faculty since 2004 and serves on the Free Will Baptist Music Commission. He has won numerous ASCAP Standard Awards for Composition and written more than 325 songs.
43 Attend Fall 2010 Welcome Days
Forty-three students and sponsors from 10 states and the Virgin Islands attended Fall 2010 Welcome Days, November 18-20, according to Rusty Campbell, director of enrollment services. The group included 19 students from Tennessee, five from Illinois, four from Arkansas, three from Michigan and Virginia, two from Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio; and one each from Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and the Virgin Islands.
Mr. Campbell said, “What a great group of students to have on campus! They showed up well prepared with questions about the transition from high school to college. They brought positive attitudes and an obvious interest in FWBBC’s academic programs as well as campus life. We hope they all decide to enroll here.”
Visitors had a full schedule that included two nights in the dormitories and a “Preparing for College” seminar. Thursday evening featured a Dinner Theater and an Italian dinner as the Evangel Players performed comedy sketches. Students attended classes Friday and heard 2010 FWBBC graduate Jesse Owens speak in chapel. The President’s Reception for seniors, parents, and sponsors met in Thigpen Theater after chapel. A campus-wide scavenger hunt acquainted visitors with the 17 campus buildings. The Gold/White Flames basketball night closed out Friday activities. Students participated in a jingle contest to advertise FWBBC’s proposed new name, “Welch College.”
89 FWBBC Students Make President’s / Provost’s Lists
The fall 2010 semester ended with 89 students earning academic recognition, according to Provost Greg Ketteman. Seventeen students made all A’s and were placed on the President’s List—six seniors, four juniors, five sophomores, and two freshmen.
Seventy-two students earned a B average or higher and were placed on the Provost’s (formerly Dean’s) List—20 seniors, 17 juniors, 18 sophomores, and 17 freshmen.
President’s List: “A” Honor Roll
Anderson, Cason (Sr.) TN
Ayers, Rebekah (Jr.) AL
Eller, Mary (Sr.) TN
Franks, Nathan (Sr.) AL
Hagood, Kimberly (So.) TN
Hill, Christa (Sr.) VA
Hollifield, Audrey (Fr.) TN
Looney, Jordan (Jr.) TN
Martin, Michael (So.) OH
Moore, Jeffery (So.) MO
Nelson, Megan (Sr.) TN
Pointer, Christen (Jr.) AR
Riley, Jimmie (Jr.) KY
Sample, Kayla (So.) IL
Sims, Brittany (So.) MI
Trotter, Audrey (Fr.) TN
Ward, Kurston (Sr.) AR
Provost’s List: “B” Honor Roll
Atkins, Alyssa – TN
Bequette, Rachel – MO
Clem, Kristina – IL
Fawver, Rachael – TN
Forrest, Lauren – TN
Gaddis, Kayla – NC
Hajek, Samantha - MO
Harden, Kimberly - MO
Holloway, Thomas – GA
Jolly, Lauren - KY
Kernan, Christopher - TN
Kyburz, Faith - MO
Munsey, Juliana – TN
Murray, Kevin- NC
Price, Lacey - OH
Ramos, Leigha - TN
Richards, Shawn – TN
Rish, Rebecca - IN
Snow, Robin-Lyn - TN
Tolbert, Phillip – MI
Bradford, James - IN
Brown, Beth - KY
Carnathan, Christy - MS
Carpenter, Elijah – TN
Duttine, Katie - WV
Echols, Brittany - AL
Fitzgerald, Autumn – GA
James, Rebecca – GA
Jeffreys, Georgia – AL
McCuin, Hanna – KS
Nelson, Stephen - NC
Perry, Edith - TN
Shearon, Michael - TN
Snow, David - TN
Trimble, Rachel – TN
Ward, Hannah – AR
Willaford, Jason – NC
Bryan, Katie – TN
Butcher, Kiley – IN
Conner, Ellen – TN
Conner, Valerie - MI
Culwell, Jacob – TN
Cyrus, Andrew - KY
Fite, Morgan - TN
Gitschlag, Eric – TN
Hagood, Nathaniel – TN
Hobbs, Brittany – NC
Hovis, Bethany - MO
Johns, Matthew - TN
Munsey, Rachel - TN
Ouding, Andrew – MI
Paxton, Maggie - IN
Pierce, Aaron - MS
Pointer, Catie - AR
Wilkerson, Allison – AL
Blake, Shelby - TN
Bushey, Lisa - TN
Coats, Bethany - SD
Dankson, Brooke – TN
Ford, Taylor - TN
Fry, Katy - MO
Helms, Brandon - MI
Hutchinson, Timothy – MI
Kyburz, Richie - MO
Manning, Jake - NC
Mouser, Matthew - TN
Nelson, Melissa – NC
Scott, Kaitlen - TN
Thomas, Miranda - AR
Walser, Alana - TN
Whitworth, Emily - TN
York, Anna - TN
Etta Crittenden Receives ‘Distinguished Professor’ Award
Etta Crittenden, adjunct Teacher Education professor since 2005, received Tennessee Reading Association’s “Distinguished Professor Award” during its annual conference, November 8 in Murfreesboro. Randall B. Kincaid, instructional supervisor of the Sevier County Reading Association nominated her for the award.
Mr. Kincaid said in his recommendation letter: “Etta’s outstanding qualities as an adjunct professor at Free Will Baptist Bible College have been demonstrated through her leadership skills in presenting current research and strategies in reading to her students. She is very knowledgeable, considerate, and professional. Principals in the Nashville area are fortunate to have students from FWBBC as part of their staff. Etta’s guidance allows her students to become teachers of knowledge in all areas of the curriculum and to take leadership roles.”
An Oklahoma native, Miss Crittenden is a double alumnus at FWBBC, graduating in 1976 (B.A.) and 1980 (B.S.). She earned a master’s degree in education at Tennessee State University (1993) and will complete a doctor of education degree in 2011 at the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga. In 2003, she began serving as K-12 Reading Coordinator for the Tennessee Department of Education, supporting reading teachers throughout the state. Her current TDOE role is director of early elementary instruction.
“I was both surprised and honored to have been selected as the recipient of this year’s Distinguished Professor Award,” Miss Crittenden said. “There are many higher education professors and members of the Tennessee Reading Association who are deserving of this honor.”
Crittenden has broad experience as an educator—serving 10 years with Christian academies (1976-1986), 16 years with Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools (1986-2002), and two years as Mathematics/Reading Consultant with the Tennessee Department of Education (2002-2003).
Dr. Thurman Pate, Teacher Education chairman at the college, said, “We are so pleased that Etta has been recognized by her professional colleagues as a top educator in Tennessee. This honor helps support our claim that FWBBC Teacher Education students receive instruction on teaching and reading from the best in the state! Etta was one of the early graduates from the FWBBC Teacher Education program.”